speige / WC3MapDeprotector

Warcraft 3 Custom Map deprotector
MIT License
17 stars 2 forks source link

Deprotection of Hero Push 4.3 #32

Open ChyngyzAsankulov opened 1 month ago

ChyngyzAsankulov commented 1 month ago

I tried to deprotect hero push 4.3 and during the test everything was working really good, but when i tried to host it manually the game was different and it does not look like the original one. Heroes have different abilities and items and all items was in different places. In map deprotector it said that it did not find 6 files ((WARNING: 6 files have unresolved names)).

speige commented 1 month ago

The 6 unresolved files probably don't matter. Those are usually unused 3d models. Unfortunately the deprotector isn't perfect, you'll need to fix the bugs manually in world editor.