spekt / xunit.testlogger

XUnit logger for vstest platform
MIT License
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Skipping reason for test should be included in output file #16

Closed Jazzman82 closed 5 years ago

Jazzman82 commented 5 years ago

When a test is skipped with setting the Skip-Property in the [Fact]-Attribute, you can set a string with additional information, e.g. why the test is skipped: e.g. [Fact(Skip = "Reason")] In VisualStudio, this message is displayed in the output of the test and when using the xunit.console.runner with the -xml switch, it is also included like specified here: xUnit.net v2 XML Format.

I've played around a little bit to achieve this behaviour and can make a PR for this.

codito commented 5 years ago

Fixed with 734876d