spesmilo / electrum

Electrum Bitcoin Wallet
MIT License
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wallet with 2fa the seed in wallet menu does not shown #9096

Open johnnydlgs opened 1 week ago

johnnydlgs commented 1 week ago

wallet with 2fa the seed in wallet menu does not shown while in other wallets with no 2fa can be used. How i recover seed (lost) in that case ? ,( i have private keys etc ) .is that a bug?

johnnydlgs commented 1 week ago

Screenshot_2024-06-17_13-08-33 every transaction i do no matter the amount or the receiver wallet i receive this error message and in android something similar too . do i do something wrong , or is a bug?

ecdsa commented 1 week ago

which version of electrum are you using?

johnnydlgs commented 1 week ago

thanks for the fast response , version 4.5.5 both in linux 6.6.15 and in android 13

SomberNight commented 1 week ago
johnnydlgs commented 1 week ago

Its the all first transaction for this wallet thus i have 0 transactions and the amount is 5 and more mBTC and i have lower the first fee amount accordingly which initially showed me that there were no enough funds. It may has something with the amount as it happens in android as well . I would try to add more from another wallet , but as the only 2fa wallet and already caused me those difficulties dare to say , i am reluctant to do that so firstly i am trying to move the amount to another wallet . Is that normal that the indication of the seed in the 2fa wallet is not working ?

SomberNight commented 1 week ago

Is that normal that the indication of the seed in the 2fa wallet is not working ?

Yes, that part is normal. The seed is not stored in the wallet for 2fa wallets, as the seed alone is enough to spend to coins, hence it allows bypassing the second factor.

johnnydlgs commented 1 week ago


the same happens at android , it seems as all goes well until the google authenticator code , that the code from the authenticator does not work , how many i try . but the authentication can not be from the beginning recreated and as long the seed is lost , it seems i can not transfer the cryptos to somewhere else that means are lost? is there another option or possibility ? why is this happening ?

SomberNight commented 1 week ago

Also, how does the bitcoin amount you are trying to send compare to the fee (mining fee, and trustedcoin fee)? As in, are you trying to send just 1-2 mBTC (or even less), or is it a higher amount?

the amount is 5 and more mBTC

But on your latest screenshot, the amount is below 1 mBTC. Could you please share a screenshot that shows the output amounts? E.g. from the "Confirm payment" screen, see below:

pic ![pic1](https://github.com/spesmilo/electrum/assets/29142493/c0a0ca08-f01e-4a4e-976f-0753cce3db30)

I think the issue might be that the amount is too low to prepay for the 2FA (Trustedcoin) fee for the next batch of transactions.

johnnydlgs commented 1 week ago

the amount was 0.0001 for one time i used but actually the error was due to miscommunication or wrongly infos /connection from the thustedcoin server as it is just worked with the same effort and the max amount witch previously didn"t ... Thank you very much for the effort and my excuses as well , i will just delete the wallet because of lack of the seed anyway