speige / WC3MapDeprotector

Warcraft 3 Custom Map deprotector
MIT License
17 stars 2 forks source link

Auto-add mapname/description to config if missing #4

Open speige opened 6 months ago

speige commented 6 months ago

if these aren't in the config or main anywhere, add them call SetMapName( "Just another Warcraft III map" ) call SetMapDescription( "Nondescript" )

Luashine commented 6 months ago

From what I observed, these were of lower importance in pre-Reforged, when maps in listings only derived their map name from the 512-byte header before the MPQ. Reforged parses and runs the entire script for all maps it encounters to get these values out of config. While this allows localizations, it's the reason Reforged times out from bnet when opening large folders in its listing.

TLDR: important. better yet, try to match the string in war3map.wts and insert the TRIGSTR_1234 from there.

speige commented 6 months ago

Ya, I copy/pasted "Just another Warcraft III map" as a placeholder. When actually coding, should definitely use the correct name if possible.