speedata / publisher

speedata Publisher - a professional database Publishing system
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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wrong conditional handling? #500

Closed pr-apes closed 1 year ago

pr-apes commented 1 year ago


I have the following layout for a source file:

<Layout xmlns="urn:speedata.de:2009/publisher/en"

  <Record element="data">
    <Loop select="12" variable="runpage">
       width="{if (sd:odd(sd:current-page())) then '297mm' else '210mm'}"
       height="{if (sd:even(sd:current-page())) then '297mm' else '210mm'}"
    <Value select="sd:dummytext(10)"/>


The output is processed with the following layout:

<Layout xmlns="urn:speedata.de:2009/publisher/en"

  <Record element="data">
    <Loop select="sd:number-of-pages($pdfdoc)" variable="runpage">
    <Value select="sd:aspectratio(concat($pdfdoc, ':', $runpage, ':mediabox'))"/>
     <Loop select="sd:number-of-pages($pdfdoc)" variable="runpage">
      <PlaceObject column="105mm" row="148.5mm" hreference="center" vreference="middle">
      <Image file="{$pdfdoc}" page="{$runpage}"
         rotate="{if (not(sd:aspectratio(concat($pdfdoc, ':', $runpage ':mediabox')) > 1)) then '0' else if (sd:odd($runpage)) then '-90' else '90'}"/>


I'm afraid that the main conditional for the rotation doesn't work when the page is portrait. It handles all pages as landscape.

I'm afraid this might be a bug in Publisher (and I would say this worked fine before). Could you check this?

Many thanks for your help.

pgundlach commented 1 year ago

Your second layout is invalid XML.

I get the following output (1st page)

1.4142851389653 0.70707099470169 1.4142851389653 0.70707099470169 1.4142851389653 0.70707099470169 1.4142851389653 0.70707099470169 1.4142851389653 0.70707099470169 1.4142851389653 0.70707099470169

Which looks correct?

<Layout xmlns="urn:speedata.de:2009/publisher/en"
    <SetVariable variable="pdfdoc" select="'out.pdf'"></SetVariable>
    <Record element="data">
                <Loop select="sd:number-of-pages($pdfdoc)" variable="runpage">
                        <Value select="sd:aspectratio(concat($pdfdoc, ':', $runpage, ':mediabox'))" />
        <ClearPage />
        <Loop select="sd:number-of-pages($pdfdoc)" variable="runpage">
            <PlaceObject column="105mm" row="148.5mm" hreference="center" vreference="middle">
                <Image file="{$pdfdoc}" page="{$runpage}"
                    rotate="{if (not(sd:aspectratio(concat($pdfdoc, ':', $runpage ':mediabox')) > 1)) then '0' else if (sd:odd($runpage)) then '-90' else '90'}" />
                <ClearPage />

pr-apes commented 1 year ago

Many thanks for spotting the error, @pgundlach.

The issue was trickier: I wrote sd:aspectratio(concat($pdfdoc, ':', $runpage ':mediabox')), which should read sd:aspectratio(concat($pdfdoc, ':', $runpage, ':mediabox')).

It was missing a comma in concat(). This fixes the sample. I have to look further, since the actual document is still not working fine.