Closed dmkarage closed 7 years ago
Maybe you are just not source'ing the workspace properly, before running roslaunch or rostopic echo? That's actually one step which is missing from the README, I will add it.
After building I did "source devel/setup.bash" in my ~/workspaces/spencer_ws. I do not know if anything else is needed. Also when I try roscd in the spenser packages it works, which means that it is probably correctly sourced. In the rostopic list I can see the several topics, but when I do echo, i receive the missing msg error.
dmkarage i have the same problem. Did you already resolved it? when i try echo the /spencer/perception/tracked_persons topic appears ERROR: Cannot load message class for [spencer_tracking_msgs/TrackedPersons]. Are your messages built?
miguelcrf450 built it as suggested in the readme by the guys (with catkin build) and then try to source devel/setup.bash in ALL the terminals that you use. Hope it works!
after successfully launching the tracking_single_rgbd_sensor.launch, I try to echo the /spencer/perception/tracked_persons topic. I receive the following error:
ERROR: Cannot load message class for [spencer_tracking_msgs/TrackedPersons]. Are your messages built?
I know that this has to do either with CMakeLists.txt or the way that the package is built. I built the package as you recommend in the instructions. The CMakeLists.txt in the spencer_people_tracking/launch/spencer_people_tracking_launch looks like:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3) project(spencer_people_tracking_launch)
find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS)
The CMakeLists.txt in spencer_people_tracking/messages/spencer_tracking_msgs/ looks like:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3) project(spencer_tracking_msgs)
find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS roscpp roslib std_msgs geometry_msgs message_generation )
Declare ROS messages, services and actions
Generate messages in the 'msg' folder
add_message_files( FILES DetectedPerson.msg DetectedPersons.msg CompositeDetectedPerson.msg CompositeDetectedPersons.msg TrackedPerson.msg TrackedPersons.msg TrackedPerson2d.msg TrackedPersons2d.msg TrackedGroup.msg TrackedGroups.msg ImmDebugInfo.msg ImmDebugInfos.msg TrackingTimingMetrics.msg )
Generate services in the 'srv' folder
add_service_files( FILES GetPersonTrajectories.srv )
Generate added messages and services with any dependencies listed here
generate_messages( DEPENDENCIES geometry_msgs std_msgs )
catkin specific configuration
################################### catkin_package( CATKIN_DEPENDS roscpp std_msgs geometry_msgs message_runtime )
I did not change anything after building the package. My messages are not built even when I try to launch the tracking_on_robot.
What could be possibly wrong?
Thank you