speige / WC3MapDeprotector

Warcraft 3 Custom Map deprotector
MIT License
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Deprotection of "CHS - Custom Hero Sufvival" #33

Open Mottemo opened 1 month ago

Mottemo commented 1 month ago

I try to deptrotect the newest Version of the CHS Map. It can be found here: Customherosurvival.com

The deptrotection seems to work fine at the first moment (it doenst find 36 files but that is not a problem).

But when i play the deptrotected map all heroes are replaced with i think default wc3 heroes. Why did it happen? I havent opened it in the world editor. Just tried to play it.

Normaly when you start the map you can choose from many different heroes.

My intention is to just edit the jason script file to increase the timer between the fight round so that you have more time to read the abilitys and to shop items.

speige commented 1 month ago

Please give me the epicwar URL

Mottemo commented 1 month ago

I cant find it on epicwar. I tried to upload it there but i get an error message: Map is missing 'war3map.mmp' CHS_v2.3.6.zip So i attached the Map in this post.

speige commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the link. I'll do some research when I have time & try to improve the deprotector. Unfortunately, it may not be fixed for a long time as I don't have a lot of free time right now.

I've seen a similar issue before. Protection converts war3map. files (containing object editor data) into .slk files. Deprotection has to convert from .slk back to war3map. files. I think my tool has a bug in doing this conversion.

There is an alternate tool for reversing *.slk files, you can download it here: https://github.com/sumneko/w3x2lni This isn't a full deprotector, so you'd have to take the resulting files & copy them into the deprotected .w3x file Not sure if that'll fix it, but it's worth a try, if you want to tinker.

If you just want to edit war3map.j, you don't need any deprotection at all. Just use MPQEditor with the protected map. http://www.zezula.net/en/mpq/download.html

I have a tutorial video here explaining how to edit war3map.j directly: https://youtu.be/Og1bGnSEoy8