spellsofenglish / frontend

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Bug #21 / Informational message "Password mismatch" doesn't disappear if corrections are first made to the field "Repeat password" #24

Open ValeriaAleksandrova opened 1 year ago

ValeriaAleksandrova commented 1 year ago

Page https://spells.hedgi.ru/ is already opened

  1. Click on [Create an account] - Sign up form opens
  2. Fill all fields with valid data, but pessword fields should be different. E.g. Password - 123456789; Repest password - 112345678
  3. Delete number 1 from the field "Repeat password"
  4. Delete number 9 from the field "Password"
  5. Look under the field "Repeat password"

Expected result: If the passwords are match, informational message under the field "Repeat password" disappears.

Actual result: If corrections are first made to the field "Repeat password", informational message "Password mismatch" doesn't disappear.


PavelPashyk commented 1 year ago

Fixed bug #21