spicecrm / spicecrm_be_release_core

Release Repository for Core Release SpiceCRM Backend
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Croppie not defined when attempting to upload avatar #5

Open sodakjackman opened 3 years ago

sodakjackman commented 3 years ago
  1. Login as user.
  2. Click on profile icon, profile icon again.
  3. Choose file to upload image.
  4. Click Use.

The following error occurs:

core.umd.min.js?v=9.1.2:236 ERROR ReferenceError: Croppie is not defined at r.eval [as _next] (systemcomponents.js?v=2020.02.001.1598029732220:19) at r.__tryOrUnsub (Subscriber.js:1) at r.next (Subscriber.js:1) at i._next (Subscriber.js:1) at i.next (Subscriber.js:1) at o.eval [as _subscribe] (subscribeToArray.js:1) at o._trySubscribe (Observable.js:1) at o.subscribe (Observable.js:1) at SystemUploadImage.doCrop (systemcomponents.js?v=2020.02.001.1598029732220:19) at Object.eval [as handleEvent] (SystemUploadImage.ngfactory.js:41)

sodakjackman commented 3 years ago

Looks like the default configuration from reference database isn't loaded.

sodakjackman commented 3 years ago

Tried to refresh core package, and I see this error:


sodakjackman commented 3 years ago

{"response":{"success":null,"queries":4910,"errors":["Error: Query Failed: INSERT INTO sysuilibs (id, name, src, rank, version, package) VALUES('1665FA0D-ABEE-40C2-8506-4F699F12C96C','jsbeautify','vendor\\js-beautify\\beautify-html.js','0','2020.01.002','core'): MySQL error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'rank, version, package) VALUES('1665FA0D-ABEE-40C2-8506-4F699F12C96C','jsbeautif' at line 1","Error: Query Failed: INSERT INTO sysuilibs (id, name, src, rank, version, package) VALUES('24930C6C-2F4D-496F-B808-1DD62A405421','googlecharts','https:\/\/www.gstatic.com\/charts\/loader.js','0','2019.06.001','core'): MySQL error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'rank, version, package) VALUES('24930C6C-2F4D-496F-B808-1DD62A405421','googlecha' at line 1","Error: Query Failed: INSERT INTO sysuilibs (id, name, src, rank, version, package) VALUES('2D0AF0B0-3B7B-4B7C-BBE1-B363A6112F2F','croppie','vendor\/croppie\/croppie.js','1','2019.02.001','core'): MySQL error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'rank, version, package) VALUES('2D0AF0B0-3B7B-4B7C-BBE1-B363A6112F2F','croppie',' at line 1","Error: Query Failed: INSERT INTO sysuilibs (id, name, src, rank, version, package) VALUES('36DEEF11-72B6-48D1-BDC7-46664764052D','MarkerClustererPlus','vendor\/google-maps\/MarkerClustererPlus\/MarkerClustererPlus.min.js',NULL,'2020.02.001','core'): MySQL error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'rank, version, package) VALUES('36DEEF11-72B6-48D1-BDC7-46664764052D','MarkerClu' at line 1","Error: Query Failed: INSERT INTO sysuilibs (id, name, src, rank, version, package) VALUES('37c52640-f9fd-11e7-b115-54e1ad2083e4','maps.googleapis','https:\/\/maps.googleapis.com\/maps\/api\/js?key={googleapi.mapskey}&libraries=geometry',NULL,'2018.02.001','core'): MySQL error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'rank, version, package) VALUES('37c52640-f9fd-11e7-b115-54e1ad2083e4','maps.goog' at line 1","Error: Query Failed: INSERT INTO sysuilibs (id, name, src, rank, version, package) VALUES('4f918716-f9fd-11e7-b115-54e1ad2083e4','highcharts','vendor\/highcharts\/highcharts.js','0','2018.02.001','core'): MySQL error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'rank, version, package) VALUES('4f918716-f9fd-11e7-b115-54e1ad2083e4','highchart' at line 1","Error: Query Failed: INSERT INTO sysuilibs (id, name, src, rank, version, package) VALUES('4f91a1f2-f9fd-11e7-b115-54e1ad2083e4','highcharts','vendor\/highcharts\/highcharts-more.js','1','2018.02.001','core'): MySQL error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'rank, version, package) VALUES('4f91a1f2-f9fd-11e7-b115-54e1ad2083e4','highchart' at line 1","Error: Query Failed: INSERT INTO sysuilibs (id, name, src, rank, version, package) VALUES('50210CAE-08F2-4364-ABFD-D45CB4D0D650','QuillEditor','vendor\/QuillEditor\/quill.min.js','0','2020.01.002','core'): MySQL error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'rank, version, package) VALUES('50210CAE-08F2-4364-ABFD-D45CB4D0D650','QuillEdit' at line 1","Error: Query Failed: INSERT INTO sysuilibs (id, name, src, rank, version, package) VALUES('548EC8D7-CCDC-49BE-850B-654F292F9EB3','croppie','vendor\/croppie\/croppie.css','0','2019.02.001','core'): MySQL error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'rank, version, package) VALUES('548EC8D7-CCDC-49BE-850B-654F292F9EB3','croppie',' at line 1","Error: Query Failed: INSERT INTO sysuilibs (id, name, src, rank, version, package) VALUES('5A3A537A-B8B9-4A95-B569-7B284C54331C','cropper','vendor\/cropper\/cropper.min.js','1','2019.10.001','core'): MySQL error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'rank, version, package) VALUES('5A3A537A-B8B9-4A95-B569-7B284C54331C','cropper',' at line 1","Error: Query Failed: INSERT INTO sysuilibs (id, name, src, rank, version, package) VALUES('7C542DE9-75F8-4F46-BA96-CE8686474B57','QuillEditor','vendor\/QuillEditor\/quill.core.css','1','2020.01.002','core'): MySQL error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'rank, version, package) VALUES('7C542DE9-75F8-4F46-BA96-CE8686474B57','QuillEdit' at line 1","Error: Query Failed: INSERT INTO sysuilibs (id, name, src, rank, version, package) VALUES('8C43F2D6-61D1-43A3-AC39-0444391D36AC','cropper','vendor\/cropper\/cropper.min.css','0','2019.10.001','core'): MySQL error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'rank, version, package) VALUES('8C43F2D6-61D1-43A3-AC39-0444391D36AC','cropper',' at line 1","Error: Query Failed: INSERT INTO sysuilibs (id, name, src, rank, version, package) VALUES('aed12b9d-faa3-11e7-a4d1-54e1ad2083e4','js-barcode','vendor\/js-barcode\/JsBarcode.all.min.js',NULL,'2018.02.001','core'): MySQL error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'rank, version, package) VALUES('aed12b9d-faa3-11e7-a4d1-54e1ad2083e4','js-barcod' at line 1","Error: Query Failed: INSERT INTO sysuilibs (id, name, src, rank, version, package) VALUES('aed14543-faa3-11e7-a4d1-54e1ad2083e4','tinymce','vendor\/tinymce\/tinymce.min.js',NULL,'2018.02.001','core'): MySQL error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'rank, version, package) VALUES('aed14543-faa3-11e7-a4d1-54e1ad2083e4','tinymce',' at line 1","Error: Query Failed: INSERT INTO sysuilibs (id, name, src, rank, version, package) VALUES('BFCE5905-492E-40F1-A74D-81A4D8284E9E','QuillEditor','vendor\/QuillEditor\/quill.snow.css','2','2020.01.002','core'): MySQL error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'rank, version, package) VALUES('BFCE5905-492E-40F1-A74D-81A4D8284E9E','QuillEdit' at line 1","Error: Query Failed: INSERT INTO sysuilibs (id, name, src, rank, version, package) VALUES('E4D61C16-B9FB-4C0F-AA84-4C5BDF457FB8','QuillEditor','vendor\/QuillEditor\/image-resize.min.js','3','2020.02.001','core'): MySQL error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'rank, version, package) VALUES('E4D61C16-B9FB-4C0F-AA84-4C5BDF457FB8','QuillEdit' at line 1"],"tables":["sysmodules","sysuimodulerepository","sysuiobjectrepository","sysuiroutes","sysuicomponentsets","sysuicomponentsetscomponents","sysuifieldsets","sysuifieldsetsitems","sysuiactionsets","sysuiactionsetitems","sysuiadmingroups","sysuiadmincomponents","sysuicomponentdefaultconf","sysuicomponentmoduleconf","sysuicopyrules","sysuifieldtypemapping","sysuilibs","sysuirolemodules","sysuiroles","sysuidashboarddashlets","syshooks","sysuiloadtasks","sysuiloadtaskitems","sysmailboxtransports","spiceaclstandardactions","dashboards","dashboardcomponents","spicebeanguides","spicebeanguidestages","spicebeanguidestages_texts"]}}

maretval commented 3 years ago

We are preparing next release, I think it's wise to wait for it.

sodakjackman commented 3 years ago

Name and Rank are reserved words, so need to escape with backticks:


INSERT INTO sodakcrmdev.sysuilibs (`id`, `name`, `src`, `rank`, `version`, `package`) VALUES('aed14543-faa3-11e7-a4d1-54e1ad2083e4','tinymce','vendor/tinymce/tinymce.min.js',NULL,'2018.02.001','core')

sodakjackman commented 3 years ago


Line 267:

            $inserts[] = "INSERT INTO $tb (`" . implode("`, `", $referenceCols) . "`) " .