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Social media data - DMH #35

Open marilenadaquino opened 3 years ago

marilenadaquino commented 3 years ago

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Users publish posts on a Social media platform including (1) pictures depicting artefacts of the Design Museo of Helsinki and (2) a text, including hashtags, describing their visit experience, promoting their opinion on the artefact and the museum.


An exemplar user post including a picture of the artefact, given by the Instagram API (simplified version):

  "id": "1483589240414867377",
  "shortcode": "BSWxI3DhQ-x",
  "timestamp": "1491077641",
  "img_url": "https://instagram.frix7-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t51.2885-15/e35/17662550_400222650340133_8514206888278097920_n.jpg?_nc_ht=instagram.frix7-1.fna.fbcdn.net&_nc_cat=105&_nc_ohc=0F7YwRx_q1kAX-oyhNU&tp=1&oh=95c68633234d34c558507d3bb6ac1c30&oe=603B9290",
  "text": "#helsinki #design",
  "likes": "5",
  "creator": "450979829",
  "artefact_inventory": "36847"

Competency Questions

Ontology/Ontology Design Patterns Relevant for the scenario

SPARQL Questions


PREFIX schema: <http://schema.org/>

CQ1 What type of object is the user-generated data?

SELECT ?class
WHERE { ?post a ?class }

CQ2 When was it published?

SELECT ?date
WHERE { ?post schema:datePublished ?date }

CQ3 What image is associated to the published post?

WHERE { ?post schema:sharedContent ?img }

CQ4 What text is associated to the published post?

SELECT ?text
WHERE { ?post schema:text ?text }

CQ5 How many users liked the published post?

SELECT ?likes
WHERE { ?post schema:interactionStatistic ?int .
  ?int schema:interactionType schema:LikeAction ;  schema:userInteractionCount ?likes }

CQ6 Who created the post?

SELECT ?author
WHERE { ?post schema:author ?author }

CQ7 What is the artefact addressed in the post?

SELECT ?artefact
WHERE { ?post schema:about ?artefact }

Toy Dataset/SPARQL Endpoint

<https://www.instagram.com/p/BSWxI3DhQ-x> a schema:SocialMediaPosting ;
    schema:about <https://w3id.org/spice/dmh/artefact/36847> ;
    schema:author <https://w3id.org/spice/dmh/450979829> ;
    schema:datePublished "2017-04-01T22:14:01"^^xsd:dateTime ;
    schema:interactionStatistic <https://w3id.org/spice/dmh/likes_counter/BSWxI3DhQ-x> ;
    schema:sharedContent <https://instagram.frix7-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t51.2885-15/e35/17662550_400222650340133_8514206888278097920_n.jpg?_nc_ht=instagram.frix7-1.fna.fbcdn.net&_nc_cat=105&_nc_ohc=0F7YwRx_q1kAX-oyhNU&tp=1&oh=95c68633234d34c558507d3bb6ac1c30&oe=603B9290> ;
    schema:text "#helsinki #design" .

<https://w3id.org/spice/dmh/likes_counter/BSWxI3DhQ-x> a schema:InteractionCounter ;
    schema:interactionType schema:LikeAction ;
    schema:userInteractionCount 5 .