spesmilo / electrum

Electrum Bitcoin Wallet
MIT License
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Inbound channels (remote node -> electrum) #9015

Open babikpatient6 opened 2 months ago

babikpatient6 commented 2 months ago

No easy way to open inbound channel from remote node to electrum always bugged me as by far the most painful disadvantage of electrum as otherwise great "lite" lightning wallet and since I still don't see it being fixed after so many years, I would like to request this feature ftw.

Iiuc, the easiest way to fix this would be to add option to manually connect to specified lightning peer. Once connection is estabilished, remote peer should be able to easily find my electrum node's full URI in his connected peers and open channel to it while the connection exists.. At the moment the only way how to "connect" to remote node is to open outbound channel to it, which is exactly what I don't want to do when opening inbound channel is my whole objective..

For clearnet nodes this should be super easy (something like adding "connect to peer" field in window under ⚡ icon in right bottom corner), but ideal would of course be option to use TOR address..

Or am I missing something?

SomberNight commented 2 months ago

Note: recovering from seed with the OP_RETURN-based on-chain channel backups only works for outgoing channels. https://github.com/spesmilo/electrum/blob/91de8e70e53d8aa91fd91a8cd859000179039b7d/electrum/simple_config.py#L1017-L1024