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MFOEM Barry Smith Emotion Ontology #36

Open StenDoipanni opened 3 years ago

StenDoipanni commented 3 years ago

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It is not clear how the class Emotion could be linked to a foundational ontology and how it could be formalized: all the useful resources and previous attempts could (should) be kept in consideration, at least as comparison models.


MFOEM Ontology - January 11st 2021 upload https://bioportal.bioontology.org/ontologies/MFOEM/?p=classes&conceptid=http%3A%2F%2Fpurl.obolibrary.org%2Fobo%2FMFOEM_000001

Competency Questions

How could Emotion be represented in a foundational ontology? What is the best superclass to be linked to the Emotion concept? Is this MFOEM cognitive model useful to be compared with others?

Ontology/Ontology Design Patterns Relevant for the scenario


SPARQL Questions


Toy Dataset/SPARQL Endpoint


aldogangemi commented 3 years ago

Thanks Stefano, I didn't know this work of Barry's. While there seem to be some relevant distinctions and a good amount of processes mentioned, the ontology is scarcely axiomatised (mostly a taxonomy). It is also hard to understand (besides examples) the difference between "emotion" ("complex mental process") vs. "mood" ("mental process that involves affect") vs. "subjective feeling" (???) processes. Certainly not a reference cognitive model, but worth comparing to other formal or informal models.