sphinx-doc / alabaster

Lightweight, configurable Sphinx theme
723 stars 185 forks source link

Archive the repo? #179

Closed webknjaz closed 3 years ago

webknjaz commented 3 years ago

There hasn't been a release since 2018 and the last commit implies that this project isn't going to be maintained anymore. So it'd probably be reasonable to just archive it or at least pin an issue + a readme message stating the status explicitly.

jdillard commented 3 years ago

It looks like the maintainer posted a general Help Wanted ad in July of 2020: http://bitprophet.org/blog/2020/07/02/help-wanted/

Seems a better alternative to archiving the repo (for now), would be to see if we can find enough help and/or someone qualified to take over the maintainer role.

webknjaz commented 3 years ago

I seem to vaguely recall reading that post. It doesn't mention this specific project, though.

jdillard commented 3 years ago

Typically burn out effects all projects 😞

webknjaz commented 3 years ago

cc @bitprophet :point_up:

bitprophet commented 3 years ago

Alabaster's kind of inbetween - yes, burnout, but also it's (slightly) less prone to bitrot than my other projects / is in a more stable place so its priority always lags behind the others :(

I'm intending to see whether I can convince some of the Sphinx contributors to take it over, since it's the default there now. There will be announcements if/when that happens and I assume it'd move into their GH org.

jdillard commented 3 years ago

Glad to hear there are conversations with some of the Sphinx contributors, I tried to look but couldn't find any.