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Prado Artworks and Emotions data #32

Open luigi-asprino opened 3 years ago

luigi-asprino commented 3 years ago

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This Prado's dataset is an excerpt from Wikiart Emotion Dataset [1]. It contains 30 artworks from Prado Museum and 1760 annotations of emotions from 171 different users.

This dataset consists of the following data files:


This file provides the information on the artwork from the original Wikiart Emotion dataset [1] ("WikiArt-info.tsv"), extracted from the WikiArt.org website. Additionally, the dataset is enriched with the Wikidata URLs of the paintings and artists (as long as the entity identifier in Wikidata [4])


This file provides information about the users who annotated the artworks. Age, gender and country are randomly generated according to different reports about the visitors of Prado Museum.


This file provides the annotations by each user for the artworks in PradoHecht_artworks.csv. These annotations are extracted from WikiArt-annotations.csv from the original dataset [1]

According to [1], "each piece of art was annotated with one or more of the twenty emotions:"

Positive gratitude, thankfulness, or indebtedness happiness, calmness, pleasure, or ecstasy humility, modesty, unpretentiousness, or simplicity love or affection optimism, hopefulness, or confidence trust, admiration, respect, dignity, or honor Negative anger, annoyance, or rage arrogance, vanity, hubris, or conceit disgust, dislike, indifference, or hate fear, anxiety, vulnerability, or terror pessimism, cynicism, or lack of confidence regret, guilt, or remorse sadness, pensiveness, loneliness, or grief shame, humiliation, or disgrace
Other or Mixed agreeableness, acceptance, submission, or compliance anticipation, interest, curiosity, suspicion, or vigilance disagreeableness, defiance, conflict, or strife surprise, surrealism, amazement, or confusion shyness, self-consciousness, reserve, or reticence neutral

[1] WikiArt Emotions: An Annotated Dataset of Emotions Evoked by Art. Saif M. Mohammad and Svetlana Kiritchenko. In Proceedings of the 11th Edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC-2018), May 2018, Miyazaki, Japan. [2] Caracterización de los Visitantes del Museo del Prado. Año 2014. (Google Cache) https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjP0q-I7LPqAhWPsBQKHetFCVQQFjABegQIBRAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Festadisticas.tourspain.es%2Fes-ES%2Festadisticas%2Fotrasestadisticas%2Fmuseodelprado%2FAnuales%2FCaracterizaci%25C3%25B3n%2520de%2520los%2520Visitantes%2520del%2520Museo%2520del%2520Prado.%2520%2520A%25C3%25B1o%25202014.pdf&usg=AOvVaw3OINo-0YAGg6FoXPE1gPXX [3] Memoria del Museo del Prado 2015 https://content3.cdnprado.net/doclinks/pdf/museo/memorias/memoria-2015.pdf [4] Wikidata: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Main_Page


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