speedlimits / museum

Augmented Museum, a Sirikata application
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Light: Scenarios #30

Open henrikbennetsen opened 15 years ago

henrikbennetsen commented 15 years ago

Create light presets that can be triggered via the javascript interface in curator mode.

These presets will consist of ambient lights as well lights that are attached to paintings

speedlimits commented 15 years ago

ken: set up scenarios reacting to JS events dan: isVisible exposed in .csv/db both: lights need names, clean up name code path issues naming convention for lighting

turkowski commented 15 years ago

You can now say "light mood 2" to change the lighting to mood 2. You can also sat "light editmood 1 { type=, ... } to set the paramers for the given type of light at the given mood level.

turkowski commented 15 years ago

Changed to:    light selectmood <level>
   light getmood <level> [ <type> ]
   light setmood { mood:<level>, type:<type> ... }
The first will set the lighting according to the specified mood level. The latter two are used to edit the mood levels.

turkowski commented 15 years ago

With this scenario, we do not need light names, nor do we need "isVisible" in the csv. Mood levels can be initialized easily in the Javascript instead.

danx0r commented 15 years ago

this is done except for reloading in Javascript