spell-music / csound-expression

Haskell Framework for Electronic Music
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Unable to find opcode entry for 'FLpanel' with matching argument types #84

Open jwaldmann opened 9 months ago

jwaldmann commented 9 months ago

possible duplicate of #13 #69 but since it's a different error message, I'm writing a separate issue.

When I run

dacBy (setTrace <> setJackv "cse") $ do 
 (g,f) <- slider "f" (expSpan 20 2e4) 440 
 panel g ; return $ osc f 

I am getting

0dBFS level = 32768.0
--Csound version 6.16 (double samples) Jul 19 2023
[commit: none]
UnifiedCSD:  /tmp/tmp.csd
Creating options
Creating orchestra
closing tag
Creating score
rtmidi: ALSA Raw MIDI module enabled
rtaudio: JACK module enabled
error:  Unable to find opcode entry for 'FLpanel' with matching argument types:
Found: (null) FLpanel cccccc
Line: 23
 from file /tmp/tmp.csd (1)
Parsing failed due to syntax errors
Stopping on parser failure
cannot compile orchestra
end of score.          overall amps:      0.0
       overall samples out of range:        0
1 errors in performance
Elapsed time at end of performance: real: 0.002s, CPU: 0.002s

this is csound as it comes with Fedora-39.

One comment recommended that this command "should produce output".

$ csound -z1 2>&1|grep FLp
FLpack      (null)      iiiiooo
FLpackEnd   (null)      (null)
FLpack_end  (null)      (null)
FLpanel     (null)      Sjjjoooo
FLpanelEnd  (null)      (null)
FLpanel_end (null)      (null)
FLprintk    (null)      iki
FLprintk2   (null)      ki

[EDIT] I was assuming that (null) indicates some kind of error but I now think it's a compressed type declaration, vis. https://csound.com/docs/manual/FLpanel.html

FLpanel "label", iwidth, iheight [, ix] [, iy] [, iborder] [, ikbdcapture] [, iclose]

apparently, no result, and these arguments: one string, two int, then five optional (int?). This does not seem to match Sjjjoooo exactly (three j)