speedingdeer / linked-data-visualization-tools

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Chains of properties as facets #53

Open ocorcho opened 11 years ago

ocorcho commented 11 years ago

It would be interesting to provide the possibility of specifying chains of properties as facets in the facets.ttl file.

As an example, let's imagine that we have the following information:

city:local1 a city:LocalComercial . city:local1 city:clasificacionEconomica :node1 . :node1 city:epigrafeActividad city:476201 . city:476201 a city:ActividadEconomica ; rdfs:label "Comercio menor periódicos, revistas y artículos de papelería" ; city:codigo "476201"^^xsd:int . :node1 city:seccionCNAE city:SeccionCNAEG . city:SeccionCNAEG a city:SeccionCNAE . city:SeccionCNAEG rdfs:label "CNAE Sección G" . :node1 city:divisionCNAE city:DivisionCNAE47 . city:DivisionCNAE47 a city:DivisionCNAE . city:DivisionCNAE47 rdfs:label "CNAE División 47" .

That is, a local has some classifications, and it would be interesting to be able to provide some depth into them, so as to select city:clasificacionEconomica/city:epigrafeActividad, city:clasificacionEconomica/city:seccionCNAE and city:clasificacionEconomica/city:divisionCNAE as the potential facets to use