speedy32129 / time_logger

Redmine Time logger plugin. More than likely there is only going to be one more public release. New version has new time logging with the option of multiple loggers running at the same time, fixes for excessive loggng, and a whole new look.
59 stars 43 forks source link

Can't manage status transactions #7

Closed tvdeyen closed 9 years ago

tvdeyen commented 9 years ago

First of all I want to thank you for your work on this great plugin.

Unfortunately I can't manage status transactions in the configuration tab of the plugin settings.

When I choose an status of the select box and click on "add transaction" nothing happens. I expect that the new transaction would appear in the list of transaction above.

The log has following request:

Started GET "/settings/plugin/time_logger?&url%5Baction%5D=add_status_transition&url%5Bcontroller%5D=%2Ftime_loggers&complete=%24%28%27status-transition-list%27%29.replace%28request.responseText%29%3B&html%5Bclass%5D=icon+icon-add&with=%27from_id%3D%27+%2B+%24%28%27new-transition-from%27%29.value+%2B+%27%26to_id%3D%27+%2B+%24%28%27new-transition-to%27%29.value" for at 2014-11-04 22:33:21 +0100
Processing by SettingsController#plugin as JS
  Parameters: {"url"=>{"action"=>"add_status_transition", "controller"=>"/time_loggers"}, "complete"=>"$('status-transition-list').replace(request.responseText);", "html"=>{"class"=>"icon icon-add"}, "with"=>"'from_id=' + $('new-transition-from').value + '&to_id=' + $('new-transition-to').value", "id"=>"time_logger"}
  Current user: tvd (id=3)
  Rendered plugins/time_logger/app/views/time_loggers/_status_transition_list.html.erb (4.4ms)
  Rendered plugins/time_logger/app/views/settings/_time_logger.html.erb (6.0ms)
  Rendered settings/plugin.html.erb within layouts/admin (7.6ms)
  Rendered admin/_menu.html.erb (7.8ms)
  Rendered plugins/redmine_improved_searchbox/app/views/redmine_improved_searchbox/_redmine_improved_searchbox_partial.html.erb (2.1ms)
  Rendered plugins/time_logger/app/views/time_loggers/_embed_menu.html.erb (23.7ms)
  Rendered plugins/time_logger/app/views/time_loggers/_update_menu.html.erb (24.7ms)
  Rendered layouts/base.html.erb (110.0ms)
Completed 200 OK in 129.7ms (Views: 125.3ms | ActiveRecord: 2.0ms)

So, I guess there is a problem with the url generation.

I am using Ruby, 2.1.2 with Redmine 2.5.3 and Redmine 2.6.0. On both versions I have this issue.

tvdeyen commented 9 years ago

duplicate of #2