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Removing mergers[!grepl("Mock", names(mergers))] from makeSequenceTable() #11

Closed padpadpadpad closed 7 years ago

padpadpadpad commented 7 years ago

I am running through just the first 10 forward and reverse sequences to make the computation easier and be able to try work out what each bit is doing.

At the step:

seqtab.all <- makeSequenceTable(mergers[!grepl("Mock", names(mergers))])

It returns nothing as names(mergers) returns NULL. mergers is a large list of each of the combined forward and reverse sequences (of length ten in my test case).

I have just removed the [!grepl("Mock", names(mergers))] and it seems to work fine but just checking something hasn't gone wrong along the line.

What is the expected output of names(mergers)?

Cheers Dan

PS this tutorial is awesome

padpadpadpad commented 7 years ago

Me being an idiot. Had omitted some code that was needed.