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Artefact description - DMH #38

Open marilenadaquino opened 3 years ago

marilenadaquino commented 3 years ago

Depends on

35 (social media) #20 (script)


The cataloguing description of a design artefact of the Design Museo of Helsinki.


An exemplar artefact from the Design Museum Catalogue

  "inventory": "36847",
  "id": "2708",
  "url_en": "https://collection.designmuseum.fi/en/item/dress-green",
  "title": "Dress (green)",
  "designer": "Maj Kuhlefelt",
  "images_urls": [
  "description_en": "In the 1960s Finnish fashion label, Finn-Flare, previously known as Salon Leninkitukku, boldly aimed at the export market and began to utilize talents of well-known designers such as Marjatta Metsovaara and Maj Kuhlefelt.  ‘Finn-Flare’ was originally Kuhlefelt’s suggested title for a fashion collection, but it ultimately became the company´s namesake and is still in existence today.\n",
  "IG_posts": [

Competency Questions


Ontology/Ontology Design Patterns Relevant for the scenario

SPARQL Questions


PREFIX arco: <https://w3id.org/arco/ontology/arco/> 
PREFIX arco-cd <https://w3id.org/arco/ontology/context-description/> 
PREFIX arco-core: <https://w3id.org/arco/ontology/core/> 
PREFIX dc : <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/> 
PREFIX schema: <http://schema.org/> 

CQ1 What is the inventory number of the artefact?

WHERE { ?artefact arco-cd:hasInventory ?inv . } 

CQ2 What is the title of the artefact?

SELECT ?title
WHERE { ?artefact arco-cd:hasTitle ?title . } 

CQ3 Who is the author to whom the artefact has been attributed?

SELECT ?author
WHERE { ?artefact arco-cd:hasAuthorshipAttribution / arco-cd:hasAttributedAuthor ?author . } 

CQ4 Who is the keeper of the artefact?

SELECT ?keeper
WHERE { ?artefact arco:hasRelatedAgency ?keeper . } 

CQ5 What is the URL of the online cataloguing record?

SELECT ?record
WHERE { ?artefact dc:source ?record . } 

CQ6 What is the URL of an online image of the artefact?

WHERE { ?artefact arco-cd:hasDocumentation ?img . 
   ?img arco-cd:hasDocumentationType <https://w3id.org/spice/doc_type/catalogue_photograph> ; 
            arco-cd:url ?url .

CQ7 What is the curatorial description of the artefact?

SELECT ?desc
WHERE { ?artefact arco-core:description ?desc . } 

CQ8 What are the social media posts that address the artefact at hand?

SELECT ?post
WHERE { ?artefact schema:subjectOf ?post . } 

Toy Dataset/SPARQL Endpoint

<https://w3id.org/spice/dmh/artefact/36847> a arco:CulturalProperty ;
    dc:source <https://collection.designmuseum.fi/en/item/dress-green> ; # online cataloguing record
    schema:subjectOf <https://www.instagram.com/p/BSWxI3DhQ-x> ; # social media posts 
    arco:hasRelatedAgency <https://w3id.org/spice/institute/dmh> ; # keeper
    arco-cd:hasAuthorshipAttribution <https://w3id.org/spice/dmh/artefact/36847_attribution_1> ; # attribution
    arco-cd:hasDocumentation <https://w3id.org/spice/dmh/artefact/36847_img_1> ; 
    arco-cd:hasInventory "36847" ;  # inventory number 
    arco-cd:hasTitle "Dress (green)" ; # title
    arco-core:description """In the 1960s Finnish fashion label, Finn-Flare, previously known as Salon Leninkitukku, boldly aimed at the export market and began to utilize talents of well-known designers such as Marjatta Metsovaara and Maj Kuhlefelt.  ‘Finn-Flare’ was originally Kuhlefelt’s suggested title for a fashion collection, but it ultimately became the company´s namesake and is still in existence today.""" . # curatorial description

<https://w3id.org/spice/dmh/artefact/36847_attribution_1> arco-cd:hasAttributedAuthor <https://w3id.org/spice/dmh/agent/031ff2b1fb358bb064c02871fe6ab132> . 

<https://w3id.org/spice/dmh/agent/031ff2b1fb358bb064c02871fe6ab132> rdfs:label "Maj Kuhlefelt" . # author

<https://w3id.org/spice/dmh/artefact/36847_img_1> arco-cd:hasDocumentationType <https://w3id.org/spice/doc_type/catalogue_photograph> ;
    arco-cd:url <https://designmuseum.api.digimuseum.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/wsi-imageoptim-vihrea21-320x421.jpg> . # online image of the artefact