spice-h2020 / SON

This repository contains the source code of the SPICE Ontology Network
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Emotion Shaver Scenario #33

Open br0ast opened 3 years ago

br0ast commented 3 years ago

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Two users, A and B are dealing with the task of “text answering” for the artwork X. A says that the EmotionEvent “crying” present in this artwork triggers in them the emotion “suffering”. B instead describes this emotion as “unhappiness”. Both suffering and “unhappiness” are then generalized to “Sadness”.

Both suffering and Unhappiness refer to the prototype emotion of Sadness.

Competency Questions

CQ1) Retrieve the prototype emotion from an emotion word.

CQ2) Retrieve the emotion event that triggered an emotional reaction.

CQ3) Retrieve all emotion events that trigger a particular prototype emotion (This question is a way to link different artworks, as to say that artwork might be linked because they portray emotion events that refer to the same prototype emotion).

Ontology/Ontology Design Patterns Relevant for the scenario

Shaver Emotion Ontology re-uses the DOLCE ODP, in particular the class EmotionEvent (In Shaver, emotions are a reaction to an Event) is created as a subclass to DUL.owl#Event. Moreover, the standard emotion module for spice is used as well, in particular the emotion:label data property to describe the emotion events and also the two classes: EmotionWord and PrototypeEmotion are subclasses to e:Emotion. Used as a standalone, the ontology only describes the emotion knowledge theory of Shaver. In order to be correctly applied to spice project it also needs to import the EmotionInCulturalContext module.

SPARQL Questions


PREFIX: shavem: <https://w3id.org/spice/SON/ShaverEmotions/> 
PREFIX e: <https://w3id.org/spice/SON/emotion/> 


?unhappiness a shavem:Unhappiness ;
shavem:refersToPrototypeEmotion ?protEm .

} LIMIT 100 


PREFIX: shavem: <https://w3id.org/spice/SON/ShaverEmotions/> 
PREFIX e: <https://w3id.org/spice/SON/emotion/> 

SELECT ?emoevent WHERE {

?emoevent a shavem:EmotionEvent ;
shavem:triggers ex:unhappinessofA .



PREFIX: shavem: <https://w3id.org/spice/SON/ShaverEmotions/> 
PREFIX e: <https://w3id.org/spice/SON/emotion/> 

SELECT ?emoevent WHERE {

?emoevent a shavem:EmotionEvent ;
shavem:triggers ?emotionword .

?emotionword a shavem:EmotionWord ;
shavem:refersToPrototypeEmotion shavem:Sadness .


Toy Dataset/SPARQL Endpoint
