spender-sandbox / cuckoo-modified

Modified edition of cuckoo
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Implement usage of VPN gateways on cuckoo-modified #121

Closed hemzaz closed 8 years ago

hemzaz commented 8 years ago

Implement analysis using different VPN gateways And enabling choosing gateway per analysis. This is already implemented in cuckoo 2.0RC1..

doomedraven commented 8 years ago

@hemzaz you already have it implemented, so which is the question exactly?

spender-sandbox commented 8 years ago

You mean the per-analysis gateway support we've had since last year? (before upstream Cuckoo)

Or are you asking for a different implementation?


hemzaz commented 8 years ago

OH, So how does it work without vpn.conf or rooter?

doomedraven commented 8 years ago

nop, i have sent all needed changes to integrate rooter.py into cuckoo-mod as is nice feature for me and all people who i know who use cuckoo-mod, but not get response at the moment, but at the moment you need use open vswitch o backport it by yourself is really easy :)

hemzaz commented 8 years ago

what about the UI implementation - a combo box that allows choosing between the gateways?

doomedraven commented 8 years ago

it easy i have done it in my instance of cuckoo-mod, here you have it

Save this in utils/rooter.py

Save this in utils/vpncheck.py

Save this to cuckoo/lib/cuckoo/core/rooter.py

Add to cuckoo/lib/cuckoo/core/startup.py

def init_routing():
    """Initialize and check whether the routing information is correct."""
    cuckoo = Config()
    vpn = Config("vpn")

    # Check whether all VPNs exist if configured and make their configuration
    # available through the vpns variable. Also enable NAT on each interface.
    if vpn.vpn.enabled:
        for name in vpn.vpn.vpns.split(","):
            name = name.strip()
            if not name:

            if not hasattr(vpn, name):
                raise CuckooStartupError(
                    "Could not find VPN configuration for %s" % name

            entry = vpn.get(name)
            add = 1
            if not rooter("nic_available", entry.interface):
                #raise CuckooStartupError(
                #    "The network interface that has been configured for "
                #    "VPN %s is not available." % entry.name
                add = 0

            if not rooter("rt_available", entry.rt_table):
                raise CuckooStartupError(
                    "The routing table that has been configured for "
                    "VPN %s is not available." % entry.name
            if add:
                vpns[entry.name] = entry

            # Disable & enable NAT on this network interface. Disable it just
            # in case we still had the same rule from a previous run.
            rooter("disable_nat", entry.interface)
            rooter("enable_nat", entry.interface)

            # Populate routing table with entries from main routing table.
            if cuckoo.routing.auto_rt:
                rooter("flush_rttable", entry.rt_table)
                rooter("init_rttable", entry.rt_table, entry.interface)

    # Check whether the default VPN exists if specified.
    if cuckoo.routing.route not in ("none", "internet"):
        if not vpn.vpn.enabled:
            raise CuckooStartupError(
                "A VPN has been configured as default routing interface for "
                "VMs, but VPNs have not been enabled in vpn.conf"

        if cuckoo.routing.route not in vpns:
            raise CuckooStartupError(
                "The VPN defined as default routing target has not been "
                "configured in vpn.conf."

    # Check whether the dirty line exists if it has been defined.
    if cuckoo.routing.internet != "none":
        if not rooter("nic_available", cuckoo.routing.internet):
            raise CuckooStartupError(
                "The network interface that has been configured as dirty "
                "line is not available."

        if not rooter("rt_available", cuckoo.routing.rt_table):
            raise CuckooStartupError(
                "The routing table that has been configured for dirty "
                "line interface is not available."

        # Disable & enable NAT on this network interface. Disable it just
        # in case we still had the same rule from a previous run.
        rooter("disable_nat", cuckoo.routing.internet)
        rooter("enable_nat", cuckoo.routing.internet)

        # Populate routing table with entries from main routing table.
        if cuckoo.routing.auto_rt:
            rooter("flush_rttable", cuckoo.routing.rt_table)
            rooter("init_rttable", cuckoo.routing.rt_table,

def init_rooter():
    """If required, check whether the rooter is running and whether we can
    connect to it."""
    cuckoo = Config()

    # The default configuration doesn't require the rooter to be ran.
    if not Config("vpn").vpn.enabled and cuckoo.routing.route == "none":

    cuckoo = Config()
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)

    except socket.error as e:
        if e.strerror == "No such file or directory":
            raise CuckooStartupError(
                "The rooter is required but it is either not running or it "
                "has been configured to a different Unix socket path. "
                "(In order to disable the use of rooter, please set route "
                "and internet to none in cuckoo.conf and enabled to no in "

        if e.strerror == "Connection refused":
            raise CuckooStartupError(
                "The rooter is required but we can't connect to it as the "
                "rooter is not actually running. "
                "(In order to disable the use of rooter, please set route "
                "and internet to none in cuckoo.conf and enabled to no in "

        if e.strerror == "Permission denied":
            raise CuckooStartupError(
                "The rooter is required but we can't connect to it due to "
                "incorrect permissions. Did you assign it the correct group? "
                "(In order to disable the use of rooter, please set route "
                "and internet to none in cuckoo.conf and enabled to no in "

        raise CuckooStartupError("Unknown rooter error: %s" % e)

    # Do not forward any packets unless we have explicitly stated so.

Create config for vpn cuckoo/conf/vpn.conf

# By default we disable VPN support as it requires running utils/rooter.py as
# root next to cuckoo.py (which should run as regular user).
enabled = yes

# Comma-separated list of the available VPNs.
vpns = vpn_1

name = vpm_name # max 16 chars
description = some_description # you will see this in webgui selection
interface = tunX # the same as in ovpn for this vpn node
rt_table = X # the same as in ovpn for this node, before vpn port, example, vpn.domain.com 1194, vpn.domain.com is rt_table value

Add to cuckoo/cuckoo.py

Add to conf/cuckoo:

# this part must be inside of [cuckoo]
# Path to the unix socket for running root commands.
rooter = /tmp/cuckoo-rooter

# Default network routing mode; "none", "internet", or "vpn_name".
# In none mode we don't do any special routing - the VM doesn't have any
# network access (this has been the default actually for quite a while).
# In internet mode by default all the VMs will be routed through the network
# interface configured below (the "dirty line").
# And in VPN mode by default the VMs will be routed through the VPN identified
# by the given name of the VPN (as per vpn.conf).
# Note that just like enabling VPN configuration setting this option to
# anything other than "none" requires one to run utils/rooter.py as root next
# to the Cuckoo instance (as it's required for setting up the routing).
route = none

# Network interface that allows a VM to connect to the entire internet, the
# "dirty line" so to say. Note that, just like with the VPNs, this will allow
# malicious traffic through your network. So think twice before enabling it.
# (For example, to route all VMs through eth0 by default: "internet = eth0").
internet = none

# Routing table name/id for "dirty line" interface. If "dirty line" is
# also default gateway in the system you can leave "main" value. Otherwise add
# new routing table by adding "<id> <name>" line to /etc/iproute2/rt_tables
# (e.g., "200 eth0"). ID and name must be unique across the system (refer to
# /etc/iproute2/rt_tables for existing names and IDs).
rt_table = main

# To route traffic through multiple network interfaces Cuckoo uses 
# Policy Routing with separate routing table for each output interface
# (VPN or "dirty line"). If this option is enabled Cuckoo on start will try 
# to automatically initialise routing tables by copying routing entries from 
# main routing table to the new routing tables. Depending on your network/vpn 
# configuration this might not be sufficient. In such case you would need to 
# initialise routing tables manually. Note that enabling this option won't
# affect main routing table.
auto_rt = yes

Add to cuckoo/lib/cuckoo/core/scheduler.py

    def route_network(self):
        """Enable network routing if desired."""
        # Determine the desired routing strategy (none, internet, VPN).
        route = None
        if self.task.options:
            for option in self.task.options.split(","):
                key, value = option.split("=")
                if key == "route":
                    route = value

        if route == "none":
            self.interface = None
            self.rt_table = None
        elif route == "internet" and self.cfg.routing.internet != "none":
            self.interface = self.cfg.routing.internet
            self.rt_table = self.cfg.routing.rt_table
        elif route in vpns:
            self.interface = vpns[route].interface
            self.rt_table = vpns[route].rt_table
            log.warning("Unknown network routing destination specified, "
                        "ignoring routing for this analysis: %r", route)
            self.interface = None
            self.rt_table = None

        # Check if the network interface is still available. If a VPN dies for
        # some reason, its tunX interface will no longer be available.
        if self.interface and not rooter("nic_available", self.interface):
                "The network interface '%s' configured for this analysis is "
                "not available at the moment, switching to route=none mode.",
            route = "none"
            self.task.options["route"] = "none"
            self.interface = None
            self.rt_table = None

        if self.interface:
            rooter("forward_enable", self.machine.interface,
                   self.interface, self.machine.ip)

        if self.rt_table:
            rooter("srcroute_enable", self.rt_table, self.machine.ip)

    def unroute_network(self):
        if self.interface:
            rooter("forward_disable", self.machine.interface,
                   self.interface, self.machine.ip)

        if self.rt_table:
            rooter("srcroute_disable", self.rt_table, self.machine.ip)
# Enable network routing.
# Drop the network routing rules if any.
                # Drop forwarding rule to each VPN.
                for vpn in vpns.values():
                    rooter("forward_disable", machine.interface,vpn.interface, machine.ip)

                # Drop forwarding rule to the internet / dirty line.
                if self.cfg.routing.internet != "none":
                    rooter("forward_disable", machine.interface,self.cfg.routing.internet, machine.ip)

Add to cuckoo/web/web/settings.py

# In case we have VPNs enabled we need to initialize through the following
# two methods as they verify the interaction with VPNs as well as gather
# which VPNs are available (for representation upon File/URL submission).
from lib.cuckoo.core.startup import init_rooter, init_routing



                                   "vpns": vpns.values(), 
                                   "route": cfg.routing.route,
                                   "internet": cfg.routing.internet,
        if request.POST.get("route", None):
            if options:
                options += ","
            options += "route={0}".format(request.POST.get("route", None))

add to web/templates/submission/index.html

                            <div class="form-group">
                            <strong>Network routing through <i>dirty line</i> or VPN</strong>
                            <div class="form-group">
                            <select class="form-control" id="form_route" name="route">
                            <option value="none">None (no internet access)</option>
                            {% if internet != "none" %}
                                <option value="internet"{% if route == "internet" %} selected{% endif %}>Internet (dirty line, {{ internet }})</option>
                            {% endif %}
                            {% for vpn in vpns %}
                                <option value="{{ vpn.name }}"{% if route == vpn.name %} selected{% endif %}>{{ vpn.description }} (VPN, {{ vpn.interface }})</option>
                            {% endfor %}
                if machine_opts.get("interface"):
                    machine.interface = machine_opts["interface"]
                    machine.interface = mmanager_opts.get("interface")

add to conf/kvm.py <- your virtual manager here

# Specify the name of the default network interface that will be used
# when dumping network traffic with tcpdump.
# Example (virbr0 is the interface name):
interface = virbr0
hemzaz commented 8 years ago

MY GOD, You are gr8! going to try it on my dev box!

doomedraven commented 8 years ago

@hemzaz you are welcome, i working on integration of inetsim into rooter.py. as default implementation doesn't work for me here, few lines but is weekend so next week it will be inside :)

jbremer commented 8 years ago

Looking forward to that, InetSIM integration, @doomedraven ;-)

0day1day commented 8 years ago

F_ck_ng! awesome @doomedraven ! thanks and very useful feature!

jpalanco commented 8 years ago

Nice feature @doomedraven

Thank you so much!!!

pekeinfo commented 8 years ago

Nice jobs @doomedraven. Thx!!

doomedraven commented 8 years ago

last msg no more spam here i promise :), with inetsim and tor inside of rooter.py

Save this in utils/rooter.py # need use my modified version

Save this to cuckoo/lib/cuckoo/core/rooter.py

Add to cuckoo/lib/cuckoo/core/startup.py

def init_rooter():
    """If required, check whether the rooter is running and whether we can
    connect to it."""
    cuckoo = Config()

    # The default configuration doesn't require the rooter to be ran.
    if not Config("vpn").vpn.enabled and cuckoo.routing.route == "none":

    cuckoo = Config()
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)

    except socket.error as e:
        if e.strerror == "No such file or directory":
            raise CuckooStartupError(
                "The rooter is required but it is either not running or it "
                "has been configured to a different Unix socket path. "
                "(In order to disable the use of rooter, please set route "
                "and internet to none in cuckoo.conf and enabled to no in "

        if e.strerror == "Connection refused":
            raise CuckooStartupError(
                "The rooter is required but we can't connect to it as the "
                "rooter is not actually running. "
                "(In order to disable the use of rooter, please set route "
                "and internet to none in cuckoo.conf and enabled to no in "

        if e.strerror == "Permission denied":
            raise CuckooStartupError(
                "The rooter is required but we can't connect to it due to "
                "incorrect permissions. Did you assign it the correct group? "
                "(In order to disable the use of rooter, please set route "
                "and internet to none in cuckoo.conf and enabled to no in "

        raise CuckooStartupError("Unknown rooter error: %s" % e)

    # Do not forward any packets unless we have explicitly stated so.

def init_routing():
    """Initialize and check whether the routing information is correct."""
    cuckoo = Config()
    vpn = Config("vpn")

    # Check whether all VPNs exist if configured and make their configuration
    # available through the vpns variable. Also enable NAT on each interface.
    if vpn.vpn.enabled:
        for name in vpn.vpn.vpns.split(","):
            name = name.strip()
            if not name:

            if not hasattr(vpn, name):
                raise CuckooStartupError(
                    "Could not find VPN configuration for %s" % name

            entry = vpn.get(name)
            add = 1
            if not rooter("nic_available", entry.interface):
                #raise CuckooStartupError(
                #   "The network interface that has been configured for "
                #    "VPN %s is not available." % entry.name
                add = 0
            if not rooter("rt_available", entry.rt_table):
                raise CuckooStartupError(
                    "The routing table that has been configured for "
                    "VPN %s is not available." % entry.name
            if add:
                vpns[entry.name] = entry

            # Disable & enable NAT on this network interface. Disable it just
            # in case we still had the same rule from a previous run.
            rooter("disable_nat", entry.interface)
            rooter("enable_nat", entry.interface)

            # Populate routing table with entries from main routing table.
            if cuckoo.routing.auto_rt:
                rooter("flush_rttable", entry.rt_table)
                rooter("init_rttable", entry.rt_table, entry.interface)

    # Check whether the default VPN exists if specified.
    if cuckoo.routing.route not in ("none", "internet"):
        if not vpn.vpn.enabled:
            raise CuckooStartupError(
                "A VPN has been configured as default routing interface for "
                "VMs, but VPNs have not been enabled in vpn.conf"

        if cuckoo.routing.route not in vpns:
            raise CuckooStartupError(
                "The VPN defined as default routing target has not been "
                "configured in vpn.conf."

    # Check whether the dirty line exists if it has been defined.
    if cuckoo.routing.internet != "none":
        if not rooter("nic_available", cuckoo.routing.internet):
            raise CuckooStartupError(
                "The network interface that has been configured as dirty "
                "line is not available."

        if not rooter("rt_available", cuckoo.routing.rt_table):
            raise CuckooStartupError(
                "The routing table that has been configured for dirty "
                "line interface is not available."

        # Disable & enable NAT on this network interface. Disable it just
        # in case we still had the same rule from a previous run.
        rooter("disable_nat", cuckoo.routing.internet)
        rooter("enable_nat", cuckoo.routing.internet)

        # Populate routing table with entries from main routing table.
        if cuckoo.routing.auto_rt:
            rooter("flush_rttable", cuckoo.routing.rt_table)
            rooter("init_rttable", cuckoo.routing.rt_table,

    # Check if tor interface exists, if yes then enable nat
    if cuckoo.routing.tor_interface:
        if not rooter("nic_available", cuckoo.routing.tor_interface):
            raise CuckooStartupError(
                "The network interface that has been configured as tor "
                "line is not available."

        # Disable & enable NAT on this network interface. Disable it just
        # in case we still had the same rule from a previous run.
        rooter("disable_nat", cuckoo.routing.tor_interface)
        rooter("enable_nat", cuckoo.routing.tor_interface)

        # Populate routing table with entries from main routing table.
        if cuckoo.routing.auto_rt:
            rooter("flush_rttable", cuckoo.routing.rt_table)
            rooter("init_rttable", cuckoo.routing.rt_table,

    # Check if inetsim interface exists, if yes then enable nat, if interface is not the same as tor
    if cuckoo.routing.inetsim_interface and cuckoo.routing.inetsim_interface !=  cuckoo.routing.tor_interface:
        if not rooter("nic_available", cuckoo.routing.tor_interface):
            raise CuckooStartupError(
                "The network interface that has been configured as tor "
                "line is not available."

        # Disable & enable NAT on this network interface. Disable it just
        # in case we still had the same rule from a previous run.
        rooter("disable_nat", cuckoo.routing.tor_interface)
        rooter("enable_nat", cuckoo.routing.tor_interface)

        # Populate routing table with entries from main routing table.
        if cuckoo.routing.auto_rt:
            rooter("flush_rttable", cuckoo.routing.rt_table)
            rooter("init_rttable", cuckoo.routing.rt_table,

Create config for vpn cuckoo/conf/vpn.conf

# By default we disable VPN support as it requires running utils/rooter.py as
# root next to cuckoo.py (which should run as regular user).
enabled = yes

# Comma-separated list of the available VPNs.
vpns = vpn_1

name = vpm_name
description = some_description # you will see this in webgui selection
interface = tunX # the same as in ovpn for this vpn node
rt_table = X # the same as in ovpn for this node, before vpn port, example, vpn.domain.com 1194, vpn.domain.com is rt_table value

Add to cuckoo/cuckoo.py

Add to conf/cuckoo:

# this part must be inside of [cuckoo]
# Path to the unix socket for running root commands.
rooter = /tmp/cuckoo-rooter

# Default network routing mode; "none", "internet", or "vpn_name".
# In none mode we don't do any special routing - the VM doesn't have any
# network access (this has been the default actually for quite a while).
# In internet mode by default all the VMs will be routed through the network
# interface configured below (the "dirty line").
# And in VPN mode by default the VMs will be routed through the VPN identified
# by the given name of the VPN (as per vpn.conf).
# Note that just like enabling VPN configuration setting this option to
# anything other than "none" requires one to run utils/rooter.py as root next
# to the Cuckoo instance (as it's required for setting up the routing).
route = none

# Network interface that allows a VM to connect to the entire internet, the
# "dirty line" so to say. Note that, just like with the VPNs, this will allow
# malicious traffic through your network. So think twice before enabling it.
# (For example, to route all VMs through eth0 by default: "internet = eth0").
internet = none

# Routing table name/id for "dirty line" interface. If "dirty line" is
# also default gateway in the system you can leave "main" value. Otherwise add
# new routing table by adding "<id> <name>" line to /etc/iproute2/rt_tables
# (e.g., "200 eth0"). ID and name must be unique across the system (refer to
# /etc/iproute2/rt_tables for existing names and IDs).
rt_table = main

# To route traffic through multiple network interfaces Cuckoo uses 
# Policy Routing with separate routing table for each output interface
# (VPN or "dirty line"). If this option is enabled Cuckoo on start will try 
# to automatically initialise routing tables by copying routing entries from 
# main routing table to the new routing tables. Depending on your network/vpn 
# configuration this might not be sufficient. In such case you would need to 
# initialise routing tables manually. Note that enabling this option won't
# affect main routing table.
auto_rt = yes

# Inetsim quick deploy, chose your vm manager if is not kvm
# wget https://googledrive.com/host/0B6fULLT_NpxMQ1Rrb1drdW42SkE/remnux-6.0-ova-public.ova
# tar xvf remnux-6.0-ova-public.ova
# qemu-img convert -O qcow2 REMnuxV6-disk1.vmdk remnux.qcow2

inetsim = off
inetsim_server = inetsim_ip
inetsim_interface = virbr0

# Tor
tor = off
tor_dnsport = 5353
tor_proxyport = 9040
tor_interface = virbr0

Add to cuckoo/lib/cuckoo/core/scheduler.py

    def route_network(self):
        """Enable network routing if desired."""
        # Determine the desired routing strategy (none, internet, VPN).
        self.route = None
        if self.task.options:
            for option in self.task.options.split(","):
                key, value = option.split("=")
                if key == "route":
                    self.route = value

        if self.route == "none":
            self.interface = None
            self.rt_table = None
        elif self.route == "inetsim":
            self.interface = self.cfg.routing.inetsim_interface
        elif self.route == "tor":
            self.interface = self.cfg.routing.tor_interface
        elif self.route == "internet" and self.cfg.routing.internet != "none":
            self.interface = self.cfg.routing.internet
            self.rt_table = self.cfg.routing.rt_table
        elif self.route in vpns:
            self.interface = vpns[self.route].interface
            self.rt_table = vpns[self.route].rt_table
            log.warning("Unknown network routing destination specified, "
                        "ignoring routing for this analysis: %r", self.route)
            self.interface = None
            self.rt_table = None

        # Check if the network interface is still available. If a VPN dies for
        # some reason, its tunX interface will no longer be available.
        if self.interface and not rooter("nic_available", self.interface):
                "The network interface '%s' configured for this analysis is "
                "not available at the moment, switching to route=none mode.",
            self.route = "none"
            self.task.options["route"] = "none"
            self.interface = None
            self.rt_table = None

        if self.route == "inetsim":
            rooter("inetsim_enable", self.machine.ip, self.cfg.routing.inetsim_server,

        if self.route == "tor":
            rooter("tor_enable", self.machine.ip, str(self.cfg.resultserver.port),
                str(self.cfg.routing.tor_dnsport), str(self.cfg.routing.tor_proxyport))

        if self.interface:
            rooter("forward_enable", self.machine.interface,
                   self.interface, self.machine.ip)

        if self.rt_table:
            rooter("srcroute_enable", self.rt_table, self.machine.ip)

        # Propagate the taken route to the database.
        #self.db.set_route(self.task.id, self.route)

    def unroute_network(self):
        if self.interface:
            rooter("forward_disable", self.machine.interface,
                   self.interface, self.machine.ip)

        if self.rt_table:
            rooter("srcroute_disable", self.rt_table, self.machine.ip)

        if self.route == "inetsim":
          rooter("inetsim_disable", self.machine.ip, self.cfg.routing.inetsim_server,

        if self.route == "tor":
            rooter("tor_disable", self.machine.ip, str(self.cfg.resultserver.port),
                str(self.cfg.routing.tor_dnsport), str(self.cfg.routing.tor_proxyport))
# Enable network routing.
# Drop the network routing rules if any.
                # Drop forwarding rule to each VPN.
                #for vpn in vpns.values():
                #    rooter("forward_disable", machine.interface,vpn.interface, machine.ip)

                # Drop forwarding rule to the internet / dirty line.
                #if self.cfg.routing.internet != "none":
                #    rooter("forward_disable", machine.interface,self.cfg.routing.internet, machine.ip)

Add to cuckoo/web/web/settings.py

# In case we have VPNs enabled we need to initialize through the following
# two methods as they verify the interaction with VPNs as well as gather
# which VPNs are available (for representation upon File/URL submission).
from lib.cuckoo.core.startup import init_rooter, init_routing



                                   "vpns": vpns.values(), 
                                   "route": cfg.routing.route,
                                   "internet": cfg.routing.internet,
                                   "inetsim": cfg.routing.inetsim,
                                   "tor": cfg.routing.tor,
        if request.POST.get("route", None):
            if options:
                options += ","
            options += "route={0}".format(request.POST.get("route", None))

add to web/templates/submission/index.html

                            <div class="form-group">
                            <strong>Network routing through <i>dirty line</i> or VPN</strong>
                            <div class="form-group">
                            <select class="form-control" id="form_route" name="route">
                            <option value="none">None (no internet access)</option>
                            {% if internet != "none" %}
                                <option value="internet"{% if route == "internet" %} selected{% endif %}>Internet (dirty line, {{ internet }})</option>
                            {% endif %}
                            {% if inetsim %}
                                <option value="inetsim" >inetsim</option>
                            {% endif %}
                            {% if tor %}
                                <option value="tor" >tor</option>
                            {% endif %}
                            {% for vpn in vpns %}
                                <option value="{{ vpn.name }}"{% if route == vpn.name %} selected{% endif %}>{{ vpn.description }} (VPN, {{ vpn.interface }})</option>
                            {% endfor %}
                if machine_opts.get("interface"):
                    machine.interface = machine_opts["interface"]
                    machine.interface = mmanager_opts.get("interface")

add to conf/kvm.py # or your virtual vms manager config

# Specify the name of the default network interface that will be used
# when dumping network traffic with tcpdump.
# Example (virbr0 is the interface name):
interface = virbr0
mallorybobalice commented 8 years ago

hey. thank you doomraven

=) re rooter commits - personally i didn't need selectable gateways per analysis / use iptable routes for isim at the moment - dns only (isim on a separate vswitch) but I could see a few other people liking the feature .

I found the static routes in the rooter.py related merge proposal were a useful example (from memory it was keeping the reporting port going to csb interface, the rest going to the new gateway IP / to the inetsim interface.

I'm trying to configure the 'just inetsim' dns (already done) + route all the TCP traffic (udp too?) to get initial malware callout mode via iptables.

any chance I can talk you into a worked example of configuring just inetsim support for DNS + traffic redirect via static routes on IPtables? (more or less what's above in the inetsim option but just with iptables - don't need

BTW aside from the routing iptables rules, any changes to be done to inetsim VM? Do we also set the interface to TCPDMP to be the outgoing (bottom bit above for interface machinery, correct? set to vpn facing interface on csb server - correct?)

doomedraven commented 8 years ago

depends of your needs it can be useful or not :) i never used openswich so no idea how to use it and having script which doing all for me make life easier and less deps :)

no changes for vm, is the best part, as rooter has vm ip and iface, it can route dynamically everything on the fly per vm at the moment it sends all over tcp, udp only port 53, so the rest udp traffic will be blocked, but it can be easily extended.

cuckoo using the "bridge" interface for your vms you configure it in config, so that is the sniffed all traffic,so you don't need care if it inetsim/tor/vpn, it will pass by that interface adn will be captured

im on cuckoo irc, doomedraven so you can ping me there, and i will provide all needed help, as it works perfectly for me in few servers :)

enzok commented 7 years ago

Hi @doomedraven

The following step:

Add to return render_to_response:

"vpns": vpns.values(), "route": cfg.routing.route, "internet": cfg.routing.internet, "inetsim": cfg.routing.inetsim, "tor": cfg.routing.tor,

This sub doesn't appear to exist anymore.

Are these edits still valid for the latest cuckoo-modified?

doomedraven commented 7 years ago

not tested here, as im not on last commit, but probably it should be here https://github.com/spender-sandbox/cuckoo-modified/blob/master/web/submission/views.py#L380, try ut

doomedraven commented 7 years ago

yes, it should be there

enzok commented 7 years ago

I tried adding it there, but am getting server 500 errors on submission. I'm going to revert and try the steps again in case I messed something up.

doomedraven commented 7 years ago

you should see what is wrong in command line

enzok commented 7 years ago

One more question, does rooter work along side the routetor scripts or should those scripts be disabled in auxiliary.conf?

doomedraven commented 7 years ago

you should disable tor in aux, and yes it must be started as root and before you start cuckoo.py

enzok commented 7 years ago

Thanks. I've got it working now.

doomedraven commented 7 years ago
