I am following the tutorial from Andrej K. building gpt2 from scratch. I thought it would be a good idea to visualize his GPT2 model using torchexplorer.
This what I did:
install torchexplorer (windows10, used the pygraphviz from alubbock channel)
placed the torchexplorer.watch(model, log=['io', 'params'], backend='standalone') before calling the model.
run one step0 with a full forward and backward pass.
check out localhost:8080
However, it seems to only capture the input and output excluding the whole network, any thought?
I started with his first commit in the project to avoid more complex operations like DDP, context manager etc.
Here is the code.
class DataLoaderLite:
def __init__(self, B, T):
self.B = B
self.T = T
# at init load tokens from disk and store them in memory
with open('input.txt', 'r') as f:
text = f.read()
enc = tiktoken.get_encoding('gpt2')
tokens = enc.encode(text)
self.tokens = torch.tensor(tokens)
print(f"loaded {len(self.tokens)} tokens")
print(f"1 epoch = {len(self.tokens) // (B * T)} batches")
# state
self.current_position = 0
def next_batch(self):
B, T = self.B, self.T
buf = self.tokens[self.current_position : self.current_position+B*T+1]
x = (buf[:-1]).view(B, T) # inputs
y = (buf[1:]).view(B, T) # targets
# advance the position in the tensor
self.current_position += B * T
# if loading the next batch would be out of bounds, reset
if self.current_position + (B * T + 1) > len(self.tokens):
self.current_position = 0
return x, y
import tiktoken
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# attempt to autodetect the device
device = "cpu"
if torch.cuda.is_available():
device = "cuda"
elif hasattr(torch.backends, "mps") and torch.backends.mps.is_available():
device = "mps"
print(f"using device: {device}")
if torch.cuda.is_available():
train_loader = DataLoaderLite(B=4, T=32)
# get logits
model = GPT(GPTConfig())
# optimize!
optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW(model.parameters(), lr=3e-4)
torchexplorer.watch(model, log=['io', 'params'], backend='standalone')
for i in range(50):
x, y = train_loader.next_batch()
x, y = x.to(device), y.to(device)
logits, loss = model(x, y)
print(f"step {i}, loss: {loss.item()}")
I can confirm that I've been able to reproduce this -- unfortunately, I don't have the bandwidth this summer to look into what's happening with this architecture. Thank you for the bug report in any case.
I am following the tutorial from Andrej K. building gpt2 from scratch. I thought it would be a good idea to visualize his GPT2 model using torchexplorer.
This what I did:
torchexplorer.watch(model, log=['io', 'params'], backend='standalone')
before calling the model.However, it seems to only capture the input and output excluding the whole network, any thought?
I started with his first commit in the project to avoid more complex operations like DDP, context manager etc. Here is the code.