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Better support for multiple glossaries #1399

Open shimizukawa opened 9 years ago

shimizukawa commented 9 years ago

You can use the glossary directive multiple times in a documentation without problems when you never define the same word twice.

This makes it possible to have a glossary with subtitles for topics eg.

I wonder if anyone ever had the need to put more than one glossary into the documentation. Maybe domain specific glossaries? One for math terms and one for chemical terms.

If this is a realistic usecase it would be nice to label the glossaries so that I can specify where a term belongs to. Maybe some kind of indicator as we use with the domains.



.. glossary:: math


This is a :math:term:`term`for my math specific glossary

ghost commented 7 years ago

Here's a use-case (mine!) that you can consider as part of this enhancement. I have a common glossary for use across multiple documents. Sometimes I want to add one or more terms to this without editing the common glossary. Although I can add another glossary:: directive, the added terms are not part of the main (:sorted:) glossary directive. I'd like to be able to somehow include additional terms, which then are sorted along with the common set. Attached shows better what I mean, containing two separate glossary directives, the intention being that the resulting single glossary listing shows as one combined sorted list (which it doesn't!). index.txt TIA

christophercrouzet commented 7 years ago

To add to this issue, I'm currently writing a page with a list of categories and their definitions. I thought that the glossary directive would be a good fit since, as per its dictionary definition, I indeed have “an alphabetical list of words relating to a specific subject, text, or dialect, with explanations”. On top of that, the glossary directive makes it easy to link individually to each category. But then what if I end up writing an other glossary to globally define some terms?

LuckyResistor commented 3 years ago

I'm writing extensive documentation using sphinx. Some commonly used modules are included as shared resources into these documentations. Having glossaries in this included documentation would help a lot. At the moment, this is not possible, because terms used in these included parts can always cause conflicts.

I see two simple solutions:

Reasons for Multiple Glossaries

Merging with Priorities

.. glossary::
    :priority: secondary

        Secondary definition

        Foo definition

.. glossaty::
    :priority: main

        Primary definition

        Bar definition


term Primary definition

bar Bar definition

foo Foo definition

Secondary definitions are never rendered at the original place where they are defined but in the main glossary.

Separate Glossaries with Identifiers

Text with own :term:`terms<myid:term>`

.. glossary:: myid

        Term definition
arwedus commented 2 years ago

In a large project, we have:

A term must only appear once in one of those glossaries. What I am looking for is a "glossary of glossaries" page, i.e. a merged glossary term index. Is that possible with Sphinx as of today?