spencer-project / spencer_people_tracking

Multi-modal ROS-based people detection and tracking framework for mobile robots developed within the context of the EU FP7 project SPENCER.
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trying to make spencer work from a bag file. #8

Closed Garmar closed 7 years ago

Garmar commented 8 years ago

I have a bag fille from a rgbd camera, and I'm trying to follow the steps in the tutorial 1, I've created a launch file to set the sim_time true and to remap the topic's name.

I've also modified the value of openni2 load_driver to false in the launch file, then I launch de bag file before doing:

roslaunch spencer_people_tracking_launch tracking_single_rgbd_sensor.launch height_above_ground:=1.6

when I do rostopic hz /spencer/perception/detected_persons

all I get is: WARNING: may be using simulated time

I can display the data in the bag doing rosrun image_view image_view image:= topic name. and it does it properly, so the data in the bag is properly recorded.

Is there any thing I can check or do to make this work? thak you very much

tlind commented 8 years ago

You can try to list all detector nodes using rosnode list /spencer/perception_internal/people_detection. Then, for each one, you can type rosnode info followed by the fully-qualified node name.

This will give you a list of all ROS topics that the node subscribes to. Check, especially for the sensor topics, if they are subscribed properly. Probably, this is a mismapping of topic names. E.g.:

Node [/spencer/perception_internal/people_detection/rgbd_front_top/upper_body_detector]
 * /spencer/sensors/rgbd_front_top/rgb/image_raw [unknown type]
 * /spencer/sensors/rgbd_front_top/rgb/camera_info [unknown type]
 * /spencer/perception_internal/rwth_ground_plane [rwth_perception_people_msgs/GroundPlane]
 * /spencer/sensors/rgbd_front_top/depth/image_rect [unknown type]

Here you can see that 3 topics are not properly subscribed because it says "unknown type".

tlind commented 7 years ago

As documented in #27, I have just added an example bagfile along with instructions in the README (see "Tutorials" section).