sphinx-doc / alabaster

Lightweight, configurable Sphinx theme
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Support Edit on GitHub / GitLab links #170

Open mlncn opened 4 years ago

mlncn commented 4 years ago

In the sphinx_rtd_theme the following results in, with this configuration, an "Edit on GitLab" link will be shown at top right.

html_context = {
    "display_gitlab": True, # Integrate Gitlab
    "gitlab_user": "drutopia", # Organization
    "gitlab_repo": "documentation", # Repo name
    "gitlab_version": "master", # Version
    "conf_py_path": "/", # Path in the checkout to the docs root

Can alabaster support this also?

Maybe related: #165

bostonrwalker commented 2 years ago

+1 for this feature.

lila commented 2 years ago

+1 for this as well...