spice-h2020 / SON

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Scripting - social media campaign #20

Open marilenadaquino opened 3 years ago

marilenadaquino commented 3 years ago

Depends on

35 (social media) #38 (artefact) #39 (execution)


The script used by museum curators to trigger users' stories on a social media platform. The script defines a set of general tasks that can be reproduced in other contexts. The specific execution, e.g. the social media campaign on Instagram of Design Museum of Helsinki, is separately described.

The stages and the activities underlying the citizen curation activity.

1. Preparation

2. Running

3. Analysis

4. Presentation

Competency Questions

To be extended:

SPARQL Questions


Toy Dataset

@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
@prefix script: <https://w3id.org/spice/SON/scripting/> .
@prefix spice: <https://w3id.org/spice/manifest/>.

  a <https://w3id.org/spice/SON/scripting/Script> ;
  rdfs:label "Script for a social media campaign"^^xsd:string ;
  script:definesStage spice:00001_preparation, spice:00001_running, spice:00001_analysis, spice:00001_presentation ;
  script:hasPurpose spice:engagement, spice:expressing, spice:interaction .

  a script:Stage ;
  rdfs:label "Preparation of the social media campaign"^^xsd:string ;
  script:definesTask spice:00001_artefact_selection, spice:00001_launch .

  a script:Task ;
  rdfs:label "Selection of the artefact to be used in the social media campaign"^^xsd:string ;
  script:hasInput spice:00001_artefact ;
  script:hasOutput spice:00001_image ;
  script:isTaskOf "curator"^^xsd:string ;
  script:precedes "spice:00001_launch"^^xsd:string .

  a script:Task ;
  rdfs:label "Curators announce on the social media the launch of the social media campaign"^^xsd:string ;
  script:follows "spice:00001_artefact_selection"^^xsd:string ;
  script:hasInput spice:00001_image ;
  script:hasOutput spice:00001_cur_web_content ;
  script:isTaskOf "curator"^^xsd:string, "social_media_manager"^^xsd:string ;
  script:precedes "spice:00001_smm_stories"^^xsd:string .

  a script:Stage ;
  rdfs:label "Running of the social media campaign"^^xsd:string ;
  script:definesTask spice:00001_smm_stories, spice:00001_user_stories .

  a script:Task ;
  rdfs:label "Social media managers publish exemplar stories on the social media platform"^^xsd:string ;
  script:follows "spice:00001_launch"^^xsd:string ;
  script:hasInput spice:00001_smm_image, spice:00001_smm_text ;
  script:hasOutput spice:00001_smm_web_content ;
  script:isTaskOf "social_media_manager"^^xsd:string ;
  script:precedes "spice:00001_user_stories"^^xsd:string .

  a script:Task ;
  rdfs:label "Social media users publish their stories (including texts, tags, and images) on the social media platform"^^xsd:string ;
  script:follows "spice:00001_smm_stories"^^xsd:string ;
  script:hasInput spice:00001_user_img, spice:00001_user_text ;
  script:hasOutput spice:00001_user_web_content ;
  script:isTaskOf "social_media_user"^^xsd:string ;
  script:precedes "spice:00001_cur_selection"^^xsd:string .

  a script:Stage ;
  rdfs:label "Analysis of results the social media campaign"^^xsd:string ;
  script:definesTask spice:00001_cur_selection, spice:00001_dev_annotation .

  a script:Task ;
  rdfs:label "Curators select users' stories to be included in their collection"^^xsd:string ;
  script:follows "spice:00001_user_stories"^^xsd:string ;
  script:hasInput spice:00001_user_web_content ;
  script:hasOutput spice:00001_selected_user_story ;
  script:isTaskOf "curator"^^xsd:string ;
  script:precedes "spice:00001_dev_analysis"^^xsd:string .

  a script:Task ;
  rdfs:label "Developers annotate selected stories with emotions."^^xsd:string ;
  script:follows "spice:00001_cur_selection"^^xsd:string ;
  script:hasInput spice:00001_selected_user_story ;
  script:hasOutput spice:00001_dev_annotation ;
  script:isTaskOf "developer"^^xsd:string ;
  script:precedes "spice:00001_cur_presentation"^^xsd:string .

  a script:Stage ;
  rdfs:label "Presentation of results of the social media campaign"^^xsd:string ;
  script:definesTask spice:00001_cur_presentation .

  a script:Task ;
  rdfs:label "Curators present select users' stories in their online collection"^^xsd:string ;
  script:follows "spice:00001_dev_analysis"^^xsd:string ;
  script:hasInput spice:00001_selected_user_story ;
  script:hasOutput spice:00001_published_user_story ;
  script:isTaskOf "curator"^^xsd:string .

spice:engagement a script:Goal .
spice:expressing a script:Goal .
spice:interaction a script:Goal .