speige / WC3MapDeprotector

Warcraft 3 Custom Map deprotector
MIT License
17 stars 2 forks source link

Live scanner runs sometimes even when not necessary #22

Open speige opened 5 months ago

speige commented 5 months ago

Example: Enfo's 1 Team Survival v9.0 Fix.w3x // These all have an empty predictedFileExtension because they're native files that I don't have a "checker" for. Code assumes an empty extension is a file with an invalid encryption key (fake file name). _fileIndexToDiscoveredFileNames[1] Count = 1

Count = 1
    [0]: "war3map.mmp"
Count = 1
    [0]: "war3map.shd"
Count = 1
    [0]: "war3map.w3b"