spesmilo / electrum

Electrum Bitcoin Wallet
MIT License
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Cosigner Pool Fails to send transaction to cosigner #3160

Closed johnvamo closed 6 years ago

johnvamo commented 6 years ago

I have been trying for 4 days to send a electrum transaction from a electrum shared wallet. Always it says: Failed to send transaction to cosigning pool...I am stucked !

The pluging cosigner pool is activated in both accounts....

When I inizialized the wallet is comes out a box saying: Unexpected magic characters...

help please...

ecdsa commented 6 years ago

"unexpected magic characters" is probably an issue with a trezor wallet

johnvamo commented 6 years ago

The question is...the message "unexpected magic characters" prevents the transaction been sent to the cosigner's pool? Is it correlated?

Because the transaction is been signed correctly by the trezor...is the moment when sending to the pool that comes out the problem of failing the transaction.

ecdsa commented 6 years ago

I restarted the cosignerpool server. please retry now

johnvamo commented 6 years ago

The transaction went through.. waiting for cosigner signature...til this evening...

Seams the server restarted solved the issue til now...

I will tell you the final result before closing the thread.


johnvamo commented 6 years ago


the cosigner wallet was opened after sending the transation to the cosigner pool....but shows nothing about where to accept or sign it...how to call it?


johnvamo commented 6 years ago

I am checking the 3 ways of sending electrum multi-signature transactions... 1. File 2.QR code and 3. Cosigner Pool...which is most effective or recommended?

ecdsa commented 6 years ago

they all work, but cosigner pool sometimes is down

johnvamo commented 6 years ago

If the wallets are showing the same receive addresses, same balance, same shared public master keys...the sending transaction should work...both are signed with trezors... what other should be check in order to know the wallet are working correctly?

Thanks for the support.

neocogent commented 6 years ago

@johnvamo Usually when using the cosignor pool you will be prompted to confirm/sign the tx as soon as you open the cosigning wallet. There's no button or menu item to sign - it just pops up. But I have had times it wouldn't do that and I just tried sending again and it worked. It's really easy when it works.

johnvamo commented 6 years ago

I am going to resend the transaction to the cosigner pool again... Thanks

johnvamo commented 6 years ago

At last the transaction went through...via the file option. The cosigner pool did not work.

Thanks for the support given.

Juaninappa commented 6 years ago

Hello, can you pls advise why the cosignor pool is down in the Electrum testnet? Thnaks

bauerj commented 6 years ago

Hey @Juaninappa

the cosignerpool is currently offline as it is being moved to a different server. It should be back up soon.

bauerj commented 6 years ago

@Juaninappa It will be back up in a few hours now.

aaxx commented 6 years ago

Got the same error today - Failed to send transaction

bauerj commented 6 years ago

What do you see when you open https://cosigner.electrum.org in your browser?

aaxx commented 6 years ago

Error response Error code: 501 Message: Unsupported method ('GET'). Error code explanation: HTTPStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED - Server does not support this operation.

bauerj commented 6 years ago

What version of Electrum do you use?

aaxx commented 6 years ago

the latest, 3.1.*

joshfutureforex commented 2 months ago

I am having a similar issue, getting this error on Electrum 4.5: image

My colleagues get the same issue on Electrum 4.5.4. Any help will be appreciated!