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Update remaining THEMIS linux servers to Red Hat #64

Open jameswilburlewis opened 1 year ago

jameswilburlewis commented 1 year ago

The machines to be upgraded would be:

danaid, danaid2, python2, cronus, ophion, gaia2, thailo, ambrosia, themis-dev1, themis-dev2

I've opened a ticket with the sysadmins to see if Red Hat is supported on all the relevant hardware; if so, we'll come up with a migration plan, with the end goal being to support python3 (3.10 or 3.11 preferred), git, gcc, gfortran, and svn development tools across all our machines.

ophion and cronus are already on Red Hat. cronus already seems to have git, but both are lacking python3 installs.

jameswilburlewis commented 1 year ago

We have RHEL 8 (themis-vm8) and RHEL 9 (themis-vm9) servers available for testing. Things to check on both servers:

nickssl commented 11 months ago

Current versions.

themis-vm9: PHP 8.2.11 Apache/2.4.53

themis-vm8: PHP 8.2.11 Apache/2.4.37

jameswilburlewis commented 10 months ago

I did a user-level install of miniconda in the thmsoc home directory, then created a virtual environment "thmsoc_python39" and installed pyspedas (and optional dependencies basemap and sunpy). It seems to work on both themis-vm8 and themis-vm9 (with a trivial example of loading themis state data and printing the tplot variable names).

The virtual environment has to be "activated" (setting up paths, etc) in order to use it. "conda activate thmsoc_python39" will do this in bash or tcsh, but that command isn't supported in ksh for some arcane reason. So if you want to run a python program out of a ksh script, you have to activate the environment outside of ksh (and then ksh should inherit the necessary paths). For a cron job, you'd do "conda activate" before calling the ksh script.

At the moment, it seems to want to create a "pydata" subdirectory in whatever directory you're in when you run a python program. It might be a bit tricky to set this up (with environment variables) so that it gets THEMIS data directly from /disks/themisdata, but downloads everything else to a fixed location owned by thmsoc.

jameswilburlewis commented 8 months ago

We don't have any login credentials set up on the themis-vm8 and themis-vm9 mariadb servers, which are needed for the next phase of testing. Waiting for Dave B to set this up. (Done)

jameswilburlewis commented 8 months ago

We need the php intl extension installed on themis-vm8 and themis-vm9 in order to run a mediawiki site. (Done now)

jameswilburlewis commented 8 months ago

First attempt at migrating wordpress failed; there are references to old URLs and paths in the database that need to be updated. Looks like the usual way to handle this is to install a backup/migrate plugin in the original install, do a fresh WP install on the target system, install the migrate plugin there, then transfer the backup file from the old install and restore on the new install.

Tried making a backup with the All-In-One WP Migrate plugin....backup seemed too large (130+ MB), and wanted me to upgrade to a paid version to restore it.