speige / WC3MapDeprotector

Warcraft 3 Custom Map deprotector
MIT License
17 stars 2 forks source link

Some Maps cant be played in Singleplayer #28

Open Mottemo opened 2 months ago

Mottemo commented 2 months ago

Hey, some maps cant be played in singleplayer. they will detect if you are alone with a bot and wont do anything. does the automatic file name detection work if it starts the map in singleplayer first and than i quit to the main screen and open the same map in LAN?

speige commented 2 months ago

Good point. I haven't actually tested this scenario, but I believe your approach should work. Let me know if it's not working for you.

I need to do more testing of "Live Game Scanner" because it seems like it isn't finding as many files as it should.