When we want to select code to copy, the line number and >>> should not be selected, but if we open the html in safari. the line number and >>> will be selected.
How to Reproduce
$ git clone https://github.com/.../some_project
$ cd some_project
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ cd docs
$ make html SPHINXOPTS="-D language=de"
$ # open _build/html/index and see bla bla
[ "sphinx.ext.autodoc", # used for generating doc automatically "sphinx.ext.viewcode", # used for imbedding source code automatically "sphinx.ext.autosummary", # used for creating summary table automatically "sphinx.ext.todo", # used for recording todo and todolist "sphinx.ext.ifconfig", # used for configuration based on different condtitions "sphinx.ext.intersphinx", # used for embedding doc links from other project such as python "sphinx.ext.autosectionlabel", # used for referring sections in a rst file "sphinx.ext.napoleon", # used for being compatible with Google and Numpy doc style "sphinx.ext.coverage", # used for generating doc coverage report]
Describe the bug
When we want to select code to copy, the line number and
should not be selected, but if we open the html in safari. the line number and>>>
will be selected.How to Reproduce
Expected behavior
Your project
Python version
Sphinx version
Sphinx extensions
[ "sphinx.ext.autodoc", # used for generating doc automatically "sphinx.ext.viewcode", # used for imbedding source code automatically "sphinx.ext.autosummary", # used for creating summary table automatically "sphinx.ext.todo", # used for recording todo and todolist "sphinx.ext.ifconfig", # used for configuration based on different condtitions "sphinx.ext.intersphinx", # used for embedding doc links from other project such as python "sphinx.ext.autosectionlabel", # used for referring sections in a rst file "sphinx.ext.napoleon", # used for being compatible with Google and Numpy doc style "sphinx.ext.coverage", # used for generating doc coverage report]
Extra tools
No response
Additional context
No response