spencerr / tf-poc

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Manual approval required for workflow run 6344433401: Terraform destroy -> company-product (alpha) #57

Closed github-actions[bot] closed 1 year ago

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

Terraform Format and Style πŸ–Œfailure

Terraform Initialization βš™οΈsuccess

Terraform Validation πŸ€–success

Validation Output ``` Success! The configuration is valid.  ```

Terraform Plan πŸ“–success

Show Plan ```diff module.cluster.module.aks_cluster.azurerm_resource_group.aks: Refreshing state... [id=/subscriptions/8f09f7f4-7b25-4d6f-88a5-847b1751c4ce/resourceGroups/rg-alpha-tfpoc-cluster] module.cluster.module.aks_cluster.azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.aks: Refreshing state... [id=/subscriptions/8f09f7f4-7b25-4d6f-88a5-847b1751c4ce/resourceGroups/rg-alpha-tfpoc-cluster/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/aks-alpha-tfpoc] module.feature.module.feature.data.azurerm_key_vault_secret.test_secret: Reading... module.feature.module.feature.module.feature_key_vault.data.azurerm_client_config.current: Reading... module.feature.module.feature.azurerm_resource_group.feature: Refreshing state... [id=/subscriptions/8f09f7f4-7b25-4d6f-88a5-847b1751c4ce/resourceGroups/rg-alpha-tfpoc-feature] module.feature.module.feature.module.feature_key_vault.data.azurerm_client_config.current: Read complete after 0s [id=Y2xpZW50Q29uZmlncy9jbGllbnRJZD1hNmFlYmEzMS03ODllLTRkZWMtYWEzMi01YmEyMDcyZTMwOWY7b2JqZWN0SWQ9YzU4YzRmNTMtNmViZS00NGQzLTgyMWItZDM3ZGVhYmI0YTFhO3N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbklkPThmMDlmN2Y0LTdiMjUtNGQ2Zi04OGE1LTg0N2IxNzUxYzRjZTt0ZW5hbnRJZD00ODc4ZTBjMS03MDE3LTQ2OGItODVmMy0zNjg2ZTEzMjZlNTM=] module.feature.module.feature.data.azurerm_key_vault_secret.test_secret: Still reading... [10s elapsed] module.feature.module.feature.data.azurerm_key_vault_secret.test_secret: Still reading... [20s elapsed] module.feature.module.feature.data.azurerm_key_vault_secret.test_secret: Read complete after 22s [id=https://kv-alpha-tfpoc-bootstrap.vault.azure.net/secrets/Test--Secret/0924064d0c8040b1a2ef7ef6ec69aabb] Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols: - destroy Terraform will perform the following actions: # module.cluster.module.aks_cluster.azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.aks will be destroyed - resource "azurerm_kubernetes_cluster" "aks" { - api_server_authorized_ip_ranges = [] -> null - custom_ca_trust_certificates_base64 = [] -> null - dns_prefix = "aks-alpha-tfpoc" -> null - enable_pod_security_policy = false -> null - fqdn = "aks-alpha-tfpoc-k8qq9sau.hcp.eastus.azmk8s.io" -> null - id = "/subscriptions/8f09f7f4-7b25-4d6f-88a5-847b1751c4ce/resourceGroups/rg-alpha-tfpoc-cluster/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/aks-alpha-tfpoc" -> null - image_cleaner_enabled = false -> null - image_cleaner_interval_hours = 48 -> null - kube_admin_config = (sensitive value) -> null - kube_config = (sensitive value) -> null - kube_config_raw = (sensitive value) -> null - kubernetes_version = "1.26.6" -> null - local_account_disabled = false -> null - location = "eastus" -> null - name = "aks-alpha-tfpoc" -> null - node_resource_group = "MC_rg-alpha-tfpoc-cluster_aks-alpha-tfpoc_eastus" -> null - node_resource_group_id = "/subscriptions/8f09f7f4-7b25-4d6f-88a5-847b1751c4ce/resourceGroups/MC_rg-alpha-tfpoc-cluster_aks-alpha-tfpoc_eastus" -> null - oidc_issuer_enabled = false -> null - portal_fqdn = "aks-alpha-tfpoc-k8qq9sau.portal.hcp.eastus.azmk8s.io" -> null - private_cluster_enabled = false -> null - private_cluster_public_fqdn_enabled = false -> null - public_network_access_enabled = true -> null - resource_group_name = "rg-alpha-tfpoc-cluster" -> null - role_based_access_control_enabled = true -> null - run_command_enabled = true -> null - sku_tier = "Free" -> null - tags = {} -> null - workload_identity_enabled = false -> null - default_node_pool { - custom_ca_trust_enabled = false -> null - enable_auto_scaling = false -> null - enable_host_encryption = false -> null - enable_node_public_ip = false -> null - fips_enabled = false -> null - kubelet_disk_type = "OS" -> null - max_count = 0 -> null - max_pods = 110 -> null - min_count = 0 -> null - name = "default" -> null - node_count = 1 -> null - node_labels = {} -> null - node_taints = [] -> null - only_critical_addons_enabled = false -> null - orchestrator_version = "1.26.6" -> null - os_disk_size_gb = 128 -> null - os_disk_type = "Managed" -> null - os_sku = "Ubuntu" -> null - scale_down_mode = "Delete" -> null - tags = {} -> null - type = "VirtualMachineScaleSets" -> null - ultra_ssd_enabled = false -> null - vm_size = "Standard_D2_v2" -> null - zones = [] -> null } - identity { - identity_ids = [] -> null - principal_id = "29b55d62-8c84-4eb4-be0f-bd0c643fedfe" -> null - tenant_id = "4878e0c1-7017-468b-85f3-3686e1326e53" -> null - type = "SystemAssigned" -> null } - kubelet_identity { - client_id = "bf07feca-2f1a-4a82-811f-2e761b0f65d2" -> null - object_id = "b3e75dcf-6e18-42b0-a482-260c619238c6" -> null - user_assigned_identity_id = "/subscriptions/8f09f7f4-7b25-4d6f-88a5-847b1751c4ce/resourceGroups/MC_rg-alpha-tfpoc-cluster_aks-alpha-tfpoc_eastus/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/aks-alpha-tfpoc-agentpool" -> null } - network_profile { - dns_service_ip = "" -> null - ip_versions = [ - "IPv4", ] -> null - load_balancer_sku = "standard" -> null - network_plugin = "kubenet" -> null - outbound_type = "loadBalancer" -> null - pod_cidr = "" -> null - pod_cidrs = [ - "", ] -> null - service_cidr = "" -> null - service_cidrs = [ - "", ] -> null - load_balancer_profile { - effective_outbound_ips = [ - "/subscriptions/8f09f7f4-7b25-4d6f-88a5-847b1751c4ce/resourceGroups/MC_rg-alpha-tfpoc-cluster_aks-alpha-tfpoc_eastus/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/a610e5f9-b537-4626-9cdf-bc297f86f526", ] -> null - idle_timeout_in_minutes = 0 -> null - managed_outbound_ip_count = 1 -> null - managed_outbound_ipv6_count = 0 -> null - outbound_ip_address_ids = [] -> null - outbound_ip_prefix_ids = [] -> null - outbound_ports_allocated = 0 -> null } } } # module.cluster.module.aks_cluster.azurerm_resource_group.aks will be destroyed - resource "azurerm_resource_group" "aks" { - id = "/subscriptions/8f09f7f4-7b25-4d6f-88a5-847b1751c4ce/resourceGroups/rg-alpha-tfpoc-cluster" -> null - location = "eastus" -> null - name = "rg-alpha-tfpoc-cluster" -> null - tags = {} -> null } # module.feature.module.feature.azurerm_resource_group.feature will be destroyed - resource "azurerm_resource_group" "feature" { - id = "/subscriptions/8f09f7f4-7b25-4d6f-88a5-847b1751c4ce/resourceGroups/rg-alpha-tfpoc-feature" -> null - location = "eastus" -> null - name = "rg-alpha-tfpoc-feature" -> null - tags = {} -> null } Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 3 to destroy. ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Saved the plan to: tf.plan To perform exactly these actions, run the following command to apply: terraform apply "tf.plan" ```

Pusher: @spencerr Action: workflow_dispatch Working Directory: /home/runner/work/tf-poc/tf-poc/company-product/environments/alpha Workflow: Company:Product -> Terraform

Workflow is pending manual review. URL: https://github.com/spencerr/tf-poc/actions/runs/6344433401

Required approvers: [spencerr]

Respond "approved", "approve", "lgtm", "yes" to continue workflow or "denied", "deny", "no" to cancel.

spencerr commented 1 year ago


github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

All approvers have approved, continuing workflow and closing this issue.