sphinx-contrib / images

sphinxcontrib-images extension
Apache License 2.0
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Wanted: co-maintainer / second maintainer #20

Open jonascj opened 3 years ago

jonascj commented 3 years ago

TL; DR; A second maintainer would be welcome, if you're interested let me know. Until summer 2021 I have limited time to dedicated to merging PRs and handling issues.

I only intended to help complete spinus#56 by leaving a comment, to gain Sphinx 2.x support which I needed at the time, but to move forward the project ended up under the https://github.com/sphinx-contrib umbrella with me as admin (on https://pypi.org/project/sphinxcontrib-images/ as well).

There are some fine issues waiting to be fixed and some fine looking PRs to fix some of the issues, but I have had very little time to devote to the project since May 2020 and I will continue to have little time until late spring or early summer 2021.

Adding a second maintainer or co-maintainer could help move the project forward at a more steady pace. The intention behind joining the https://github.com/sphinx-contrib repo was to ensure continued development, since it would be easy for others to take over.

Let me know if you're interested. Tasks would include one or more of answering issue tickets, reviewing PRs, merging PRs, releasing to PyPi. I'm no expert in any of this, but I'll be happy to help get new co-maintainers started on the tasks.

Update June 2023 I am still looking for a second maintainer as of June 2023 - regardless of my time to invest in the project it would be smart to have a second person with knowledge of the project.

There are still some fine issues to fix and support for figures to be added. I do not use the extension at the moment, because figures are not supported, but support can be added and I'd like to do so (or have someone else do it of course).

Jackenmen commented 3 years ago

It's just a thought, but perhaps people at Executable Books would be interested in this? You might want to read about their project and ask one of the org's members if you think it could work for you.

jonascj commented 3 years ago

@jack1142 Great idea. I think I'll wait to reach out though, hoping a contributor will invite him-/herself.

12rambau commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure I'm fit for the job but I currently build up my skills in maintaining python libs so I would be happy to help you if it's still on your schedule. I will obviously need a tour of the lib to better understand what I'm dealing with. Anyway let me know if you pass by Github ;-)

12rambau commented 1 year ago

Hi @jonascj I saw that some new issues were opened are you still looking for a co-maintainer ?

jonascj commented 1 year ago

@12rambau I am indeed! Regardless of my time invested in the project it would be smart (future proofing) to have a second person involved. So you are more than welcome to join the project!

I'm not actively using the extention myself at the moment, because it does not support the figure directives. So maintaining it (updating dependencies, testing against newer versions of Python etc.) is not a top priority of mine, but I'd like to add support for figures and fix some of the open issues.

Some time after the Aug 2021 release building/testing started failing (https://github.com/sphinx-contrib/images/actions) and I have not yet looked into it. That would be the first task, to fix the GitHub Actions, so tests can run again.

I'm not sure how we should move forward. You'll need write permissions to the repo at some point. Maybe you should begin by trying to build the package and release a test to test.pypi.org/ . I wrote a small script with instructions on releasing: https://github.com/sphinx-contrib/images/blob/master/release-to-pypi.sh . The script itself does nothing dangerous, it just sanity checks version numbers in various files and echos the manual release steps.

12rambau commented 1 year ago

Let me do some preparation PR first and I'll let you know when I'm ready to make a test release

jonascj commented 1 year ago

@12rambau Sure and let us move discussion of the next release to #33