spesmilo / electrum

Electrum Bitcoin Wallet
MIT License
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Unbroadcasted transaction appearing their_ctx_htlc_0 ********** #9050

Closed PanosChtz closed 3 weeks ago

PanosChtz commented 1 month ago

Had lightning channels open (both ACINQ and Trampoline). Today I all of my lightning payments were failing for no reason. Was trying both trampoline and non-trampoline. Eventually one of my channels got closed without me selecting to do so. Also an unbroadcasted transaction appears as in title. The transaction date currently is at 677 blocks and has a positive amount. If I delete it, that transaction reappears. Is lightning broken?

ecdsa commented 1 month ago

no, it means the other party force-closed the channel

ecdsa commented 3 weeks ago

closing. probably not a bug. user did not provide txid.