I'm trying to setup Web Authentification for Cuckoo specified in /web/web/settings.py.
It seems this authentification is by default related to the sqlite db located in /web/.
After inserting a user in the auth_table, it doesn't seem to work when trying to login on the Cuckoo portal:
INSERT INTO auth_user (password, is_superuser, first_name, last_name, email, is_staff, is_active, date_joined, username) VALUES ('MySuperStrongPassword', 0, 'username', 'username', myEmail, 1,1, 2017-04-07, 'username');
I'm trying to setup Web Authentification for Cuckoo specified in /web/web/settings.py. It seems this authentification is by default related to the sqlite db located in /web/. After inserting a user in the auth_table, it doesn't seem to work when trying to login on the Cuckoo portal:
INSERT INTO auth_user (password, is_superuser, first_name, last_name, email, is_staff, is_active, date_joined, username) VALUES ('MySuperStrongPassword', 0, 'username', 'username', myEmail, 1,1, 2017-04-07, 'username');
Am I missing something?