Got all of ClanLib compiling and running under MinGW-W64 as best I can, except the Direct3D target isn't built. I used the examples as unit tests; DisplayTarget needed a little work to be able to go without Direct3D, and a few minor tweaks were needed besides (mostly revolving around D3D).
3D/Object3D and 3D/Quaternion (didn't want to deal with libassimp)
UI/Controls and UI/MVC don't have a Makefile
Noted issues:
Core/CpuExt fails to open a console window when run from the MSYS terminal. Fine if executed directly from explorer
Display/Thread worker thread performance is quite bad, slow and stuttery (winpthread issue?)
Display_Render/ColorWheel draw order is wrong
Network/NetGame like CpuExt they fail to open their console windows when run from the MSYS terminal
Sound/Sound sound is slightly distored, like a format conversion issue
All other tests are working fully and correctly as best I can tell.
Got all of ClanLib compiling and running under MinGW-W64 as best I can, except the Direct3D target isn't built. I used the examples as unit tests; DisplayTarget needed a little work to be able to go without Direct3D, and a few minor tweaks were needed besides (mostly revolving around D3D).
Noted issues:
All other tests are working fully and correctly as best I can tell.