spesmilo / electrum

Electrum Bitcoin Wallet
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Windows Defender "Triggre" Trojan alert when building binaries for windows. #5615

Closed buhrmi closed 5 years ago

buhrmi commented 5 years ago

Hi all,

just following the steps described here, using Docker Desktop for Windows, running Ubuntu 18.04 inside WSL 2.

when running

sudo docker run -it \
    --name electrum-wine-builder-cont \
    -v $PWD:/opt/wine64/drive_c/electrum \
    --rm \
    --workdir /opt/wine64/drive_c/electrum/contrib/build-wine \
    electrum-wine-builder-img \

Windows Defender activates itself multiple times with trojan warnings:

The Fuerboos alert seems to be known as a false positive ( https://github.com/spesmilo/electrum/issues/4172). What about the other one?

ecdsa commented 5 years ago

see the note on https://electrum.org/#download