Would be nice to auto detect also coolwallet S derivation path.
In file bip39_wallet_formats.json :
{ "description": "coolwallet S derivation path using bip44 but with segwit script format",
"derivation_path": "m/44'/0'/0'",
"script_type": "p2wpkh-p2sh",
"iterate_accounts": true
see https://help.coolwallet.io/article/160-recover-btc-using-coolwallet-s-seed-without-the-wallet for their recovery instruction
Would be nice to auto detect also coolwallet S derivation path. In file bip39_wallet_formats.json : { "description": "coolwallet S derivation path using bip44 but with segwit script format", "derivation_path": "m/44'/0'/0'", "script_type": "p2wpkh-p2sh", "iterate_accounts": true } see https://help.coolwallet.io/article/160-recover-btc-using-coolwallet-s-seed-without-the-wallet for their recovery instruction