spesmilo / electrum

Electrum Bitcoin Wallet
MIT License
7.44k stars 3.09k forks source link

long time synchronizing #7422

Open blackhattokyo opened 3 years ago

blackhattokyo commented 3 years ago

i use electrum version 4.1.5 when i open wallet it too long time synchronizing and never synchronize finishes because it reset connect when almost to finished

SomberNight commented 3 years ago

Please share debug logs.

blackhattokyo commented 3 years ago

where is locate file debug logs

blackhattokyo commented 3 years ago

i'm not sure but i think i ever see debug like " too large history"

SomberNight commented 3 years ago

where is locate file debug logs

It clearly says in the faq linked above.

Using the (Qt) GUI, go to menubar>Tools>Preferences>General, and tick “Write logs to file”. After restarting Electrum, debug logs will be written to the logs/ folder inside the datadir.

What operating system are you using?

blackhattokyo commented 3 years ago

this is debug

logs ``` 20210721T022509.012424Z | INFO | simple_config.SimpleConfig | electrum directory C:\Users\Windows 10\AppData\Roaming\Electrum 20210721T022509.016346Z | INFO | logging | Electrum version: 4.1.5 - https://electrum.org - https://github.com/spesmilo/electrum 20210721T022509.017326Z | INFO | logging | Python version: 3.8.8 (tags/v3.8.8:024d805, Feb 19 2021, 13:08:11) [MSC v.1928 32 bit (Intel)]. On platform: Windows-10-10.0.19041-SP0 20210721T022509.017326Z | INFO | logging | Logging to file: C:\Users\Windows 10\AppData\Roaming\Electrum\logs\electrum_log_20210721T022509Z_25520.log 20210721T022509.018302Z | INFO | logging | Log filters: verbosity '', verbosity_shortcuts '' 20210721T022509.063361Z | INFO | plugin.Plugins | registering hardware bitbox02: ('hardware', 'bitbox02', 'BitBox02') 20210721T022509.075114Z | INFO | plugin.Plugins | registering hardware coldcard: ('hardware', 'coldcard', 'Coldcard Wallet') 20210721T022509.080992Z | INFO | plugin.Plugins | registering hardware digitalbitbox: ('hardware', 'digitalbitbox', 'Digital Bitbox wallet') 20210721T022509.089807Z | INFO | plugin.Plugins | registering hardware keepkey: ('hardware', 'keepkey', 'KeepKey wallet') 20210721T022509.102541Z | INFO | plugin.Plugins | registering hardware ledger: ('hardware', 'ledger', 'Ledger wallet') 20210721T022509.124091Z | INFO | plugin.Plugins | registering hardware safe_t: ('hardware', 'safe_t', 'Safe-T mini wallet') 20210721T022509.132909Z | INFO | plugin.Plugins | registering hardware trezor: ('hardware', 'trezor', 'Trezor wallet') 20210721T022509.144663Z | INFO | plugin.Plugins | registering wallet type ('2fa', 'trustedcoin') 20210721T022509.148582Z | DEBUG | util.profiler | Plugins.__init__ 0.1303 20210721T022509.150540Z | INFO | network | blockchains [0] 20210721T022509.152499Z | INFO | exchange_rate.FxThread | using exchange CoinGecko 20210721T022509.154459Z | INFO | network | starting network 20210721T022509.154459Z | DEBUG | util.profiler | Daemon.__init__ 0.0059 20210721T022509.154459Z | INFO | daemon.Daemon | launching GUI: qt 20210721T022509.159356Z | INFO | network | setting proxy None 20210721T022509.159356Z | INFO | network | connecting to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s as new interface 20210721T022509.160336Z | INFO | daemon.Daemon | starting taskgroup. 20210721T022509.160336Z | INFO | network | starting taskgroup. 20210721T022509.291595Z | INFO | gui.qt.history_list | could not import electrum.plot. This feature needs matplotlib to be installed. 20210721T022509.313147Z | INFO | gui.qt.ElectrumGui | Qt GUI starting up... Qt=5.15.2, PyQt=5.15.4 20210721T022509.587422Z | INFO | interface.[3smoooajg7qqac2y.onion:50002] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(gaierror(11001, 'getaddrinfo failed'))) 20210721T022509.590365Z | INFO | network | couldn't launch iface 3smoooajg7qqac2y.onion:50002:s -- CancelledError() 20210721T022509.596237Z | INFO | interface.[qtornadoklbgdyww.onion:50002] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(gaierror(11001, 'getaddrinfo failed'))) 20210721T022509.598197Z | INFO | network | couldn't launch iface qtornadoklbgdyww.onion:50002:s -- CancelledError() 20210721T022509.752967Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.taborsky.cz:50002] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(gaierror(11001, 'getaddrinfo failed'))) 20210721T022509.753947Z | INFO | network | couldn't launch iface electrum.taborsky.cz:50002:s -- CancelledError() 20210721T022509.817617Z | DEBUG | util.profiler | ElectrumGui.__init__ 0.5182 20210721T022509.820555Z | INFO | storage.WalletStorage | wallet path c:\users\windows 10\appdata\roaming\electrum\wallets\wallet_2 20210721T022511.397640Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.leblancnet.us:50002] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(gaierror(11001, 'getaddrinfo failed'))) 20210721T022511.405476Z | INFO | network | couldn't launch iface electrum.leblancnet.us:50002:s -- CancelledError() 20210721T022511.432904Z | INFO | storage.WalletStorage | wallet path c:\users\windows 10\appdata\roaming\electrum\wallets\wallet_2 20210721T022511.742444Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T022511.745383Z | INFO | interface.[electrumx-btc.cryptonermal.net:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.15.0', '1.4'] 20210721T022511.747341Z | INFO | interface.[VPS.hsmiths.com:50002] | disconnecting due to: CancelledError() 20210721T022511.748322Z | INFO | network | couldn't launch iface VPS.hsmiths.com:50002:s -- CancelledError() 20210721T022511.899173Z | INFO | interface.[dxm.no-ip.biz:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.15.0', '1.4'] 20210721T022511.971662Z | INFO | interface.[bitcoin.alephnullptr.net:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T022512.000067Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | set blockchain with height 691939 20210721T022512.000067Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | skipping header 691939 20210721T022512.001047Z | INFO | network | switching to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s 20210721T022512.058840Z | INFO | interface.[ultracloud.tk:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T022512.090186Z | INFO | interface.[electrumx-btc.cryptonermal.net:50002] | set blockchain with height 691939 20210721T022512.091166Z | INFO | interface.[electrumx-btc.cryptonermal.net:50002] | skipping header 691938 20210721T022512.163654Z | INFO | interface.[dxm.no-ip.biz:50002] | set blockchain with height 691939 20210721T022512.163654Z | INFO | interface.[dxm.no-ip.biz:50002] | skipping header 691939 20210721T022512.256712Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 1923, 10: 2711, 5: 3012, 2: 6000} 20210721T022512.299810Z | INFO | interface.[bitcoin.alephnullptr.net:50002] | set blockchain with height 691939 20210721T022512.299810Z | INFO | interface.[bitcoin.alephnullptr.net:50002] | skipping header 691937 20210721T022512.359564Z | INFO | interface.[electrumx.papabyte.com:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T022512.399726Z | INFO | interface.[ultracloud.tk:50002] | set blockchain with height 691939 20210721T022512.400706Z | INFO | interface.[ultracloud.tk:50002] | skipping header 691939 20210721T022512.573106Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[1.2, 33463], [1.0, 8390096]] 20210721T022512.584861Z | INFO | interface.[electrumx.papabyte.com:50002] | set blockchain with height 691939 20210721T022512.585841Z | INFO | interface.[electrumx.papabyte.com:50002] | skipping header 691938 20210721T022512.715141Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.eff.ro:50002] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(ConnectionResetError(22, 'The specified network name is no longer available', None, 64, None))) 20210721T022512.715141Z | INFO | network | couldn't launch iface electrum.eff.ro:50002:s -- CancelledError() 20210721T022512.770975Z | INFO | interface.[green-gold.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com:56002] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(ConnectionResetError(22, 'The specified network name is no longer available', None, 64, None))) 20210721T022512.771955Z | INFO | network | couldn't launch iface green-gold.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com:56002:s -- CancelledError() 20210721T022514.033150Z | INFO | interface.[fn.48.org:50002] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(ConnectionRefusedError(22, 'The remote computer refused the network connection', None, 1225, None))) 20210721T022514.033150Z | INFO | network | couldn't launch iface fn.48.org:50002:s -- CancelledError() 20210721T022514.303506Z | INFO | interface.[ex01.axalgo.com:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.14.0', '1.4'] 20210721T022514.548923Z | INFO | interface.[1.fulcrum-node.com:50002] | connection established. version: ['Fulcrum 1.5.2', '1.4'] 20210721T022514.582228Z | INFO | interface.[ex01.axalgo.com:50002] | set blockchain with height 691939 20210721T022514.583210Z | INFO | interface.[ex01.axalgo.com:50002] | skipping header 691938 20210721T022514.955439Z | INFO | interface.[1.fulcrum-node.com:50002] | set blockchain with height 691939 20210721T022514.956418Z | INFO | interface.[1.fulcrum-node.com:50002] | skipping header 691939 20210721T022514.999518Z | INFO | interface.[bitcoin.dragon.zone:50004] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(ConnectionResetError(22, 'The specified network name is no longer available', None, 64, None))) 20210721T022515.000501Z | INFO | network | couldn't launch iface bitcoin.dragon.zone:50004:s -- CancelledError() 20210721T022516.055480Z | INFO | interface.[] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T022516.374816Z | INFO | interface.[] | set blockchain with height 691939 20210721T022516.375795Z | INFO | interface.[] | skipping header 691939 20210721T022518.597911Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.festivaldelhumor.org:50002] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(ConnectionRefusedError(22, 'The remote computer refused the network connection', None, 1225, None))) 20210721T022518.597911Z | INFO | network | couldn't launch iface electrum.festivaldelhumor.org:50002:s -- CancelledError() 20210721T022521.028376Z | INFO | interface.[btc.ultracloud.tk:50002] | succeeded in getting cert 20210721T022522.317867Z | INFO | interface.[btc.ultracloud.tk:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T022522.661690Z | INFO | interface.[btc.ultracloud.tk:50002] | set blockchain with height 691939 20210721T022522.708709Z | INFO | interface.[btc.ultracloud.tk:50002] | skipping header 691939 20210721T022523.720591Z | DEBUG | util.profiler | WalletDB._load_transactions 3.9090 20210721T022523.801895Z | DEBUG | util.profiler | AddressSynchronizer.load_local_history 0.0078 20210721T022523.806793Z | DEBUG | util.profiler | AddressSynchronizer.check_history 0.0039 20210721T022529.538874Z | DEBUG | util.profiler | AddressList.update 0.0000 20210721T022537.676311Z | DEBUG | util.profiler | Imported_Wallet.try_detecting_internal_addresses_corruption 0.0960 20210721T022537.682188Z | DEBUG | util.profiler | ElectrumWindow.load_wallet 0.5422 20210721T022537.803656Z | INFO | gui.qt.ElectrumGui | starting Qt main loop 20210721T022557.814829Z | INFO | interface.[ex01.axalgo.com:50002] | skipping header 691939 20210721T022557.818746Z | INFO | interface.[electrumx.papabyte.com:50002] | skipping header 691939 20210721T022558.142972Z | INFO | interface.[bitcoin.alephnullptr.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.estimatefee', [10]) (id: 4)") 20210721T022558.160605Z | INFO | gui.qt.update_checker.UpdateCheckThread | valid sig for version announcement '4.1.5' from address '13xjmVAB1EATPP8RshTE8S8sNwwSUM9p1P' 20210721T022559.420820Z | INFO | interface.[2AZZARITA.hopto.org:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T022559.704893Z | INFO | interface.[2AZZARITA.hopto.org:50002] | set blockchain with height 691939 20210721T022559.705878Z | INFO | interface.[2AZZARITA.hopto.org:50002] | skipping header 691937 20210721T022612.328038Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[3.3, 107320], [1.1, 34206], [1.0, 8394369]] 20210721T022716.346469Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[3.3, 107320], [1.1, 34206], [1.0, 8394369]] 20210721T022725.398520Z | INFO | interface.[electrumx-btc.cryptonermal.net:50002] | skipping header 691939 20210721T022751.210408Z | INFO | interface.[2AZZARITA.hopto.org:50002] | skipping header 691939 20210721T022817.044870Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[6.0, 107584], [1.6, 110115], [1.1, 2681], [1.0, 8398473]] 20210721T022919.087292Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[6.0, 107584], [1.6, 110115], [1.1, 2681], [1.0, 8398473]] 20210721T023020.217772Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[6.3, 100738], [3.3, 111465], [1.1, 62501], [1.0, 8402514]] 20210721T023125.583819Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[6.3, 100738], [3.3, 111465], [1.1, 62501], [1.0, 8402514]] 20210721T023133.430210Z | INFO | interface.[1.fulcrum-node.com:50002] | could connect 691940 20210721T023136.983846Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | skipping header 691940 20210721T023140.342970Z | INFO | interface.[] | skipping header 691940 20210721T023152.549715Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 1923, 10: 2711, 5: 2883, 2: 6000} 20210721T023201.230163Z | INFO | interface.[dxm.no-ip.biz:50002] | skipping header 691940 20210721T023215.981712Z | INFO | interface.[btc.ultracloud.tk:50002] | skipping header 691940 20210721T023216.371575Z | INFO | interface.[ultracloud.tk:50002] | skipping header 691940 20210721T023222.350473Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[1.2, 26015], [1.0, 7790901]] 20210721T023246.734521Z | INFO | interface.[electrumx.papabyte.com:50002] | skipping header 691940 20210721T023249.079669Z | INFO | interface.[1.fulcrum-node.com:50002] | could connect 691941 20210721T023252.269775Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | skipping header 691941 20210721T023255.855628Z | INFO | interface.[] | skipping header 691941 20210721T023323.928023Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[1.2, 26015], [1.0, 7790901]] 20210721T023331.674313Z | INFO | interface.[dxm.no-ip.biz:50002] | skipping header 691941 20210721T023346.322356Z | INFO | interface.[btc.ultracloud.tk:50002] | skipping header 691941 20210721T023346.981122Z | INFO | interface.[ultracloud.tk:50002] | skipping header 691941 20210721T023424.819485Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[1.2, 63153], [1.0, 6898563]] 20210721T023447.449553Z | INFO | interface.[ex01.axalgo.com:50002] | skipping header 691941 20210721T023450.363121Z | INFO | interface.[electrumx.papabyte.com:50002] | skipping header 691941 20210721T023519.027571Z | INFO | interface.[electrumx-btc.cryptonermal.net:50002] | skipping header 691941 20210721T023525.069241Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[1.2, 63153], [1.0, 6898563]] 20210721T023538.124133Z | INFO | interface.[2AZZARITA.hopto.org:50002] | skipping header 691941 20210721T023624.863293Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[3.1, 101041], [1.1, 31930], [1.0, 6902838]] 20210721T023726.435471Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[3.1, 101041], [1.1, 31930], [1.0, 6902838]] 20210721T023828.032265Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[6.0, 107697], [1.1, 71936], [1.0, 6907759]] 20210721T023930.536728Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[6.0, 107697], [1.1, 71936], [1.0, 6907759]] 20210721T024030.498160Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[7.0, 100079], [2.9, 111508], [1.1, 28731], [1.0, 6911470]] 20210721T024131.189625Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[7.0, 100079], [2.9, 111508], [1.1, 28731], [1.0, 6911470]] 20210721T024248.249075Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[10.5, 101006], [4.0, 127053], [2.9, 121365], [1.1, 33697], [1.0, 6915677]] 20210721T024331.943947Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[10.5, 101006], [4.0, 127053], [2.9, 121365], [1.1, 33697], [1.0, 6915677]] 20210721T024432.781043Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[15.2, 101290], [6.0, 111074], [3.0, 171717], [1.1, 45080], [1.0, 6919713]] 20210721T024533.719646Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[15.2, 101290], [6.0, 111074], [3.0, 171717], [1.1, 45080], [1.0, 6919713]] 20210721T024541.925305Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | could connect 691942 20210721T024542.320122Z | INFO | interface.[1.fulcrum-node.com:50002] | skipping header 691942 20210721T024547.098547Z | INFO | interface.[] | skipping header 691942 20210721T024610.304922Z | INFO | interface.[btc.ultracloud.tk:50002] | skipping header 691942 20210721T024610.744937Z | INFO | interface.[ultracloud.tk:50002] | skipping header 691942 20210721T024612.333719Z | INFO | interface.[dxm.no-ip.biz:50002] | skipping header 691942 20210721T024633.641320Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[1.1, 44120], [1.0, 6519779]] 20210721T024644.179745Z | INFO | interface.[ex01.axalgo.com:50002] | skipping header 691942 20210721T024653.429676Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 1923, 10: 2711, 5: 2884, 2: 6000} 20210721T024717.971231Z | INFO | interface.[2AZZARITA.hopto.org:50002] | skipping header 691942 20210721T024737.367362Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[1.1, 44120], [1.0, 6519779]] 20210721T024741.300812Z | INFO | interface.[electrumx.papabyte.com:50002] | skipping header 691942 20210721T024801.096187Z | INFO | interface.[electrumx-btc.cryptonermal.net:50002] | skipping header 691942 20210721T024816.650432Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[1.1, 44120], [1.0, 6519779]] 20210721T024939.193431Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[2.8, 101746], [1.1, 17048], [1.0, 6538188]] 20210721T025039.735408Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[8.4, 100034], [1.6, 114519], [1.1, 5831], [1.0, 6538686]] 20210721T025141.132622Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[8.4, 100034], [1.6, 114519], [1.1, 5831], [1.0, 6538686]] 20210721T025306.391309Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[9.9, 114900], [5.1, 165887], [1.1, 99522], [1.0, 6546724]] 20210721T025341.309371Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[9.9, 114900], [5.1, 165887], [1.1, 99522], [1.0, 6546724]] 20210721T025441.347795Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[15.4, 100363], [6.0, 118872], [5.1, 134685], [1.2, 136161], [1.1, 1152], [1.0, 6550392]] 20210721T025542.640178Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[15.4, 100363], [6.0, 118872], [5.1, 134685], [1.2, 136161], [1.1, 1152], [1.0, 6550392]] 20210721T025616.057697Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[15.4, 100363], [6.0, 118872], [5.1, 134685], [1.2, 136161], [1.1, 1152], [1.0, 6550392]] 20210721T025756.091128Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.scripthash.subscribe', ['f20a2e0f4df2141acc6db9ac3f92ad1501580c9ceaf077580874d0b2f39d79cb']) (id: 19574)") 20210721T025756.203777Z | INFO | network | connecting to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s as new interface 20210721T025758.264061Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {} 20210721T025800.170250Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T025800.293838Z | INFO | interface.[assuredly.not.fyi:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T025800.855234Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | set blockchain with height 691942 20210721T025800.857191Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | skipping header 691942 20210721T025800.858169Z | INFO | network | switching to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s 20210721T025818.044317Z | ERROR | asyncio | Task exception was never retrieved future: .subscribe_to_address() done, defined at electrum\synchronizer.py:107> exception=RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.scripthash.subscribe', ['60cee971b70ff10eb6cc01ab147c0da7f6af48a293513e30b09fa2ba04817f77']) (id: 19479)")> Traceback (most recent call last): File "electrum\interface.py", line 172, in send_request File "asyncio\tasks.py", line 455, in wait_for File "aiorpcx\session.py", line 537, in send_request File "aiorpcx\session.py", line 507, in _send_concurrent File "aiorpcx\curio.py", line 337, in __aexit__ aiorpcx.curio.TaskTimeout: task timed out after 30s The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "electrum\synchronizer.py", line 113, in subscribe_to_address File "electrum\interface.py", line 196, in subscribe File "electrum\interface.py", line 176, in send_request electrum.interface.RequestTimedOut: Network request timed out. 20210721T025859.688396Z | INFO | interface.[assuredly.not.fyi:50002] | set blockchain with height 691942 20210721T025859.690355Z | INFO | interface.[assuredly.not.fyi:50002] | skipping header 691942 20210721T025859.755986Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 1923, 10: 2711, 5: 2884, 2: 6000} 20210721T025902.916226Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('mempool.get_fee_histogram',) (id: 11)") 20210721T025902.956897Z | INFO | network | connecting to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s as new interface 20210721T025904.650118Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T025908.744397Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | set blockchain with height 691942 20210721T025908.745378Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | skipping header 691942 20210721T025908.746356Z | INFO | network | switching to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s 20210721T025923.015760Z | ERROR | asyncio | Task exception was never retrieved future: .get_server_peers() done, defined at electrum\network.py:454> exception=RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('server.peers.subscribe',) (id: 9)")> Traceback (most recent call last): File "electrum\interface.py", line 172, in send_request File "asyncio\tasks.py", line 455, in wait_for File "aiorpcx\session.py", line 537, in send_request File "aiorpcx\session.py", line 507, in _send_concurrent File "aiorpcx\curio.py", line 337, in __aexit__ aiorpcx.curio.TaskTimeout: task timed out after 30s The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "electrum\network.py", line 455, in get_server_peers File "electrum\interface.py", line 176, in send_request electrum.interface.RequestTimedOut: Network request timed out. 20210721T025923.025085Z | ERROR | asyncio | Task exception was never retrieved future: .get_relay_fee() done, defined at electrum\network.py:462> exception=RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.relayfee',) (id: 10)")> Traceback (most recent call last): File "electrum\interface.py", line 172, in send_request File "asyncio\tasks.py", line 455, in wait_for File "aiorpcx\session.py", line 537, in send_request File "aiorpcx\session.py", line 507, in _send_concurrent File "aiorpcx\curio.py", line 337, in __aexit__ aiorpcx.curio.TaskTimeout: task timed out after 30s The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "electrum\network.py", line 463, in get_relay_fee File "electrum\interface.py", line 1066, in get_relay_fee File "electrum\interface.py", line 176, in send_request electrum.interface.RequestTimedOut: Network request timed out. 20210721T030002.553851Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[26.0, 100575], [7.3, 111003], [5.1, 230752], [2.4, 137205], [1.1, 44040], [1.0, 6557746]] 20210721T030009.031227Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.scripthash.subscribe', ['cc68c087a25e8154b6e1a30096c8c7b2b5ee6604107b95adf838a521c5d3f94b']) (id: 18)") 20210721T030009.090034Z | INFO | network | connecting to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s as new interface 20210721T030009.092975Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {} 20210721T030010.811805Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T030011.073127Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | set blockchain with height 691942 20210721T030011.074106Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | skipping header 691942 20210721T030011.075088Z | INFO | network | switching to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s 20210721T030114.281089Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[26.0, 100575], [7.3, 111003], [5.1, 230752], [2.4, 137205], [1.1, 44040], [1.0, 6557746]] 20210721T030114.389100Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 1923, 10: 2711, 5: 2884, 2: 6000} 20210721T030119.201079Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.scripthash.subscribe', ['6e9485ce15979282a89bc08b89b80d80f99b89cb2e70a5e35e350c25afb347fc']) (id: 13)") 20210721T030119.227050Z | INFO | network | connecting to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s as new interface 20210721T030121.189991Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T030121.481729Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | set blockchain with height 691942 20210721T030121.482708Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | skipping header 691942 20210721T030121.485646Z | INFO | network | switching to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s 20210721T030226.976818Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[28.7, 100214], [9.7, 110094], [6.0, 128961], [5.1, 145006], [2.4, 155994], [1.1, 45473], [1.0, 6558168]] 20210721T030231.647892Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.scripthash.subscribe', ['c99a83464f52f0aeb53a4eb420e63640c9b42413d507b39ee715e3a912229e9b']) (id: 17)") 20210721T030231.720961Z | INFO | network | connecting to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s as new interface 20210721T030232.937523Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T030233.197258Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | set blockchain with height 691942 20210721T030233.198236Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | skipping header 691942 20210721T030233.199217Z | INFO | network | switching to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s 20210721T030331.303652Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[47.5, 101035], [9.9, 130819], [6.0, 148931], [5.1, 146464], [3.0, 168098], [1.1, 103399], [1.0, 6563241]] 20210721T030334.784765Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.scripthash.subscribe', ['dabba9aa6fd29c62d83c397b5622245892179d82200f99aeea0f884a9fda8c22']) (id: 14)") 20210721T030334.830889Z | INFO | network | connecting to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s as new interface 20210721T030334.930889Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {} 20210721T030336.043520Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T030336.284767Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | set blockchain with height 691942 20210721T030336.285747Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | skipping header 691942 20210721T030336.287707Z | INFO | network | switching to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s 20210721T030430.339694Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[47.5, 101035], [9.9, 130819], [6.0, 148931], [5.1, 146464], [3.0, 168098], [1.1, 103399], [1.0, 6563241]] 20210721T030430.375939Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 1923, 10: 2711, 5: 2884, 2: 6000} 20210721T030434.180245Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.scripthash.subscribe', ['f786242f9b51ba3e48492f5147546e4d82e0cd3ec9d5fdaa7b726454615023bf']) (id: 13)") 20210721T030434.204734Z | INFO | network | connecting to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s as new interface 20210721T030436.160908Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {} 20210721T030437.596010Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T030438.044645Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | set blockchain with height 691942 20210721T030438.046605Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | skipping header 691942 20210721T030438.047584Z | INFO | network | switching to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s 20210721T030534.077546Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[47.5, 104904], [9.9, 137478], [6.0, 159868], [5.1, 148388], [3.0, 175925], [1.1, 109026], [1.0, 6566924]] 20210721T030534.178442Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 1923, 10: 2711, 5: 2884, 2: 6000} 20210721T030537.415219Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.scripthash.subscribe', ['3fe4fb5d4c2027ad9ff9d4742d58623cf8a442c7810a861fff0e7111f1111125']) (id: 16)") 20210721T030537.438729Z | INFO | network | connecting to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s as new interface 20210721T030537.678410Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {} 20210721T030546.782512Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T030547.022804Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | set blockchain with height 691942 20210721T030547.023784Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | skipping header 691942 20210721T030547.025742Z | INFO | network | switching to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s 20210721T030642.002875Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[47.5, 104904], [9.9, 137478], [6.0, 159868], [5.1, 148388], [3.0, 175925], [1.1, 109026], [1.0, 6566924]] 20210721T030642.075362Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 1923, 10: 2711, 5: 2884, 2: 6000} 20210721T030642.083205Z | INFO | interface.[1.fulcrum-node.com:50002] | could connect 691943 20210721T030646.360706Z | INFO | interface.[2AZZARITA.hopto.org:50002] | skipping header 691943 20210721T030646.364625Z | INFO | interface.[assuredly.not.fyi:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.estimatefee', [5]) (id: 26)") 20210721T030648.181668Z | INFO | interface.[] | skipping header 691943 20210721T030648.658710Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.scripthash.subscribe', ['3e758bef877247cef47f6b2c5da960623974b10339e43838101b7b66cc074d26']) (id: 24)") 20210721T030648.691035Z | INFO | network | connecting to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s as new interface 20210721T030650.773584Z | INFO | interface.[electrumx.papabyte.com:50002] | skipping header 691943 20210721T030650.775543Z | INFO | interface.[dxm.no-ip.biz:50002] | skipping header 691943 20210721T030651.166378Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T030651.240825Z | INFO | gui.qt.history_list.HistoryModel | refreshing... reason: update_tabs 20210721T030651.852981Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | set blockchain with height 691943 20210721T030651.908457Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | skipping header 691943 20210721T030651.944782Z | INFO | network | switching to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s 20210721T030653.533405Z | DEBUG | util.profiler | Abstract_Wallet.get_full_history 2.1251 20210721T030654.187217Z | DEBUG | util.profiler | HistoryModel.refresh 2.9464 20210721T030654.327946Z | DEBUG | util.profiler | AddressList.update 0.0000 20210721T030708.349502Z | ERROR | asyncio | Task exception was never retrieved future: exception=RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.estimatefee', [2]) (id: 27)")> Traceback (most recent call last): File "electrum\interface.py", line 172, in send_request File "asyncio\tasks.py", line 455, in wait_for File "aiorpcx\session.py", line 537, in send_request File "aiorpcx\session.py", line 507, in _send_concurrent File "aiorpcx\curio.py", line 337, in __aexit__ aiorpcx.curio.TaskTimeout: task timed out after 30s The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "electrum\interface.py", line 1080, in get_estimatefee File "electrum\interface.py", line 176, in send_request electrum.interface.RequestTimedOut: Network request timed out. 20210721T030743.107387Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[47.5, 109949], [10.1, 113155], [6.0, 203638], [5.1, 148979], [3.1, 156522], [1.7, 161073], [1.1, 20031], [1.0, 6570785]] 20210721T030743.118161Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[47.5, 109949], [10.1, 113155], [6.0, 203638], [5.1, 148979], [3.1, 156522], [1.7, 161073], [1.1, 20031], [1.0, 6570785]] 20210721T030743.119141Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.hodlister.co:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.10.0', '1.4'] 20210721T030743.135329Z | INFO | interface.[btc.ultracloud.tk:50002] | skipping header 691943 20210721T030743.137288Z | INFO | interface.[ultracloud.tk:50002] | skipping header 691943 20210721T030743.181418Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 1922, 10: 2711, 5: 2884, 2: 6001} 20210721T030743.183376Z | INFO | interface.[ex01.axalgo.com:50002] | skipping header 691943 20210721T030743.183376Z | INFO | network | couldn't launch iface electrum.hodlister.co:50002:s -- TimeoutError() 20210721T030746.379334Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.hodlister.co:50002] | disconnecting due to GracefulDisconnect('session was closed') 20210721T030803.039463Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.scripthash.subscribe', ['1bf4d3afb522497684cd11b017ff36ab8e245963d56a0b340fd4d943ed6db877']) (id: 27)") 20210721T030803.166459Z | INFO | network | connecting to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s as new interface 20210721T030806.658927Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T030806.937121Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | set blockchain with height 691943 20210721T030806.939081Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | skipping header 691943 20210721T030806.941039Z | INFO | network | switching to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s 20210721T030832.880337Z | INFO | interface.[tomscryptos.com:50002] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(ConnectionResetError(22, 'The specified network name is no longer available', None, 64, None))) 20210721T030832.892089Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[47.5, 109949], [10.1, 113155], [6.0, 203638], [5.1, 148979], [3.1, 156522], [1.7, 161073], [1.1, 20031], [1.0, 6570785]] 20210721T030906.799399Z | INFO | network | couldn't launch iface tomscryptos.com:50002:s -- CancelledError() 20210721T030911.098906Z | INFO | interface.[1.fulcrum-node.com:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.estimatefee', [5]) (id: 173)") 20210721T030911.312448Z | INFO | interface.[[2603:6011:af41:7214::3]:50002] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(OSError(22, 'The network location cannot be reached. For information about network troubleshooting, see Windows Help', None, 1231, None))) 20210721T030911.313427Z | INFO | network | couldn't launch iface [2603:6011:af41:7214::3]:50002:s -- CancelledError() 20210721T030911.418244Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.scripthash.subscribe', ['8716d7c4e6e27171bfc256b7defc2186f39ccaa7c05ced38ce48799c464de6c3']) (id: 30)") 20210721T030911.522072Z | INFO | network | connecting to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s as new interface 20210721T030912.510444Z | INFO | interface.[f.keff.org:50002] | connection established. version: ['Fulcrum 1.5.2', '1.4'] 20210721T030912.648563Z | INFO | interface.[E-X.not.fyi:50002] | disconnecting due to: CancelledError() 20210721T030912.649542Z | INFO | network | couldn't launch iface E-X.not.fyi:50002:s -- CancelledError() 20210721T030912.759252Z | INFO | interface.[f.keff.org:50002] | set blockchain with height 691943 20210721T030912.760230Z | INFO | interface.[f.keff.org:50002] | skipping header 691943 20210721T030912.768067Z | INFO | gui.qt.history_list.HistoryModel | refreshing... reason: update_tabs 20210721T030913.347964Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T030913.709421Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | set blockchain with height 691943 20210721T030913.733909Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | skipping header 691943 20210721T030913.790255Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {} 20210721T030913.802011Z | INFO | network | switching to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s 20210721T030915.355585Z | DEBUG | util.profiler | Abstract_Wallet.get_full_history 2.4190 20210721T030915.373217Z | DEBUG | util.profiler | HistoryModel.refresh 2.6052 20210721T030915.458439Z | DEBUG | util.profiler | AddressList.update 0.0000 20210721T030934.044174Z | ERROR | asyncio | Task exception was never retrieved future: exception=RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.estimatefee', [2]) (id: 174)")> Traceback (most recent call last): File "electrum\interface.py", line 172, in send_request File "asyncio\tasks.py", line 455, in wait_for File "aiorpcx\session.py", line 537, in send_request File "aiorpcx\session.py", line 507, in _send_concurrent File "aiorpcx\curio.py", line 337, in __aexit__ aiorpcx.curio.TaskTimeout: task timed out after 30s The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "electrum\interface.py", line 1080, in get_estimatefee File "electrum\interface.py", line 176, in send_request electrum.interface.RequestTimedOut: Network request timed out. 20210721T031010.013890Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 1922, 10: 2711, 5: 2884, 2: 6001} 20210721T031010.030542Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[1.1, 72199], [1.0, 6510797]] 20210721T031010.042295Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[1.1, 72199], [1.0, 6510797]] 20210721T031010.079519Z | INFO | interface.[electrumx-btc.cryptonermal.net:50002] | skipping header 691943 20210721T031012.941782Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.scripthash.subscribe', ['7c832c3735bb6d5d6d980107eccc29331ac62686fd599923afaf2f3ad963cecb']) (id: 21)") 20210721T031013.052472Z | INFO | network | connecting to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s as new interface 20210721T031013.577517Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {} 20210721T031015.281943Z | INFO | interface.[fortress.qtornado.com:443] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.15.0', '1.4'] 20210721T031015.568948Z | INFO | interface.[fortress.qtornado.com:443] | set blockchain with height 691943 20210721T031015.569927Z | INFO | interface.[fortress.qtornado.com:443] | skipping header 691943 20210721T031015.778576Z | INFO | gui.qt.history_list.HistoryModel | refreshing... reason: update_tabs 20210721T031017.907150Z | DEBUG | util.profiler | Abstract_Wallet.get_full_history 1.9738 20210721T031017.917922Z | DEBUG | util.profiler | HistoryModel.refresh 2.1393 20210721T031017.962002Z | DEBUG | util.profiler | AddressList.update 0.0000 20210721T031034.535108Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to: ConnectError(OSError(22, 'The semaphore timeout period has expired', None, 121, None)) 20210721T031034.537062Z | INFO | network | couldn't launch iface electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s -- CancelledError() 20210721T031034.578199Z | INFO | network | connecting to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s as new interface 20210721T031036.208181Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T031036.474621Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | set blockchain with height 691943 20210721T031036.475599Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | skipping header 691943 20210721T031036.503027Z | INFO | network | switching to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s 20210721T031134.456229Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[6.0, 110853], [1.1, 59147], [1.0, 6514876]] 20210721T031134.466023Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[6.0, 110853], [1.1, 59147], [1.0, 6514876]] 20210721T031134.530228Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 1922, 10: 2711, 5: 2884, 2: 6001} 20210721T031137.871186Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.scripthash.subscribe', ['b03be5a856486fcb1250fec3123fbc9a061da58190d2116af1268d1b80befc9f']) (id: 20)") 20210721T031137.912327Z | INFO | network | connecting to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s as new interface 20210721T031140.046779Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T031140.307013Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | set blockchain with height 691943 20210721T031140.307994Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | skipping header 691943 20210721T031140.308973Z | INFO | network | switching to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s 20210721T031244.959941Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[6.0, 110853], [1.1, 59147], [1.0, 6514876]] 20210721T031245.071257Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | could connect 691944 20210721T031245.133029Z | INFO | interface.[] | skipping header 691944 20210721T031245.135967Z | INFO | interface.[f.keff.org:50002] | skipping header 691944 20210721T031245.138906Z | INFO | interface.[btc.ultracloud.tk:50002] | skipping header 691944 20210721T031245.140867Z | INFO | interface.[ultracloud.tk:50002] | skipping header 691944 20210721T031245.142827Z | INFO | interface.[dxm.no-ip.biz:50002] | skipping header 691944 20210721T031245.146751Z | INFO | interface.[fortress.qtornado.com:443] | skipping header 691944 20210721T031245.148700Z | INFO | interface.[2AZZARITA.hopto.org:50002] | skipping header 691944 20210721T031248.845093Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.scripthash.subscribe', ['7afc87c668bacf3668316a43a4b98d949233aea9b2847337397b9363726829cf']) (id: 22)") 20210721T031248.900930Z | INFO | network | connecting to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s as new interface 20210721T031252.564131Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T031252.813188Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | set blockchain with height 691944 20210721T031252.815167Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | skipping header 691944 20210721T031252.816144Z | INFO | network | switching to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s 20210721T031355.607888Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[1.1, 28088], [1.0, 5804519]] 20210721T031355.984036Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 1921, 10: 2711, 5: 2884, 2: 6001} 20210721T031356.009504Z | INFO | interface.[ex01.axalgo.com:50002] | skipping header 691944 20210721T031402.190499Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.scripthash.subscribe', ['ce4e72372165952bafd0aecc996edfb4556789341baef64991b1183e15aed1a1']) (id: 17)") 20210721T031402.230662Z | INFO | network | connecting to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s as new interface 20210721T031405.821712Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T031406.080315Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | set blockchain with height 691944 20210721T031406.081293Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | skipping header 691944 20210721T031406.082272Z | INFO | network | switching to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s 20210721T031512.852436Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[1.1, 28088], [1.0, 5804519]] 20210721T031512.967608Z | INFO | interface.[electrumx-btc.cryptonermal.net:50002] | skipping header 691944 20210721T031516.268241Z | INFO | interface.[electrumx.papabyte.com:50002] | skipping header 691944 20210721T031517.728759Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.scripthash.subscribe', ['6a7ad5cf7962baf2924cce613f348b5005137f384fab5624dff4537522fd947b']) (id: 18)") 20210721T031517.802228Z | INFO | network | connecting to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s as new interface 20210721T031517.926636Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {} 20210721T031520.355638Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T031520.605422Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | set blockchain with height 691944 20210721T031520.606403Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | skipping header 691944 20210721T031520.607382Z | INFO | network | switching to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s 20210721T031629.708511Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[3.3, 101587], [1.1, 47965], [1.0, 5808456]] 20210721T031629.824197Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 1921, 10: 2711, 5: 2884, 2: 6001} 20210721T031633.356123Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.scripthash.subscribe', ['a0a604e0596ba5123d54c8aa47819ade585b7226eb05638e050e07369dd12ce0']) (id: 14)") 20210721T031633.407118Z | INFO | network | connecting to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s as new interface 20210721T031633.409077Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {} 20210721T031634.673574Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T031634.938268Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | set blockchain with height 691944 20210721T031634.939780Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | skipping header 691944 20210721T031634.942705Z | INFO | network | switching to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s 20210721T031736.515434Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[6.2, 101232], [1.1, 105565], [1.0, 5808827]] 20210721T031736.634071Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 1921, 10: 2711, 5: 2884, 2: 6001} 20210721T031741.972901Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.scripthash.subscribe', ['d48c42b258abbe9e9ae168b365d4f4e94dd569562e2ac84ed2286930304bd2c7']) (id: 15)") 20210721T031741.996413Z | INFO | network | connecting to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s as new interface 20210721T031743.311189Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T031743.578389Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | set blockchain with height 691944 20210721T031743.580352Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | skipping header 691944 20210721T031743.582310Z | INFO | network | switching to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s 20210721T031839.023829Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[6.2, 101232], [1.1, 105565], [1.0, 5808827]] 20210721T031842.741369Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.scripthash.subscribe', ['f23ad9a62ac0bf7c890b6b34908cce6fc1b9f01516ea6a1f13e79e40891d5cff']) (id: 22)") 20210721T031842.828549Z | INFO | network | connecting to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s as new interface 20210721T031843.055714Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {} 20210721T031844.880055Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T031845.118085Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | set blockchain with height 691944 20210721T031845.118085Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | skipping header 691944 20210721T031845.120044Z | INFO | network | switching to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s 20210721T031930.263816Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[10.5, 100086], [2.9, 118083], [1.1, 38356], [1.0, 5812431]] 20210721T031930.438175Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 1921, 10: 2711, 5: 2884, 2: 6001} 20210721T031938.277944Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.scripthash.subscribe', ['7e68418ed6c4689897c3d1ce19cb96c822c1e228f6010774b7688a0d65580146']) (id: 27)") 20210721T031938.384346Z | INFO | network | connecting to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s as new interface 20210721T031940.838449Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T031941.951526Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | set blockchain with height 691944 20210721T031941.952506Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | skipping header 691944 20210721T031941.954464Z | INFO | network | switching to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s 20210721T032036.547988Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[10.5, 100086], [2.9, 118083], [1.1, 38356], [1.0, 5812431]] 20210721T032040.349197Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.scripthash.subscribe', ['b15e532e866f231a96af62a22a0ac1951803b14565e588c258bcf8d242243ac0']) (id: 16)") 20210721T032040.418746Z | INFO | network | connecting to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s as new interface 20210721T032042.254432Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {} 20210721T032044.060997Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T032044.301413Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | set blockchain with height 691944 20210721T032044.301413Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | skipping header 691944 20210721T032044.302394Z | INFO | network | switching to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s 20210721T032137.956541Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[20.1, 105300], [3.2, 112398], [1.1, 92760], [1.0, 5815381]] 20210721T032138.221680Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 1921, 10: 2711, 5: 2884, 2: 6001} 20210721T032141.722257Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.scripthash.subscribe', ['81ff7f00dcda32175a25dc3ba37bd434b40537fa7ac6dc20a1be412ae9cd2557']) (id: 15)") 20210721T032141.762933Z | INFO | network | connecting to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s as new interface 20210721T032141.911912Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {} 20210721T032142.994987Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T032143.262214Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | set blockchain with height 691944 20210721T032143.266129Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | skipping header 691944 20210721T032143.268089Z | INFO | network | switching to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s 20210721T032238.643186Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[20.1, 105300], [3.2, 112398], [1.1, 92760], [1.0, 5815381]] 20210721T032238.686800Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 1921, 10: 2711, 5: 2884, 2: 6001} 20210721T032242.788687Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.scripthash.subscribe', ['9aca729b222e60f2a9e7a0ad5164d6c2c480c28ea3509607188eff02602104d0']) (id: 26)") 20210721T032242.860766Z | INFO | network | connecting to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s as new interface 20210721T032243.073080Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {} 20210721T032246.555744Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T032246.816017Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | set blockchain with height 691944 20210721T032246.817977Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | skipping header 691944 20210721T032246.819935Z | INFO | network | switching to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s 20210721T032350.813407Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[24.2, 100055], [4.1, 112429], [1.6, 126065], [1.1, 14288], [1.0, 5820039]] 20210721T032351.066134Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 1921, 10: 2711, 5: 2884, 2: 6001} 20210721T032421.329499Z | INFO | interface.[btc.ultracloud.tk:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.estimatefee', [2]) (id: 233)") 20210721T032428.495928Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.scripthash.subscribe', ['f9bbf086fece2ed1844afaf392a2166b6edc770710694c6992d2029873b049bc']) (id: 19)") 20210721T032428.635028Z | INFO | network | connecting to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s as new interface 20210721T032431.288638Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T032431.395409Z | INFO | interface.[blkhub.net:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T032431.587403Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | set blockchain with height 691944 20210721T032431.589363Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | skipping header 691944 20210721T032431.591326Z | INFO | network | switching to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s 20210721T032459.009189Z | INFO | interface.[blkhub.net:50002] | set blockchain with height 691944 20210721T032459.013106Z | INFO | interface.[blkhub.net:50002] | skipping header 691944 20210721T032537.124670Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {} 20210721T032537.127609Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 1921, 10: 2711, 5: 2884, 2: 6001} 20210721T032543.008860Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('server.banner',) (id: 7)") 20210721T032543.032369Z | INFO | network | connecting to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s as new interface 20210721T032547.153358Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T032549.753098Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | set blockchain with height 691944 20210721T032549.754077Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | skipping header 691944 20210721T032549.755058Z | INFO | network | switching to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s 20210721T032607.663290Z | ERROR | asyncio | Task exception was never retrieved future: .get_relay_fee() done, defined at electrum\network.py:462> exception=RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.relayfee',) (id: 10)")> Traceback (most recent call last): File "electrum\interface.py", line 172, in send_request File "asyncio\tasks.py", line 455, in wait_for File "aiorpcx\session.py", line 537, in send_request File "aiorpcx\session.py", line 507, in _send_concurrent File "aiorpcx\curio.py", line 337, in __aexit__ aiorpcx.curio.TaskTimeout: task timed out after 30s The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "electrum\network.py", line 463, in get_relay_fee File "electrum\interface.py", line 1066, in get_relay_fee File "electrum\interface.py", line 176, in send_request electrum.interface.RequestTimedOut: Network request timed out. 20210721T032607.673085Z | ERROR | asyncio | Task exception was never retrieved future: exception=RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('mempool.get_fee_histogram',) (id: 11)")> Traceback (most recent call last): File "electrum\interface.py", line 172, in send_request File "asyncio\tasks.py", line 455, in wait_for File "aiorpcx\session.py", line 537, in send_request File "aiorpcx\session.py", line 507, in _send_concurrent File "aiorpcx\curio.py", line 337, in __aexit__ aiorpcx.curio.TaskTimeout: task timed out after 30s The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "electrum\network.py", line 474, in _request_fee_estimates File "electrum\interface.py", line 1030, in get_fee_histogram File "electrum\interface.py", line 176, in send_request electrum.interface.RequestTimedOut: Network request timed out. 20210721T032645.433029Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[33.4, 101028], [6.0, 117448], [2.9, 125190], [1.1, 53180], [1.0, 5827616]] 20210721T032645.665146Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | could connect 691945 20210721T032645.778770Z | INFO | interface.[] | skipping header 691945 20210721T032645.780732Z | INFO | interface.[f.keff.org:50002] | skipping header 691945 20210721T032651.722713Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.scripthash.subscribe', ['078ce7c92f114bd13bd2a672959ba29319280ed323561369d9d602e07e7e9522']) (id: 16)") 20210721T032651.829486Z | INFO | network | connecting to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s as new interface 20210721T032652.889365Z | INFO | interface.[blkhub.net:50002] | skipping header 691945 20210721T032653.069607Z | INFO | gui.qt.history_list.HistoryModel | refreshing... reason: update_tabs 20210721T032653.615218Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T032654.689791Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | set blockchain with height 691945 20210721T032654.718195Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | skipping header 691945 20210721T032654.736806Z | INFO | network | switching to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s 20210721T032655.848600Z | DEBUG | util.profiler | Abstract_Wallet.get_full_history 2.5870 20210721T032656.455925Z | DEBUG | util.profiler | HistoryModel.refresh 3.3863 20210721T032656.520576Z | DEBUG | util.profiler | AddressList.update 0.0000 20210721T032751.072044Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[1.6, 13870], [1.0, 5327036]] 20210721T032751.089657Z | INFO | interface.[fortress.qtornado.com:443] | skipping header 691945 20210721T032751.091615Z | INFO | interface.[dxm.no-ip.biz:50002] | skipping header 691945 20210721T032751.141565Z | INFO | interface.[ultracloud.tk:50002] | skipping header 691945 20210721T032751.185646Z | INFO | interface.[electrumx.papabyte.com:50002] | skipping header 691945 20210721T032756.230357Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.scripthash.subscribe', ['3abdb7cf4948409a036904d1dee0812a643031ea02eec33be4238d79da3c4910']) (id: 16)") 20210721T032756.253865Z | INFO | network | connecting to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s as new interface 20210721T032756.375330Z | INFO | interface.[ex01.axalgo.com:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.estimatefee', [2]) (id: 233)") 20210721T032756.940535Z | INFO | interface.[] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.estimatefee', [10]) (id: 239)") 20210721T032758.596963Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T032800.482605Z | INFO | interface.[tomscryptos.com:50002] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(ConnectionResetError(22, 'The specified network name is no longer available', None, 64, None))) 20210721T032800.483585Z | INFO | network | couldn't launch iface tomscryptos.com:50002:s -- CancelledError() 20210721T032800.796065Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | set blockchain with height 691945 20210721T032800.797043Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | skipping header 691945 20210721T032800.799004Z | INFO | network | switching to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s 20210721T032817.454441Z | ERROR | asyncio | Task exception was never retrieved future: exception=RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.estimatefee', [5]) (id: 232)")> Traceback (most recent call last): File "electrum\interface.py", line 172, in send_request File "asyncio\tasks.py", line 455, in wait_for File "aiorpcx\session.py", line 537, in send_request File "aiorpcx\session.py", line 507, in _send_concurrent File "aiorpcx\curio.py", line 337, in __aexit__ aiorpcx.curio.TaskTimeout: task timed out after 30s The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "electrum\interface.py", line 1080, in get_estimatefee File "electrum\interface.py", line 176, in send_request electrum.interface.RequestTimedOut: Network request timed out. 20210721T032817.461296Z | ERROR | asyncio | Task exception was never retrieved future: exception=RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.estimatefee', [2]) (id: 241)")> Traceback (most recent call last): File "electrum\interface.py", line 172, in send_request File "asyncio\tasks.py", line 455, in wait_for File "aiorpcx\session.py", line 537, in send_request File "aiorpcx\session.py", line 507, in _send_concurrent File "aiorpcx\curio.py", line 337, in __aexit__ aiorpcx.curio.TaskTimeout: task timed out after 30s The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "electrum\interface.py", line 1080, in get_estimatefee File "electrum\interface.py", line 176, in send_request electrum.interface.RequestTimedOut: Network request timed out. 20210721T032817.463256Z | ERROR | asyncio | Task exception was never retrieved future: exception=RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.estimatefee', [5]) (id: 240)")> Traceback (most recent call last): File "electrum\interface.py", line 172, in send_request File "asyncio\tasks.py", line 455, in wait_for File "aiorpcx\session.py", line 537, in send_request File "aiorpcx\session.py", line 507, in _send_concurrent File "aiorpcx\curio.py", line 337, in __aexit__ aiorpcx.curio.TaskTimeout: task timed out after 30s The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "electrum\interface.py", line 1080, in get_estimatefee File "electrum\interface.py", line 176, in send_request electrum.interface.RequestTimedOut: Network request timed out. 20210721T032859.755099Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[1.6, 13870], [1.0, 5327036]] 20210721T032859.832485Z | INFO | interface.[electrumx-btc.cryptonermal.net:50002] | skipping header 691945 20210721T032859.832485Z | INFO | network | couldn't launch iface ca.poiuty.com:50002:s -- TimeoutError() 20210721T032903.066976Z | INFO | interface.[ca.poiuty.com:50002] | disconnecting due to: CancelledError() 20210721T032914.409246Z | INFO | interface.[e2.keff.org:50002] | disconnecting due to: CancelledError() 20210721T032914.410226Z | INFO | network | couldn't launch iface e2.keff.org:50002:s -- CancelledError() 20210721T032918.111968Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.scripthash.subscribe', ['e72642d573c618f34d411893c7628759c70035298a6351fa712c3a7b9b44903a']) (id: 25)") 20210721T032918.198167Z | INFO | network | connecting to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s as new interface 20210721T032918.261837Z | INFO | interface.[btc.cihar.com:50002] | certificate has expired: Certificate (btc.cihar.com) has expired (at 2021-03-24 19:43:59 UTC). 20210721T032918.372527Z | INFO | interface.[] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T032918.981817Z | INFO | interface.[] | set blockchain with height 691945 20210721T032918.983774Z | INFO | interface.[] | skipping header 691945 20210721T032919.091522Z | INFO | gui.qt.history_list.HistoryModel | refreshing... reason: update_tabs 20210721T032921.641308Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {} 20210721T032921.793138Z | DEBUG | util.profiler | Abstract_Wallet.get_full_history 2.5312 20210721T032921.808810Z | DEBUG | util.profiler | HistoryModel.refresh 2.7183 20210721T032921.908724Z | DEBUG | util.profiler | AddressList.update 0.0000 20210721T032923.490706Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T032923.762053Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | set blockchain with height 691945 20210721T032923.764002Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | skipping header 691945 20210721T032923.790452Z | INFO | network | switching to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s 20210721T033029.433397Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[1.1, 89820], [1.0, 5331905]] 20210721T033029.446131Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[1.1, 89820], [1.0, 5331905]] 20210721T033029.504905Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | could connect 691946 20210721T033029.525475Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 1921, 10: 2711, 5: 2884, 2: 6001} 20210721T033029.558780Z | INFO | interface.[f.keff.org:50002] | skipping header 691946 20210721T033029.562699Z | INFO | network | couldn't launch iface btc.cihar.com:50002:s -- TimeoutError() 20210721T033029.589148Z | INFO | interface.[blkhub.net:50002] | skipping header 691946 20210721T033029.591106Z | INFO | interface.[] | skipping header 691946 20210721T033029.596004Z | INFO | interface.[fortress.qtornado.com:443] | skipping header 691946 20210721T033029.597962Z | INFO | interface.[dxm.no-ip.biz:50002] | skipping header 691946 20210721T033032.546425Z | INFO | interface.[ultracloud.tk:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.estimatefee', [5]) (id: 236)") 20210721T033032.855964Z | INFO | interface.[rbx.curalle.ovh:50002] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(gaierror(11001, 'getaddrinfo failed'))) 20210721T033032.858904Z | INFO | network | couldn't launch iface rbx.curalle.ovh:50002:s -- CancelledError() 20210721T033033.407453Z | INFO | interface.[btc.cihar.com:50002] | succeeded in getting cert 20210721T033034.866011Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.scripthash.subscribe', ['f5106b2c6b650c380f30f23466849cd99b0f65ee1aadf45112b38954bb78987e']) (id: 26)") 20210721T033034.914009Z | INFO | network | connecting to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s as new interface 20210721T033035.489991Z | INFO | interface.[] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T033035.719205Z | INFO | interface.[] | set blockchain with height 691946 20210721T033035.720184Z | INFO | interface.[] | skipping header 691945 20210721T033035.948419Z | INFO | interface.[btc.cihar.com:50002] | disconnecting due to: ConnectError(SSLCertVerificationError(1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1125)')) 20210721T033036.123761Z | INFO | gui.qt.history_list.HistoryModel | refreshing... reason: update_tabs 20210721T033037.553912Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {} 20210721T033038.653952Z | DEBUG | util.profiler | Abstract_Wallet.get_full_history 2.3157 20210721T033038.892964Z | DEBUG | util.profiler | HistoryModel.refresh 2.7692 20210721T033038.934107Z | DEBUG | util.profiler | AddressList.update 0.0000 20210721T033042.612337Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T033043.533117Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | set blockchain with height 691946 20210721T033043.534097Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | skipping header 691946 20210721T033043.559565Z | INFO | network | switching to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s 20210721T033102.545311Z | ERROR | asyncio | Task exception was never retrieved future: exception=RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.estimatefee', [2]) (id: 237)")> Traceback (most recent call last): File "electrum\interface.py", line 172, in send_request File "asyncio\tasks.py", line 455, in wait_for File "aiorpcx\session.py", line 537, in send_request File "aiorpcx\session.py", line 507, in _send_concurrent File "aiorpcx\curio.py", line 337, in __aexit__ aiorpcx.curio.TaskTimeout: task timed out after 30s The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "electrum\interface.py", line 1080, in get_estimatefee File "electrum\interface.py", line 176, in send_request electrum.interface.RequestTimedOut: Network request timed out. 20210721T033148.753878Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[6.3, 101225], [1.2, 62984], [1.0, 4442828]] 20210721T033149.016401Z | INFO | interface.[] | skipping header 691946 20210721T033149.050683Z | INFO | network | couldn't launch iface electrumx.ultracloud.tk:50002:s -- TimeoutError() 20210721T033149.146680Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 1921, 10: 2711, 5: 2885, 2: 6001} 20210721T033149.150599Z | INFO | interface.[electrumx.papabyte.com:50002] | skipping header 691946 20210721T033149.154517Z | INFO | interface.[electrumx-btc.cryptonermal.net:50002] | skipping header 691946 20210721T033153.812306Z | INFO | interface.[electrumx.ultracloud.tk:50002] | succeeded in getting cert 20210721T033154.063071Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.scripthash.subscribe', ['d81076b45d497c68a0a0007101698a7635402b9351866d2120099b1d38f93d7f']) (id: 15)") 20210721T033154.064049Z | INFO | interface.[] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.estimatefee', [25]) (id: 7)") 20210721T033154.120863Z | INFO | network | connecting to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s as new interface 20210721T033154.290327Z | INFO | interface.[electrum-server.ninja:50002] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(gaierror(11001, 'getaddrinfo failed'))) 20210721T033154.293263Z | INFO | network | couldn't launch iface electrum-server.ninja:50002:s -- CancelledError() 20210721T033154.300121Z | INFO | interface.[electrumx.ftp.sh:50002] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(gaierror(11001, 'getaddrinfo failed'))) 20210721T033154.305025Z | INFO | network | couldn't launch iface electrumx.ftp.sh:50002:s -- CancelledError() 20210721T033154.677248Z | INFO | interface.[vmd27610.contaboserver.net:50002] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(gaierror(11001, 'getaddrinfo failed'))) 20210721T033154.680188Z | INFO | network | couldn't launch iface vmd27610.contaboserver.net:50002:s -- CancelledError() 20210721T033154.788921Z | INFO | interface.[[2400:6180:0:d1::86b:e001]:50002] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(OSError(22, 'The network location cannot be reached. For information about network troubleshooting, see Windows Help', None, 1231, None))) 20210721T033154.789902Z | INFO | network | couldn't launch iface [2400:6180:0:d1::86b:e001]:50002:s -- CancelledError() 20210721T033155.984958Z | INFO | interface.[electrumx.ultracloud.tk:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T033156.301354Z | INFO | interface.[electrumx.ultracloud.tk:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T033156.559955Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T033157.477799Z | INFO | interface.[electrumx.ultracloud.tk:50002] | disconnecting due to GracefulDisconnect('conn establishment was too slow; *ready* future was cancelled') 20210721T033157.484656Z | INFO | interface.[electrumx.ultracloud.tk:50002] | set blockchain with height 691946 20210721T033157.485634Z | INFO | interface.[electrumx.ultracloud.tk:50002] | skipping header 691946 20210721T033157.499354Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {} 20210721T033157.643356Z | INFO | gui.qt.history_list.HistoryModel | refreshing... reason: update_tabs 20210721T033157.854928Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | set blockchain with height 691946 20210721T033157.856886Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | skipping header 691946 20210721T033157.857867Z | INFO | network | switching to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s 20210721T033200.881755Z | DEBUG | util.profiler | Abstract_Wallet.get_full_history 2.9965 20210721T033200.967953Z | DEBUG | util.profiler | HistoryModel.refresh 3.3256 20210721T033201.106071Z | DEBUG | util.profiler | AddressList.update 0.0010 20210721T033301.982502Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[6.3, 101225], [1.2, 62984], [1.0, 4442828]] 20210721T033301.998175Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 1921, 10: 2711, 5: 2885, 2: 6001} 20210721T033335.491648Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.scripthash.subscribe', ['e3edcc05e8ca9168c109348014eb519c3f52e69848108c7a4a434bdaeabd9a48']) (id: 13)") 20210721T033335.631727Z | INFO | network | connecting to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s as new interface 20210721T033336.007882Z | INFO | interface.[[2a03:b0c0:3:e0::b3:f001]:50002] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(OSError(22, 'The network location cannot be reached. For information about network troubleshooting, see Windows Help', None, 1231, None))) 20210721T033336.097025Z | INFO | network | couldn't launch iface [2a03:b0c0:3:e0::b3:f001]:50002:s -- CancelledError() 20210721T033337.570267Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T033337.852378Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | set blockchain with height 691946 20210721T033337.854343Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | skipping header 691946 20210721T033338.483214Z | INFO | network | switching to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s 20210721T033447.631988Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[9.9, 116169], [1.3, 110889], [1.2, 1560], [1.0, 4444742]] 20210721T033450.641184Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.scripthash.subscribe', ['44a3e4a95d8a6d8f9f7941ea461ebadc2757c15062b6f58e57290e69c02b92d5']) (id: 16)") 20210721T033450.712691Z | INFO | network | connecting to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s as new interface 20210721T033451.801957Z | INFO | interface.[VPS.hsmiths.com:50002] | disconnecting due to: CancelledError() 20210721T033451.802937Z | INFO | network | couldn't launch iface VPS.hsmiths.com:50002:s -- CancelledError() 20210721T033452.464135Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {} 20210721T033452.748207Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T033453.397652Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | set blockchain with height 691946 20210721T033453.398639Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | skipping header 691946 20210721T033453.399616Z | INFO | network | switching to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s 20210721T033603.968743Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 1921, 10: 2711, 5: 2885, 2: 6001} 20210721T033609.590410Z | INFO | interface.[dxm.no-ip.biz:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.estimatefee', [10]) (id: 265)") 20210721T033609.884278Z | INFO | interface.[electrumx.ultracloud.tk:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.estimatefee', [5]) (id: 13)") 20210721T033611.746412Z | INFO | interface.[electrumx-btc.cryptonermal.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('server.ping',) (id: 259)") 20210721T033611.807145Z | INFO | interface.[[2400:6180:0:d1::86b:e001]:50002] | disconnecting due to: ErrorGettingSSLCertFromServer(ConnectError(OSError(22, 'The network location cannot be reached. For information about network troubleshooting, see Windows Help', None, 1231, None))) 20210721T033611.809105Z | INFO | network | couldn't launch iface [2400:6180:0:d1::86b:e001]:50002:s -- CancelledError() 20210721T033612.756339Z | INFO | interface.[VPS.hsmiths.com:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.10.0', '1.4'] 20210721T033613.028651Z | INFO | interface.[VPS.hsmiths.com:50002] | set blockchain with height 691946 20210721T033613.029630Z | INFO | interface.[VPS.hsmiths.com:50002] | skipping header 691946 20210721T033615.097472Z | INFO | interface.[skbxmit.coinjoined.com:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.15.0', '1.4'] 20210721T033615.103349Z | INFO | interface.[korea.electrum-server.com:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T033615.249304Z | INFO | interface.[korea.electrum-server.com:50002] | set blockchain with height 691946 20210721T033615.251262Z | INFO | interface.[korea.electrum-server.com:50002] | skipping header 691946 20210721T033615.337462Z | INFO | interface.[skbxmit.coinjoined.com:50002] | set blockchain with height 691946 20210721T033615.338442Z | INFO | interface.[skbxmit.coinjoined.com:50002] | skipping header 691946 20210721T033617.590443Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('mempool.get_fee_histogram',) (id: 11)") 20210721T033617.665866Z | INFO | network | connecting to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s as new interface 20210721T033621.689879Z | INFO | interface.[ex01.axalgo.com:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.14.0', '1.4'] 20210721T033621.948483Z | INFO | interface.[ex01.axalgo.com:50002] | set blockchain with height 691946 20210721T033621.949462Z | INFO | interface.[ex01.axalgo.com:50002] | skipping header 691946 20210721T033622.206105Z | INFO | gui.qt.history_list.HistoryModel | refreshing... reason: update_tabs 20210721T033623.508915Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {} 20210721T033625.036041Z | DEBUG | util.profiler | Abstract_Wallet.get_full_history 2.5674 20210721T033625.075223Z | DEBUG | util.profiler | HistoryModel.refresh 2.8721 20210721T033625.162408Z | DEBUG | util.profiler | AddressList.update 0.0000 20210721T033639.008419Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to: ConnectError(OSError(22, 'The semaphore timeout period has expired', None, 121, None)) 20210721T033639.011358Z | INFO | network | couldn't launch iface electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s -- CancelledError() 20210721T033639.082867Z | INFO | network | connecting to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s as new interface 20210721T033644.311733Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T033644.903384Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | set blockchain with height 691946 20210721T033644.904364Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | skipping header 691946 20210721T033644.929842Z | INFO | network | switching to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s 20210721T033709.565650Z | ERROR | asyncio | Task exception was never retrieved future: .get_server_peers() done, defined at electrum\network.py:454> exception=RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('server.peers.subscribe',) (id: 9)")> Traceback (most recent call last): File "electrum\interface.py", line 172, in send_request File "asyncio\tasks.py", line 455, in wait_for File "aiorpcx\session.py", line 537, in send_request File "aiorpcx\session.py", line 507, in _send_concurrent File "aiorpcx\curio.py", line 337, in __aexit__ aiorpcx.curio.TaskTimeout: task timed out after 30s The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "electrum\network.py", line 455, in get_server_peers File "electrum\interface.py", line 176, in send_request electrum.interface.RequestTimedOut: Network request timed out. 20210721T033709.575447Z | ERROR | asyncio | Task exception was never retrieved future: .get_relay_fee() done, defined at electrum\network.py:462> exception=RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.relayfee',) (id: 10)")> Traceback (most recent call last): File "electrum\interface.py", line 172, in send_request File "asyncio\tasks.py", line 455, in wait_for File "aiorpcx\session.py", line 537, in send_request File "aiorpcx\session.py", line 507, in _send_concurrent File "aiorpcx\curio.py", line 337, in __aexit__ aiorpcx.curio.TaskTimeout: task timed out after 30s The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "electrum\network.py", line 463, in get_relay_fee File "electrum\interface.py", line 1066, in get_relay_fee File "electrum\interface.py", line 176, in send_request electrum.interface.RequestTimedOut: Network request timed out. 20210721T033709.578385Z | ERROR | asyncio | Task exception was never retrieved future: exception=RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.estimatefee', [2]) (id: 14)")> Traceback (most recent call last): File "electrum\interface.py", line 172, in send_request File "asyncio\tasks.py", line 455, in wait_for File "aiorpcx\session.py", line 537, in send_request File "aiorpcx\session.py", line 507, in _send_concurrent File "aiorpcx\curio.py", line 337, in __aexit__ aiorpcx.curio.TaskTimeout: task timed out after 30s The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "electrum\interface.py", line 1080, in get_estimatefee File "electrum\interface.py", line 176, in send_request electrum.interface.RequestTimedOut: Network request timed out. 20210721T033709.580345Z | ERROR | asyncio | Task exception was never retrieved future: exception=RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.estimatefee', [2]) (id: 267)")> Traceback (most recent call last): File "electrum\interface.py", line 172, in send_request File "asyncio\tasks.py", line 455, in wait_for File "aiorpcx\session.py", line 537, in send_request File "aiorpcx\session.py", line 507, in _send_concurrent File "aiorpcx\curio.py", line 337, in __aexit__ aiorpcx.curio.TaskTimeout: task timed out after 30s The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "electrum\interface.py", line 1080, in get_estimatefee File "electrum\interface.py", line 176, in send_request electrum.interface.RequestTimedOut: Network request timed out. 20210721T033709.582303Z | ERROR | asyncio | Task exception was never retrieved future: exception=RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.estimatefee', [5]) (id: 266)")> Traceback (most recent call last): File "electrum\interface.py", line 172, in send_request File "asyncio\tasks.py", line 455, in wait_for File "aiorpcx\session.py", line 537, in send_request File "aiorpcx\session.py", line 507, in _send_concurrent File "aiorpcx\curio.py", line 337, in __aexit__ aiorpcx.curio.TaskTimeout: task timed out after 30s The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "electrum\interface.py", line 1080, in get_estimatefee File "electrum\interface.py", line 176, in send_request electrum.interface.RequestTimedOut: Network request timed out. 20210721T033714.643667Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[35.9, 100079], [4.8, 114453], [1.2, 120671], [1.0, 4452669]] 20210721T033800.035285Z | INFO | network | fee_estimates {25: 1921, 10: 2711, 5: 2885, 2: 6001} 20210721T033800.136182Z | INFO | interface.[2AZZARITA.hopto.org:50002] | skipping header 691946 20210721T033810.344125Z | INFO | interface.[VPS.hsmiths.com:50002] | disconnecting due to GracefulDisconnect('session was closed') 20210721T033816.733768Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.scripthash.subscribe', ['d1cc1c34dcbba746402f4f6da23a1530d3255f0fecf9e3f652fd02b0ecd01344']) (id: 26)") 20210721T033816.804295Z | INFO | network | connecting to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s as new interface 20210721T033820.393387Z | INFO | interface.[vmd71287.contaboserver.net:50002] | succeeded in getting cert 20210721T033820.803822Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | connection established. version: ['ElectrumX 1.16.0', '1.4'] 20210721T033821.155479Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | set blockchain with height 691946 20210721T033821.156460Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | skipping header 691946 20210721T033821.169196Z | INFO | network | switching to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s 20210721T033902.390843Z | INFO | gui.qt.main_window.[wallet_2] | close_wallet c:\users\windows 10\appdata\roaming\electrum\wallets\wallet_2 20210721T033928.714442Z | INFO | network | fee_histogram [[35.9, 100079], [4.8, 114453], [1.2, 120671], [1.0, 4452669]] 20210721T033931.668777Z | INFO | network | couldn't launch iface vmd71287.contaboserver.net:50002:s -- TimeoutError() 20210721T033940.625830Z | INFO | storage.WalletStorage | saved c:\users\windows 10\appdata\roaming\electrum\wallets\wallet_2 20210721T033940.641503Z | DEBUG | util.profiler | WalletDB._write 5.7324 20210721T033940.661098Z | INFO | interface.[vmd71287.contaboserver.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('server.version', ['electrum/4.1.5', '1.4']) (id: 1)") 20210721T033940.897385Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut("request timed out: ('blockchain.scripthash.subscribe', ['6801f35544896451ede9e93155320311bf63bf32402e23337f96fa2de732c9a6']) (id: 15)") 20210721T033940.991422Z | INFO | daemon.Daemon | on_stop() entered. initiating shutdown 20210721T033940.995341Z | INFO | gui.qt.ElectrumGui | closing GUI 20210721T033940.996320Z | INFO | network | connecting to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s as new interface 20210721T033940.997301Z | INFO | daemon.Daemon | stopping all wallets 20210721T033941.105053Z | INFO | daemon.Daemon | stopping network and taskgroup 20210721T033941.150111Z | INFO | network | stopping network 20210721T033941.154030Z | INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to: CancelledError() 20210721T033941.155988Z | INFO | network | couldn't launch iface electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s -- CancelledError() 20210721T033941.156969Z | INFO | network | couldn't launch iface hodlers.beer:50002:s -- CancelledError() 20210721T033941.166763Z | INFO | daemon.Daemon | taskgroup stopped. 20210721T033941.378350Z | INFO | interface.[electrumx.papabyte.com:50002] | disconnecting due to: CancelledError() 20210721T033941.380307Z | INFO | interface.[] | disconnecting due to: CancelledError() 20210721T033941.405775Z | INFO | interface.[blkhub.net:50002] | disconnecting due to: CancelledError() 20210721T033941.405775Z | INFO | interface.[ex01.axalgo.com:50002] | disconnecting due to: CancelledError() 20210721T033941.429284Z | INFO | interface.[fortress.qtornado.com:443] | disconnecting due to: CancelledError() 20210721T033941.432225Z | INFO | interface.[2AZZARITA.hopto.org:50002] | disconnecting due to: CancelledError() 20210721T033941.608543Z | INFO | interface.[korea.electrum-server.com:50002] | disconnecting due to: CancelledError() 20210721T033941.931796Z | INFO | interface.[skbxmit.coinjoined.com:50002] | disconnecting due to: CancelledError() 20210721T033943.106282Z | INFO | daemon.Daemon | removing lockfile 20210721T033943.111181Z | INFO | daemon.Daemon | stopped 20210721T033943.126854Z | INFO | plugin.Plugins | stopped ```
blackhattokyo commented 3 years ago

i already check my internet everything is work and i don't click Cancelled

SomberNight commented 3 years ago

from these log lines: 20210721T022512.001047Z | INFO | network | switching to electrum.bitaroo.net:50002:s it looks like you manually specified to use that server as your main server

From these lines: INFO | interface.[electrum.bitaroo.net:50002] | disconnecting due to RequestTimedOut it looks like that server does not respond in a timely manner.

Do you run this server? Can you try connecting to another server?

blackhattokyo commented 3 years ago

yes,run this server and sometime i switch sever after it reset conect ( i ever use select auto server too) , and i get same problem

SomberNight commented 3 years ago

So you've tried with other servers too, then? Are you using a proxy or VPN or behind some restrictive firewall? How many addresses and transactions are there in your wallet, approximately?

blackhattokyo commented 3 years ago

yes i treid to with other servers i'm not using proxy or VPN and about 120000 addresses in my wallet

SomberNight commented 3 years ago

and about 120000 addresses in my wallet

120k? :O you should have started by saying that

First of all, try opening a small wallet, just with a few dozen or few hundred addresses, and see if that works.

Once you have established that works:

SomberNight commented 3 years ago

Also, btw, mind sharing how you ended up with a wallet that has 120k addresses? Is it e.g. used for merchant payment-processing?

singpolyma commented 3 years ago

note that your wallet is too large for most public servers, but you said you run your own server, so let's try with that

We have a similar problem using electrum daemon with 40k addresses. What is the limit when using public servers, realistically? I upgraded our electrum yesterday and wallet synced right away, but fell out of sync today again.

SomberNight commented 3 years ago

Depends on the server, as operators can tweak the defaults (as shown above). Also, the rate limiting on the server works based on IP address, and is not reset when you disconnect; so you can accumulate "cost" over time (with periodic constant ticks reducing the accumulated cost). Reconnecting many times quickly or having some very busy addresses among those subscribed are some example factors that affect resource usage "cost". So there is not really a fixed number of addresses over which you will start to have problems; but I would say over 10k is where problems might start.

You could try running your own server though; or for testing, try fortress.qtornado.com:443:s, which has resource cost limits disabled atm.