sphuber / aiida-shell

AiiDA plugin that makes running shell commands easy.
MIT License
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Add `stdout` and `stderr` outputs #66

Closed superstar54 closed 2 months ago

superstar54 commented 8 months ago

Add the stdout and stderr outputs. I set them as required=False, because the stdout will not be out if the user set output_filename. And the stderr could not exist.

The reason I want to add this.

AiiDA-shell provides great flexibility to the user. It lowers the barrier for people to use AiiDA. One can combine it with AiiDA-WorkTree, to provide more power. What I mean by saying that is, instead of running the calcjobs in a python script, such as:

results, node = launch_shell_job('pdb_fetch', '1brs')
results, node = launch_shell_job('pdb_selchain', '-A,D {pdb}', {'pdb': results['stdout']})
results, node = launch_shell_job('pdb_delhetatm', '{pdb}', {'pdb': results['stdout']})
results, node = launch_shell_job('pdb_tidy', '{pdb}', {'pdb': results['stdout']})

In this case, there is no checkpoint. One can use WorkTree to link all these calcjobs by passing the output of one ShellJob to another.

In the aiida-worktree, one creates a node from calcjob directly, and use the calcjob's inputs and outputs.

For the moment, I need to add a new output socket everytime I creating a shell node.

job1 = wt.nodes.new(shelljob, code=pdb_fetch, arguments=["1brs"])
job1.outputs.new("General", "stdout")
wt.links.new(job1.outputs["stdout"], generate_nodes1.inputs[0])

With this PR, one can

job1 = wt.nodes.new(shelljob, code=pdb_fetch, arguments=["1brs"])
wt.links.new(job1.outputs["stdout"], generate_nodes1.inputs[0])

A full example is

from aiida_worktree import node, WorkTree, build_node
from aiida import load_profile
from aiida.orm import load_code


pdb_fetch = load_code("pdb_fetch")
pdb_selchain = load_code("pdb_selchain")
pdb_delhetatm = load_code("pdb_delhetatm")
pdb_tidy = load_code("pdb_tidy")

shelljob = build_node({"path": "aiida_shell.calculations.shell.ShellJob"})

def generate_nodes(data):
    """Prepare the nodes"""
    return {"pdb": data}

# Create a worktree
wt = WorkTree(name="test_aiida_shell")
job1 = wt.nodes.new(shelljob, code=pdb_fetch, arguments=["1brs"])
job2 = wt.nodes.new(shelljob, code=pdb_selchain, arguments=["-A,D", "{pdb}"])
job3 = wt.nodes.new(shelljob, code=pdb_delhetatm, arguments=["{pdb}"])
job4 = wt.nodes.new(shelljob, code=pdb_tidy, arguments=["{pdb}"])
generate_nodes1 = wt.nodes.new(generate_nodes)
generate_nodes2 = wt.nodes.new(generate_nodes)
generate_nodes3 = wt.nodes.new(generate_nodes)
wt.links.new(job1.outputs["stdout"], generate_nodes1.inputs[0])
wt.links.new(generate_nodes1.outputs[0], job2.inputs["nodes"])
wt.links.new(job2.outputs["stdout"], generate_nodes2.inputs[0])
wt.links.new(generate_nodes2.outputs[0], job3.inputs["nodes"])
wt.links.new(job3.outputs["stdout"], generate_nodes3.inputs[0])
wt.links.new(generate_nodes3.outputs[0], job4.inputs["nodes"])

This is node graph:

Screenshot from 2024-01-19 10-28-33

sphuber commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the PR @superstar54 . Why does aiida-worktree need to have access to an explicit output port? Does it actually get some data from the Port instance that is returned? Or is it just for validation, making sure that the output port exists?

Because if it is the latter, you don't actually need the explicit output port to be defined if the parent namespace is dynamic, which is the case for the top-level output namespace of ShellJob.

The reason I didn't explicitly declare the stdout and stderr output ports is because it is indeed not guaranteed that they will exist. Now you could say that is why required=False exists, but I find it a bit superfluous in this case. Especially since the name of the output that contains the stdout can actually change. You can specify the filename where stdout should be redirected to with the metadata.options.output_filename option. This would change your example to:

job1 = wt.nodes.new(shelljob, code=pdb_fetch, arguments=["1brs"], metadata={'options': {'output_filename': 'custom_stdout'}})
wt.links.new(job1.outputs["custom_stdout"], generate_nodes1.inputs[0])

But this would then fail if I understand you correctly, because aiida-worktree will try to access ShellJob.spec().outputs['custom_stdout'], which doesn't exist. Correct?

superstar54 commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the quick reply! WorkTree needs explicit ports to link sockets between nodes.

In the case of user-defined output_filename,

In worktree, one needs to explicitly add the port output_filename so that later, one can link the output to the input of another node.

job1 = wt.nodes.new(shelljob, code=pdb_fetch, arguments=["1brs"])
job1.outputs.new("General", "custom_stdout")
wt.links.new(job1.outputs["custom_stdout"], generate_nodes1.inputs[0])

If the ShellJob has a default explicit output stdout, in most cases (without user defined output_filename), the user doesn't need to add the output socket anymore, thus making the code short and clear.

sphuber commented 8 months ago

If the ShellJob has a default explicit output stdout, in most cases (without user defined output_filename), the user doesn't need to add the output socket anymore, thus making the code short and clear.

I understand, but can you link me to the code in aiida-worktree where it uses the output port from the spec so I can see what it actually uses it for. What information do you get from the output port definition? Is it just to validate that it exists?

superstar54 commented 8 months ago

What information do you get from the output port definition? Is it just to validate that it exists?

The code to read the output port is here. It uses the ports to create the output sockets in the Node. The Node has a create_sockets method to define input and output sockets explicitly. Then, one creates a link using links.new(output, input).

Currently, it is impossible to create a link if a socket does not exist. I created an issue to support dynamic sockets. But I may not add this feature. Because, in this case, one can not link the nodes in GUI in the future.

superstar54 commented 8 months ago

Instead of building the node from CalcJob by using the input and output ports, I can also create the AiiDAShell node manually:

shelljob_inputs = [

# here I can add the `stdout` and `stderr`.
shelljob_outputs = ['remote_folder',

class AiiDAShell(Node):

    identifier = "AiiDAShell"
    name = "AiiDAShell"
    node_type = "calcjob"
    catalog = "AiiDA"
    kwargs = shelljob_inputs

    def create_sockets(self):
        for inp in shelljob_inputs:
            self.inputs.new("General", inp)
        for out in shelljob_outputs:
            self.outputs.new("General", out)

    def get_executor(self):
        return {
            "path": "aiida_shell.calculations.shell",
            "name": "ShellJob",

In this case, I add the AiiDAShell node as a built-in node. Then, one can use this node with its identifier (like entry point) AiiDAShell.

job1 = wt.nodes.new("AiiDAShell", code=pdb_fetch, arguments=["1brs"])

In this case, this PR is not necessary.

sphuber commented 8 months ago

So if I understand correctly, without this PR, when a user does:

job1 = wt.nodes.new(shelljob, code=pdb_fetch, arguments=["1brs"])
wt.links.new(job1.outputs["stdout"], generate_nodes1.inputs[0])

the job1.outputs["stdout"] will except, because when job1 was created, it didn't explicitly add the stdout key (since ShellJob.spec().outputs does not define it). How about, though, if you override the __getitem__ method of job1.outputs that will catch a KeyError if an output is referenced that is not explicitly defined. In that case, you check that the output spec of the linked process class is dynamic. In that case, you just manually add that output port and return it. If the output namespace is not dynamic, you reraise the exception.

Dynamic output specs are quite common, so I am wondering how you normally deal with this? I don't think it would be viable to require that all processes need to explicitly define output ports. Right?

sphuber commented 2 months ago

@superstar54 just a quick ping to remind you of my last comment. Would that solution not work?

superstar54 commented 2 months ago

Hi @sphuber , thanks for your comment and suggestion. Allowing dynamic addition of output ports based on undefined keys could lead to errors if a user provides an incorrect output name.

For the moment, WorkGraph has manually added the stdout and stderr outputs for the built-in ShellTask, to ensure these outputs are explicitly defined. But as you suggested, WorkGraph should handle the case when user specifies the `output_filename'.

Please close this PR if you don't plan to implement it.