spesmilo / electrum-docs

Documentation for Electrum Bitcoin Wallet
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Run Daemon from python script #128

Open wouter935 opened 2 years ago

wouter935 commented 2 years ago

Hey, I try to build a web api which uses electrum wallet. I am trying to generate a multisigwallet, but in order to do that, I first need to connect to the daemon. However, when I try to run the daemon using: from daemon import Daemon trytorun = Daemon() trytorun.run_daemon() I'm getting the following error File "Users/Downloads/Electrum-4.1.5/electrum/util.py", line 417, in do_profile o = func(*args, **kw_args) TypeError: init() missing 1 required positional argument: 'config' What is the right way to run the daemon from a python script? The read the docs section only tells how to run the daemon from shell.