Saves the colormap data to a file.
path : str, optional
The output filename. If not provided, the colormap
is saved under ``~/.proplot/cmaps/name.json`` where ``name``
is the colormap name. Valid extensions are described in
the below table.
===================== ======================================================================================================================
Extension Description
===================== ======================================================================================================================
``.json`` (default) JSON database of the channel segment data.
``.hex`` List of HEX strings in any format (comma-separated, separate lines, with double quotes... anything goes).
``.rgb``, ``.txt`` 3-column table delimited by columns or consecutive spaces, each column indicating red, blue and green color values.
``.rgba`` As with ``.rgb``, but with an opacity (or "alpha") column.
===================== ======================================================================================================================
How can I fix this? I've tried to work around it by putting RST tables elsewhere in the docstring but it makes the documentation harder to read.
Closed by #16, becuase it turns out this parameter table-style is outdated -- tables in the new version do not bleed into the margin. Just set napoleon_use_param = True in your conf.py.
How can I fix this? I've tried to work around it by putting RST tables elsewhere in the docstring but it makes the documentation harder to read.