spesmilo / electrum

Electrum Bitcoin Wallet
MIT License
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Can't send sats #9078

Open Virbac32 opened 3 weeks ago

Virbac32 commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, I'm having issues trying to transfer out of Electrum. I have never used this forum. So If I'm posting this in the wrong section, could someone please advise where I get help? I have used the wallet successfully for 6 months in conjunction with a ledger. I currently can't send funds either on chain, or with Lightning. I keep getting error notification. I haven't altered the node settings at all. I have 3 pics below with what's happening. I'm getting concerned about not being able to retrieve my Bitcoin. I am quite inexperienced as you can tell. Someone please help! electrum home page The first screenshot is just history of my transactions. The second shot is the error I get when I try to send the maximum amount available on chain. It doesn't appear to pick up the ledger after I hit pay. No problems with the ledger while using Sparrow wallet though. Screenshot electrum on chain transaction The third screenshot is the error message I get when trying to do a lightning transaction. AS I said earlier, sorry if this section is for devs only. I'm flying blind, and need some assistance please. Screenshot lightning transaction Fourth screenshot is lightning channels open Lightning channels

SomberNight commented 3 weeks ago

In your history, there are two local transactions, corresponding to lightning-channel-opens. It seems to me you did not intend this, so you should probably just try to right-click>remove those.

It doesn't appear to pick up the ledger after I hit pay.

More details needed. What exactly happens, do you get an error message? Could you try to test signing a message with the ledger? (go into "Addresses" tab, and right-click>"Sign/verify message")

The third screenshot is the error message I get when trying to do a lightning transaction. "Server did not reply in time."

You are trying to pay an LNURL, and it looks like that the server corresponding to the recipient is not responding. This is likely a problem on their side. Or if it's some large merchant you are sure should be working, maybe you are IP-banned by them. Try paying someone else.

Virbac32 commented 3 weeks ago

Ok thanks for replying. I clicked remove the 2 lightning channels as you advised. And yes you're correct, I didn't mean to open them. I also checked the Ledger in a test sign. and it connected ok. But I still can't sign an on chain transaction. I am getting the attached window pop up. I hit sign, but it just goes back to the main page, and says the transaction is unpaid? I right click it again, and hit pay. Same thing happens. The transaction won't go through, remains unpaid.. electrum 1 electrum 2

SomberNight commented 3 weeks ago

I still can't sign an on chain transaction. I am getting the attached window pop up. I hit sign, but it just goes back to the main page, and says the transaction is unpaid? I right click it again, and hit pay. Same thing happens.

Could you enable debug logging and test it again? After that, upload the logs here. (Either upload the whole file, or open it in a text editor and try to find the relevant parts - in particular "traceback"s and errors)