Open mwilliammyers opened 9 years ago
I just want to call some attention to this issue. There's a big potential for speeding things up, vim-plug allows you to do this:
Plug 'tpope/vim-fireplace', { 'for': 'clojure' }
Which means a plugin only gets loaded for clojure files. I have big configurations for multiple languages, I think this could really cut down both startup time and general performance.
I would also really like to see vim-plug added. Or at least, some tutorial provided for setting it up as an alternative. I'd rather not mutilate my .vimrc.bundles, but I will.
1 . remove vundles reference in .vimrc.bundles 2 . add the following in your .vimrc.before.local
function! s:deregister(repo)
let repo = substitute(a:repo, '[\/]\+$', '', '')
let name = fnamemodify(repo, ':t:s?\.git$??')
call remove(g:plugs, name)
call remove(g:plugs_order, index(g:plugs_order, name))
command! -nargs=1 -bar UnPlug call s:deregister(<args>)
" compatibility with Vundle
command! -nargs=+ -bar Bundle call plug#(<args>)
command! -nargs=1 -bar UnBundle call s:deregister(<args>)
3 . add
call plug#begin()
call plug#end()
around source ~/.vimrc.bundles
in .vimrc
I feel like there was an issue on this topic but I can't find it...
Is there still talk of moving towards a faster (threaded) plugin manager with lazy loading?
Some good candidates would be: Neobundle or vim-plug
Neobundle is the one that Neovim seems to be going with: neovim/neovim#247
I was thinking we could just wrap the Bundle/UnBundle function we use to call Neobundle instead of Vundle (if that is possible in VimL)