sphinx-doc / sphinx-doc-translations

translated docs for sphinx official document
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Some Chinese translations confused me #8

Closed Zeroto521 closed 2 years ago

Zeroto521 commented 2 years ago

I came from sphinx doc, autosummary section.

Some translation results confused me. Like following one.

Chinese result:


English source:


I thought :file: is a mark and base.rst is a specific file name, it shouldn't translate. If they were translated, they couldn't be understood well. So just keep the origin is fine, like this.

":file:`autosummary/base.rst` -- 回退模板" 

And I found there have the same problems in other places.


shimizukawa commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your reporting!

However sphinx translation catalogs are managed on Transifex service. Can you update them directry? https://www.transifex.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx-doc/dashboard/

Zeroto521 commented 2 years ago

I have done these and also fixed some other problems.

Thanks for your reporting!

However sphinx translation catalogs are managed on Transifex service. Can you update them directry? https://www.transifex.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx-doc/dashboard/