sphinx-doc / sphinx-autobuild

Watch a Sphinx directory and rebuild the documentation when a change is detected. Also includes a hot-reload web server.
MIT License
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Proposal: move this repository to @sphinx-doc #145

Closed AA-Turner closed 5 months ago

AA-Turner commented 5 months ago

Hi @pradyunsg / @choldgraf / @GaretJax,

Would you consider moving this repo to https://github.com/sphinx-doc & having sphinx-autobuild be adopted as an "official" first-party Sphinx project?

Sorry if I've not tagged the right people -- but I think sphinx-autobuild is useful enough that we should aim to more properly integrate it into Sphinx, and have the Sphinx team help with maintenence!

Thanks, Adam

welcome[bot] commented 5 months ago

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pradyunsg commented 5 months ago

I'd be on-board for that! I have a partial rewrite of this project, to move it away from using livereload and relying natively on JS WebSockets -- and that might be a better fit for placing into Sphinx directly as well. :)

choldgraf commented 5 months ago

I'm in support of this as well - Executable Books has a much more narrow scope than sphinx-autobuild might be useful for, and the sphinx organization feels like a much more natural home.

For deciding on this, I suggest that we wait until Friday the 19th for anyone to make an objection, and if there are none, then any of the @executablebooks/steering-council members can move this repository to sphinx-doc (this might need coordination with @AA-Turner as well on the receiving end.

gregcaporaso commented 5 months ago

No objection from me.

rowanc1 commented 5 months ago

I am a big fan of this being upstreamed to sphinx - thanks @AA-Turner for bringing this up! 🚀

AA-Turner commented 5 months ago

To move the repository I'll need to temporarily add someone with appropriate permissions here to the Sphinx organisation -- let me know who that should be!


pradyunsg commented 5 months ago

It'd likely be someone from @executablebooks/steering-council -- https://compass.executablebooks.org/en/latest/team/index.html#steering-council.

choldgraf commented 5 months ago

I'm happy to make the transfer if I can be useful there

AA-Turner commented 5 months ago

Thanks Chris! I've just sent you the invitation for @sphinx-doc.

My PyPI username is the same as on GitHub: https://pypi.org/user/AA-Turner/


consideRatio commented 5 months ago

@pradyunsg and @GaretJax I understand that you are the maintainers of the package on PyPI, you could provide sphinx-dev with autonomy to publish releases via github workflows in the project quite with a somewhat new PyPI feature

With a workflow like https://github.com/jupyterhub/jupyterhub-python-repo-template/blob/main/.github/workflows/release.yaml added, combined with permissions setup on PyPI as described in https://docs.pypi.org/trusted-publishers/adding-a-publisher/, repo maintainers that push a tag can trigger a release to PyPI.

choldgraf commented 5 months ago

Repository moved

We only had approvals and no objections from the EB steering council, so we've decided to make this happen!

I've just moved this repository to the sphinx-doc organization. I believe that this issue is now complete! @AA-Turner you may have some follow-ups to update the CI/CD etc to follow sphinx conventions

GaretJax commented 5 months ago

@pradyunsg I removed myself... this project has a life on its own now and the added attack vector provided by my permissions is not warranted ;-)

/cc @consideRatio

pradyunsg commented 5 months ago

@AA-Turner What's your PyPI name?

pradyunsg commented 5 months ago

this project has a life on its own now and the added attack vector provided by my permissions is not warranted ;-)

Thank you for all the work you've done on this project! ^>^

AA-Turner commented 5 months ago

It's the same (AA-Turner) - thank you!


pradyunsg commented 5 months ago

Added you as an owner, added this repository as a trusted publisher (w/ release.yml file and release environment).

Screenshot 2024-01-27 at 18 40 08
pradyunsg commented 5 months ago

Closing this out since the move has completed. If there's anything else needed here, @AA-Turner we have lots of common spaces and you know how to reach me! :)

AA-Turner commented 5 months ago

@GaretJax do you want to keep commit permissions? I've currently kept you and Pradyun -- happy to add back anyone else from Executable Books if they'd like to keep permissions.


GaretJax commented 4 months ago

@AA-Turner I'm fine without, thank you for asking!