spesmilo / electrum

Electrum Bitcoin Wallet
MIT License
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Bypass Lightning channel closure fee reservation #9023

Open khell opened 2 months ago

khell commented 2 months ago

Hi! The situation is I opened a Lightning channel around the bare minimum required BTC (0.002) but due to the insane fees on L1 and Electrum's hardcoded requirement to reserve + buffer enough BTC to close a channel, my channel is frequently unusable to send BTC when fees are high. This effectively means Lightning usage in Electrum is still tied heavily to L1 fees. I know this is from a safety perspective, but if we don't want to close a channel why do we need this check? Could you add an option for us to bypass this check?

SomberNight commented 2 months ago

if we don't want to close a channel why do we need this check?

What if the other node wants to close the channel? The opener pays for the close in either case. Also, what if the other node disappears? You would want to be able to close the channel then.