Open chornbec opened 1 year ago
Hey @chornbec, great question! It looks like you're right in your presumption here as well.
URQL is a client (browser) side package, if you want to do server side maybe take a look at KitQL
URQL also has Node bindings. Would it make sense to use those bindings in *.server.js
files with Sveltekit? I got the code snippet below to work, but wouldn't it create a new Context instance for each Vite server request? I can imagine that'd be costly.
import { createClient } from '@urql/svelte';
import * as gql from "$lib/generated/graphql"
interface UpdateBuildingFormData {
data: gql.BuildingUpdateInput,
where: gql.BuildingWhereUniqueInput,
const client = createClient({
url: "http://localhost:4000/graphql"
/** @type {import('./$types').Actions} */
export const actions = {
// Take form data and process GraphQL mutation.
default: async ({ cookies, request, url }: any) => {
let output;
let data = await request.formData()
client.mutation(gql.UpdateBuildingDocument, {data: {street_address_1: {set: "hello"}}, where: {id: "eb52a6bb-fa8f-4994-8fbe-1dd76e4369d7"}})
.then((result) => {
console.log("result: ", result)
Maybe you could check if the client is already instantiated before creating a new one, or use hooks.server.js
to do something similar??
Hello! This example repo is helpful in understanding how to execute GraphQL queries using urql in a Sveltekit project, but for the life of me I can't find an example of executing GraphQL mutations. It seems like the @urql/svelte library assumes you'll only be executing client-side mutations instead of server-side (i.e. within +page.server.js files). If you want to submit a form, for example, Sveltekit highly recommends Form Actions, which require using *.server.js files. However, server files don't have access to Context, which urql mutations use; I get an error when calling
from @urql/svelte within a +page.server.js, which makes sense.Any ideas on using urql mutationStore in server files? Am I missing something?