Some HTTP only services Session, View are bootstrapped along with some Console only services (mostly ConsoleCommand). This is causing extra overhead
// In the provider.js
exports.register = async (container) => {
// Using nomarly
exports.boot = async (container) => {
// Will use this method for general booting
exports.httpBoot = async (container) => {
// Only boot in HTTP
exports.consoleBoot = async (container) => {
// Only boot in Console
exports.socketBoot = async (container) => {
// Only boot in Socket
Especially for the HTTP case, we'll let the bootstrap sequence run inside a middleware. So in the httpBoot, we can also have access to the Koa context. Which will also help us on improving the Auth service architecture
Some HTTP only services Session, View are bootstrapped along with some Console only services (mostly ConsoleCommand). This is causing extra overhead
Especially for the HTTP case, we'll let the bootstrap sequence run inside a middleware. So in the httpBoot, we can also have access to the Koa context. Which will also help us on improving the Auth service architecture